Pregnant cat. Why do you dream about a pregnant cat? How to decipher strange dreams

Pregnant cat.  Why do you dream about a pregnant cat?  How to decipher strange dreams
Pregnant cat. Why do you dream about a pregnant cat? How to decipher strange dreams

In a dream, a pregnant cat means some changes in life. They can be both bad and good. If a pregnant cat is dreamed of by a young and unmarried girl, then this is for a quick wedding. Such a dream warns parents about possible diseases their children. Often a cat about to give birth symbolizes deception and deceit, manipulation by friends. If the cat is white, then the person will do everything openly. A black cat means hidden intentions.

pregnant cat according to the dream book

If you dreamed of a cat on Thursday, then expect huge disappointment soon. This may be related to a loved one. Perhaps a pregnant cat dreams of betrayal, or maybe separation. If the cat is not alone in your dream, this may mean that you are surrounded by deceitful people. Perhaps they want to use you for personal gain. Or you will be involved in crime.

dreamed of a pregnant cat

A pregnant cat dreams of new ideas. Soon all your plans and goals will come true. This also means that minor quarrels and conflicts have long been forgotten. Therefore, after such a dream, you should try to establish contact with old acquaintances with whom you were in a quarrel.

pregnant cat in a dream what is it for

You dream of a cat with kittens for your next marriage or the birth of your first child. But young mothers should be wary after such a dream. This may indicate serious illness in their children.
If a cat tries to scratch its face in a dream, it means ill-wishers are making efforts to cause harm.
A calico cat means success, but you should not talk about such a dream if you had it on Tuesday. Otherwise, you may be jinxed and instead of luck there will be only problems.

Why do you dream about a pregnant cat?

Pregnant cat in a dream before important event means failure. You should postpone buying an apartment or car for a while, otherwise it may have bad consequences. For a married couple, this may indicate infidelity of one of the spouses.
If the cat is dead, then soon all failures and problems will pass you by. Such a dream could mean a promotion at work, an increase in salary, or a sudden pleasant surprise.

Why does a pregnant cat dream in a dream according to the dream book?


Who dreamed of a pregnant cat?

Who did the pregnant cat dream about?

I dreamed of a pregnant cat and kittens▼

Why do you dream about a pregnant cat and kittens? The dream carries only positive things. It symbolizes warmth and... But this is only provided that the kittens were born from this particular cat.

Where was the pregnant cat in the dream?

Video: Why do you dream about a pregnant cat?

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Did you dream about a pregnant cat, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why a pregnant Cat dreams in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dreamed that I was driving with my dad in the car to walk our cat. We drove up to the lake, she got out of the car and went straight into the water. The water in the lake is clear, I saw that two crocodiles were swimming up to the shore, and our Muska was calmly walking in to them, I saw that she was pregnant. I started shouting to dad that there were crocodiles there, don’t let her in, hold her, but somehow he didn’t react. And Muska went straight into her mouth, I turned away, closed my eyes, heard her squeaking from the crocodile’s mouth, then I cried in the car, we were driving back, I kept thinking that we would tell my mother how bad it would be for her to find out about this, I thought that we had to deceive . At the beginning, when we got off the car, there was another cat with us, I saw her briefly, she also went for a walk there

    I didn't dream big dream It’s like I’m sitting in the living room at home on the floor and stroking a cat, I don’t have a cat, she’s so fluffy, then she gets up and leaves, and I look at her, and she’s pregnant. Why do you dream about a pregnant cat? Thank you in advance.

    my dream begins with the fact that I go into the bedroom of my adult son and am surprised that the wallpaper is re-pasted there and I reason why and who did it, I move the bed and a cat jumps out and hisses and attacks me, but I cannot get rid of it, she seemed to cling to me and then my son’s wife came running to my cry and tore this cat away from me and said, well, she must also be pregnant...... what does that mean?

    I dreamed that I came home and my cat white A cat named Luna climbed up and was always cuddling, and out of habit, I began to stroke her tummy when suddenly something small and hard hit my palm, and then I realized that my cat was pregnant.

    I had a dream that I was walking down the street and bragging that I had a pregnant cat, and my girlfriend followed me and confirmed this, although I knew that I didn’t have a cat at all, and then I come home and look at what’s lying on my bed pure white pregnant cat! And I woke up.

    I dream that I am carrying a pregnant tabby in my arms gray a cat, she kicks a little, and I carry her somewhere upstairs. I go into the room, there is a large bed, the cat runs under the bed and starts scratching. I tell my boyfriend that she wants to go to the toilet, I need to get it. I put my hand under the bed, immediately pull it out and see a small cockroach on the finger where the ring is located , an engagement gift. I brush off a cockroach and there are a lot of them, then big green spiders appear and I wake up sweating... the feeling is still like reality! How to explain??

    Hello, I dreamed of a red pregnant cat that ran into my apartment, and the cat, at first I left the cat in the apartment, then I brought the cat, and her belly was so big, as if she was about to give birth

    Hello Tatyana, I dreamed of a pregnant cat, she was running after me and I lightly kicked her away, she was meowing, looking for a place to give birth, what does this mean, I had a dream this morning, they write different who is good who bad Thank you

    I dreamed of a pregnant cat - my cat. Moreover, it was swollen wide, so that it looked like a square. In the dream, I understood that she was pregnant, although I understood that she had never happened to anyone.

    I dream that I am delivering babies to cats, their fur is dark: gray, black, brown. The dream seemed to run through in a flash, I don’t remember half of it, but I clearly remember these pregnant cats. The dream was from Thursday to Friday.

    Hello! I dreamed of a cat who lives with her in-laws. White with large gray spots. She turned over with her stomach up - her stomach was snow-white, and allowed herself to be stroked by the one who was next to me (I don’t remember who). we discussed that she was most likely pregnant and I understood this. Thank you!

    The pregnant cat was initially aggressive, but then calmed down and became a friend. What is this for? Also in this dream, I chased away a black cat on my doorstep, which I eventually kicked out, Thank you

    At first I dreamed that it was like a black pregnant cat, and then I open a basket or box, another one comes out, but with a white spot on the neck. and it’s as if that black one also becomes with a white spot, the same as the second one. Then I went out somewhere, then came in, and one of these identical cats was lying curled up on the sofa. I wanted to kick them out, but I felt sorry because she was lying so well.

    I dreamed of two pregnant cats. One was fair, bald, with skin lesions, closer to old age, the second was black with good hair, young. Both were homeless and their backs were dirty with something. I wanted to kick them out, or at least for them to go somewhere, because I was afraid that they would dirty me. One thing later they told me that they were pregnant, and it was raining on the streets, I left them. Then I tried using wet wipes to remove the dirt from their backs.

    Hello :-) My name is Olga :-) the cat is black and white, more black in color' I didn't see the pregnant belly, but I knew she was getting it' The pig is also the same color and a little dirt' 'it all happened in a small yard' the cat approached the pig I would have tried to play with her, but the pig took it aggressively and began to beat the cat. At this time I began to scream and defend the cat, but this action did not subside, in the end I approached and, as if realizing that the cat was dead, began to shout at the pig and drive her away, “she is very close she came up, looked at me and walked away, I went up to the cat and cried a lot, starting to realize that it was a dream, I jumped up from the sofa and woke up “’ the dream was so real that I just felt uneasy all day”’ please tell me about it?

    The cat was tricolor (black, red, white) and she looked a lot like my late cat. In the dream there was my daughter (she is 9 years old), whom I constantly asked why our cat is pregnant, who is she pregnant with and what to do with the kittens (drown or give away?????)?

    I left the apartment and went into the elevator, it was kind of dark... I was on the 8th floor. But for some reason the elevator stopped at 6. The door opened and under the stairs lay a cat, black and pregnant, with yellow eyes, she seemed to look at me and smile. The elevator closed and I left. Then the dream continued in the apartment. We sat with my mother, drank tea, etc. That's all.

    as if I were in class... I sit down at a desk, and a pregnant cat is lying on the desk... I slowly begin to stroke her... she opens her eyes, looks at me, then closes them... I quietly touch her belly and feel the kittens moving... cat itself a delicate cream color

    construction workers caught a pregnant rabbit (but it looked like a cat) and handed it over the fence to me, and I took her and went to some building at work to take a photo with her, she was too pregnant, like a big inflated ball a little larger than a basketball! but she behaved calmly, didn’t struggle, didn’t scratch, I can’t say that she liked being dragged somewhere, but in general everything happened peacefully!

    I’m standing on a hill - a gray mountain. I look into the distance ahead, the water is a quiet, calm, not muddy ocean. People are visible floating, I understand that they are doomed, there is no way out. I turn in the other direction, see the ground and leave.

    I dreamed of a pregnant cat, as if she was following me and laying her belly on top and there she had stitches and was rubbing against me, as if asking to remove these stitches, I felt sorry for her and began to remove the stitches and she lay calmly and was even content , but at the end when I began to remove the stitches it became a little difficult, but I removed it and it was like she was breathing something at the end of her stomach and she got up and left, it seemed to me that she was giving birth

    I dreamed about my black cat being pregnant with a dog - a dachshund breed! Near the cat there was blood from her, as if she was bleeding sometimes. The pregnant fetus could be seen as if through the cat, so she determined that she was pregnant with a dog. It was part of the dream, but not the basis. The basis was that I started seeing each other and hanging out with another guy, Kirill, when my boyfriend was in the camp. Kirill began to court me, and I was both against and not against. It immediately occurred to me, what about my boyfriend, I’m cheating on him, and when such a thought came, I immediately found myself in a dark elevator, squeezed into a ball in the corner and holding my head, and then returned back to the series of events. Help me understand this dream, it worries me very much!(

    a gray pregnant cat, young, apparently giving birth for the first time, she didn’t understand what was wrong with her, she asked for help with her eyes, I felt sorry for her, I wrapped her in a warm robe, asked my friend to give me a box where the cat could give birth.

    Hello! I dreamed of a pregnant cat, spotted. Some men wanted to hurt her. I and my boyfriend (but he doesn’t look like himself) are trying to save her. They do something to him and he falls asleep. I grab the cat and they shout that I’m pregnant too. I look at my stomach and it’s true. So big. I start running away from them with the cat in my arms. I run out to people and call for help. And I wake up.

    I have a Siamese cat at home where I used to live, now I live in another city, I dreamed that she was already pregnant with a big belly, I stroked her tummy, she purred. I wasn’t interested in dream books before, but after this dream I started wondering what this was for???) thanks in advance

    Today I dreamed that I gave birth to a baby and at the same time my cat was pregnant, but today for some reason someone in her dream made it clear that the cat was sick.. I had dreams like this earlier this month, and the day before yesterday I dreamed 3 times already that My cat and I got pregnant at the same time. I'm 20 years old and I still love the same person. but at those times the cat was not sick.

    I was in the room and talking with a man; from behind the door I could hear the meowing of many kittens. A small gray striped cat (still a kitten) came up to me, I took her in my arms and felt her tummy, she was pregnant. I consulted with the person who was standing next to me and decided to take her home.

    pregnant cat light color, I touch her belly and feel the kittens in it, I understand that I need to help her. Then I see the water pouring out and I understand that the cat’s water has already broken, I’m in a hurry, I’m worried about the cat... there are some people from somewhere, excitement, bustle, I see someone across the road with a huge light dog, I know that the dog smelled a cat with unborn kittens and rushed towards us, breaking away from its owner. Danger. I’m afraid, and immediately I feverishly figure out what to do... the dog rushes towards us, approaching, and gradually becomes not that big light dog, but a smaller one, and a completely different species. But, approaching us, she bares her teeth, she is angry, I see her teeth. I have a mixture of fear, confusion and a desire inside me to protect the cat - I start hitting the dog with something, I stop being afraid, and at the same time I worry that the cat is stressed...

    I was quickly leaving someone somewhere and a warm-colored multi-colored cat was sitting and she purred and caressed me, I stroked her, she turned over on her back, I began to stroke her stomach and realized that she was pregnant with kittens

    Well, I dreamed that I was walking, as it were, to my home, in places familiar to me, there were also unfamiliar people nearby, but in the dream I knew them, we also, when we were walking home, passed places that were unfamiliar to me, there there was a park, it was kind of dark, and for some reason in the dream there were several opportunities to get out of it, a long path in the form of stairs, then it seemed main exit, and another road, it was smooth and covered with ice, I went down it in a dream, we went out to the houses, all this time I had a gray pregnant cat in my hands, I brought her home! She wanted to leave. but I didn’t let her, I was afraid that she would run away! Then I dreamed of my beloved person, but for some reason we were in bad communication, he was not happy that I was nearby, and then he packed his things and was going to leave, as I understood, I was visiting him, but he lives with my brother and there was some kind of holiday going on and I prepared a salad, My loved one left and I was left alone in the apartment, I was in the kitchen and why should I keep an eye on the cats; there were two of them, black with white paws and a red one) and I all woke up

    I dreamed of a cat, I don’t know how it got into my house, I was surprised there was no cat in the apartment. The cat is young, white and red, at first I didn’t notice that she was pregnant until she stood up, big belly in a small cat. And then I dreamed that I was riding in an elevator with two pregnant women (also young) with large bellies. One went into labor. (I'm 29 years old, I'm married, I have a son)

    I dreamed of a pregnant cat, My child! The doctor said that I was 2 months old and then the cat was lying on the couch. Then I asked the doctor how to get it! and woke up! I don't have children! Do you have a husband! No cat either!

    Hello! I dreamed of a small black kitten with a white spot on its chest. We played with him. I laughed very hard. Then I picked him up and he started licking my face. I poured him milk, he drank and that was the end of the dream.

    Good day.
    On Monday morning I had a dream.
    I don’t remember the details, only one thing remains in my memory:
    I dreamed of a pregnant cat, her belly was transparent, it was clear that inside there were not kittens at all, as it should have been, but a dead (as I guessed in the dream) mouse. the cat was in a lot of pain and I wanted to help her, in a word, to give birth to her. the animal became very weak, and I pressed my hands on its stomach to eventually get rid of the dead body of the mouse. I don’t remember the rest of the dream, but it is precisely this paradoxical moment that worries me very much.

    I dreamed that I was going to my grandmother’s house in the village and carrying a pregnant Koshta in my arms. A neighbor was coming to meet her, she came up, stroked her, and then I ended up at my grandmother’s house, in front of me stood a coffin with my grandfather (on this moment he’s alive). My dad was standing on the side with someone else, I waved hello to them, said hello to my grandfather and went into another room. As I passed him, I saw that he was sitting on a bench and smiling at me, when I walked by, my legs were very numb that I could barely walk. My dad called me and said what took me so long and then I was able to walk normally again. Then I woke up

    One colleague in the cafeteria tells me something about 4 months, then I go up to the 2nd floor (in life I work as a teacher on the 2nd floor), teach a lesson, and here it seems like there is a pregnant cat in the classroom and a kitten nearby.

    I dreamed of my pregnant cat, who had already left home for a week. In my dream, I dreamed that my mother was walking towards me and the cat was following her. My mother told me to go, she gave birth, but she is still pregnant, I went to look at the kittens and there were 2 small pigs and they were not pure pink and with the presence of blue, mom said they would die because they didn’t eat, I caught the cats and took the pigs, I brought them to her, she lay calmly and I fed them and then I woke up in tears because I miss the cat

    I dreamed that I was dating a group of girls and we were all pregnant, some of them knew about them, some didn’t. I’m not pregnant at the moment and I’m divorced. And so I already went to accompany one girl to the minibus, and the path lay past my house, she said let’s go in, I said I want to go to the toilet, and so we came to me, the house was big, beautiful and on the veranda there was a pregnant cat sitting in a chair, she me I waited, I took her in my arms and she began to caress me and purr. Then my friend wanted scrambled eggs. And that’s it, I don’t remember anything else

    The dream began with me and some girls sitting in a cafe. Some of them are familiar, some are not. Everyone, without exception, is pregnant. Then I went to accompany my friend to the minibus; we passed by my house. A friend asked me to come to my place, go to the toilet, we came to me, the house was big, beautiful, a pregnant cat was sitting in a chair on the veranda, she was waiting for me, I went up to her, she climbed into my arms and began to fawn on me. Then my friend wanted scrambled eggs. I don't remember anything else. At this point in my life, I am divorced, not pregnant, and have one child.

    I dreamed that I was pregnant and it was as if I was lying in the hospital and a doctor came up to me and sent me for an ultrasound and there was a cat in my life, I clearly saw then they told me that she was a girl))))) I am pregnant

    I dreamed of my cat, in the dream she was pregnant, I saw how she began to give birth, but she gave birth standing up and behaved as if nothing had happened, first 2 paws appeared and then a kitten, but after them 6 more fell kittens... Then I looked for a place for them and put them in a bed for cats, my cat was sleeping, and the kittens were frolicking, but all the kittens were different in age and size... So I would like to know why this was a dream?

    I dreamed of my pregnant cat, which is actually true. In the dream, I pierced the side of her stomach with my finger (nail) and a small kitten was visible there. The cat bit me, it hurt. But after a while she let go. I was scared, I wanted to do it to her then (as if) a caesarean section. And before that I was bitten by my dog, in the same dream.

    I dreamed that my mother brought a large pregnant cat and kitten into the house. And I started swearing at her because I have Small child and it’s too early to have any animals.

    I had a dream during the day, I dreamed of a gray cat with white stripes, a pregnant cat. and she was pregnant, I tell this cat to come spend the night, and she tells me in a human voice, I want to offer you something else to move from your room to a bigger one..... in general, there’s nothing I didn’t understand. and I’m not going to leave in reality

    I'm staying at my parents' house (which is actually already sold). Parents are in the hall. Also in the hall is the cat Fluffy (who in fact has already died). I seem to be trying to play with him, but, knowing his stern disposition, I’m afraid that he will bite me. I'm tense. At this time I hear a cat grumbling from the basement of the house. At first I don’t attach any importance to this. When I hear it again, I go to the basement, look down, notice movement, and tell my mother - there is someone there. And then I see that it is a cat. Tricolor, white breast. I was terribly surprised. I took her in my arms. She was soft and warm. I felt her tummy. I tell my mom - mom, she's pregnant. The cat didn't scratch. behaved calmly. My aunt said in a dream - you should take it. And I woke up.

    a pregnant cat ran through the garden in the village... and then she gave birth with a large belly filled with milk and protruding nipples...... it stretched straight along the ground. I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday in the morning. I was in the village at that moment.

    I was in the house with my beloved. To us
    A crucian cat came in, striped in color. We wanted to kick her out, but when we got closer we saw that she was pregnant and decided to leave her until we found the owner.

    Hello! I dreamed of a white fluffy cat whose water broke and she came to me. It was morning, I was sleeping. The cat jumped onto the bed, I placed denim under it and began to pet it.

    I dreamed that it was Easter, guests came, brought Easter cakes, and I was still running around with a pregnant cat, I didn’t know where to put her. She had a big belly. I put her on the bed. But either she went somewhere on her own or one of the guests took her somewhere, but I kept looking for her. Then I found a cat in the yard, in some small room- like a chicken coop, on straw. There she calved and there were 2 or 3 small kittens around her. And I woke up.

Why do you dream about a pregnant cat? After a tiring and emotional day, we often have vivid and memorable dreams at night: we can participate in battles, travel, communicate with interesting people and meet pets on the way, and even in interesting position.

Pets in real life They evoke different feelings and emotions in everyone: someone, at the sight of a cat, sighs with tenderness and strives to pet the animal, while someone, from just the sight and smell of a cat, wants to run out and buy allergy pills. The interpretation of a dream about a pregnant cat by trusted interpreters is also ambiguous.

A cat is a mystical animal associated with supernatural forces and the subconscious, and pregnancy always represents new life. In general, this is a good sign for a creative, sophisticated person. The dream predicts new ideas, thoughts, and perhaps the discovery of new talents.

For an accurate interpretation, it is important to notice the nuances and details of the dream - the color, character of the cat, its actions and attitude towards you.

Color of a pregnant cat

A gray cat in a dream often comes to office workers, whose workload, routine and monotony of work causes overwork, loss of strength and pessimism. Such a dream is a sign that it is time to take a vacation and rest from business. Otherwise, a wave of depression and apathy will cover you.

A man dreamed of a red-haired individual - to cunning tricks and deception on the part of your beloved. It's worth taking a closer look and being wary. Black - in most dream books it is not interpreted positively, but if the cat is active, expect success in the business you have begun.

White is an excellent reason to take action. Changes for the better will not keep you waiting.

Colored - dreams of people who are waiting for troublesome affairs, worries, and then a worthy reward for their efforts. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and act.

Animal behavior

Dream books give an interesting interpretation of the behavior of a pregnant cat in a dream. If you dreamed about how he scratches and shows hostility towards you - expect hidden enemies in real life, trust your colleagues less.

A wounded and sick cat in a position is dreamed of by those who have forgotten about their loved ones, and they require attention and care. Angry - to upcoming difficulties and the struggle for family or personal happiness.

A calm and affectionate cat rubbing against you is a sign that it’s time for you to think about rational time management, slow down and play sports, think about proper nutrition, rest.

A sad and offended feline representative indicates your moral exhaustion and mental fatigue. It's time to reconsider life values and set priorities.

I feed, pet, bathe

If a woman feeds an animal, it’s a good sign favorable time for family privacy and romantic dates with a partner. For a man to feed a cat - his promises that he cannot fulfill.

To stroke is to warm up a rival who is trying to take her husband away.

Bathing for a man means that you should be careful in communicating with colleagues and refrain from scandals that could harm your reputation.

For a man, saving a pregnant cat is a sign of your great authority. Leadership skills allow you to be the first among your colleagues and earn the respect and love of relatives.

Losing a cat means losing self-control and will, and being subject to the influence of others. Try not to get involved in unkind and adventurous things.

Interpretation of author's dream books

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

For a man, this indicates insecurity intimate life, complexes and internal experiences about this. A subconscious desire for atypical experiments and fantasies interferes with mutual understanding with a partner.

Dream Book of Gustov Miller

A cat that was thrown under the door and gave birth to kittens - to changes in personal or family life. Most likely you will break up with your partner, but soon you will meet true love.

Watching a cat give birth in a box means changing your values ​​in life. If she was never able to give birth, get ready for difficulties at work and strife with colleagues. A change of employer is possible.

A pregnant animal on green grass is good news. And on your bed or sofa - expect goodness and prosperity. It is not a good sign to see a cat in a fight with a dog - this means meeting an old acquaintance who will bring a lot of problems.

If a cat crosses the road in a position, it means someone is draining you and pumping you out vital energy. Your health and financial situation may deteriorate. Get rid of the energy vampire.

Vanga's Dream Book

Such dreams do not promise anything good. This is a sign of family quarrels, disagreements and clarification of relationships with loved ones. And those who see many pregnant cats in a dream will have to experience shame and humiliation. The feeling of shame will not give you peace.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If in a dream you help a cat give birth, get ready for intrigue with relatives and expect problems in relationships with family members.

Black cat - to unexpected betrayal of friends and close acquaintances, take a close look at their behavior. White is a warning sign - be careful and attentive on the roads, there is a high probability of getting into an accident. Striped color is a pleasant surprise from relatives.

If you saw in a dream how an animal gives birth to large kittens - to the envy of a person who has enormous influence on you. Little kittens were born - reconsider your goals, otherwise your efforts will be in vain. If the animal died during childbirth, get ready for a pleasant, expensive purchase.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If married woman stroking an animal is a sign that you need to act. If everything is not okay in your relationship with your partner, it's time to make contact. For an unmarried woman, such a dream means finding a lover and starting a family.

Many dream interpreters argue that the cat itself is not a very good symbol; it represents an enemy or ill-wisher. But there is no clear opinion about why a pregnant cat dreamed. It all depends on what the animal did in the dream and what it looked like. Therefore, try to remember all the details of what you see.

How does the cat behave?

Dream books give interesting interpretations of how a cat behaves in a dream.

Dreams of men and women

If a man sees a cat in position in his night dreams, he is expected love relationship with a woman who is older than him. The dream says that he may become a victim of someone's game, someone will try to use him to their advantage.

For a young lady, a pregnant cat predicts changes for the better. She may get promoted at work or get married successfully. However, if mothers dream of a cat, they need to be wary. This portends illness in children.

Various dream books

Miller and Meneghetti

According to both authors, the cat is bad sign. A person who sees her in a dream has many dangerous enemies. They only think about how to harm him. In the near future, you need to be alert, take a closer look at your surroundings and not do risky things.

We find another meaning in Menghetti - warning. The dream means that in real life a person is highly dependent on someone, he has an idol who manipulates him and takes away his vitality.

However, if in a dream you drive away a pregnant cat or kill it, the sign changes from minus to plus. This means that you are able to defeat your enemies, beat your competitors and achieve your goal.

Tsvetkova and Vangi

Why does a girl dream of a pregnant cat, according to Tsvetkov’s dream book? If a girl strokes an animal, it means she has there were problems in the family. Now is the time to act to change the situation in better side. If she tries, she will succeed.

If an unmarried lady sees her pussy in position, it means that she (the lady, not the pussy) wants to start a family. Perhaps her wish will soon come true, since the auspicious hour has come.

According to Vanga, one should not expect anything good from a vision. According to the dream book, a pregnant cat in a dream foreshadows quarrels in the family, conflicts and a showdown with the immediate environment. And anyone who sees many pregnant cats will have to endure shame and humiliation.

Other dreams

If you saw in a dream how a cat gives birth to a kitten, then a big scandal awaits you in life; your relationship with your loved one will probably be ruined.

If a pregnant kitty scratches you, then in real life you can get seriously ill. If the animal purrs and caresses, then you can safely look forward to meeting the one you love and miss.

If you see your own animal, expect a surprise from relatives and close friends. You will also receive a gift that will bring you joy.

If you see a neighbor's pet, then expect trouble. A dark period has come in a person’s life; now you shouldn’t rely on luck. If your friend's cat, then soon you will find out a secret that someone is hiding from you.

Stray pregnant cat says what she needs be prepared for bad news. If you saw an animal in your dream that lives at your place of work, you need to be careful with the documentation.

It is also necessary to take into account how the dreamer relates to the cat family. If he loves these creatures, seeing a pregnant cat in a dream means changes for the better. If not, then their appearance predicts problems, difficulties in different areas his life.

Attention, TODAY only!

Sometimes such images visit a person in the astral plane, which is difficult to understand. You start searching in books or the Internet, but nothing comes up. For example, why do you dream of a pregnant cat? Agree, the picture is far from the standards ordinary person. And you can’t just interpret it that way. Interesting? Let's figure it out.

The whole difficulty of our task lies in the fact that pregnancy and a furry pet have completely opposite meanings for almost all dream decipherers. A purring essence in itself does not bode well. Many interpreters associate its appearance in dreams with existing or future troubles. On the other hand, offspring, according to the same authors, has a positive meaning. It portends profit. So try to figure out why a pregnant cat dreams. Maybe your enemies will give you money? Or will you suffer losses but receive compensation? This is approximately the path we will take. This is, in principle, absolutely true. But first, let’s discuss one nuance that is most important in our question.

It is impossible to understand why a pregnant cat dreams if you do not decide on your attitude towards the animal. For one person it is a symbol of a pleasant and affectionate friend, for another - a thief and a rogue. It is from this “stove” that it is proposed to jump in order to understand the essence of the dream. Let's divide our explanation into two parts. The first one is for those who love cats.

No worries expected

These happy people the fluffy beauty, expecting a litter, according to authoritative interpreters, comes to cheer you up. Nothing bad is expected ahead. Most likely, good news will await them one of these days, which is what the cat in the dream is trying to suggest. What does it mean to see an animal caressing and purring? Don't worry either. A certain person for whom you feel sympathy passionately dreams of meeting. An exciting, pleasant event is expected. This dream should prepare you for an unusual and happy adventure. If you saw a cat in the distance, it was lying in the grass or it just flashed by and disappeared, it means that good news will not come soon. Be patient and persevering. Everything has its time. However, this is not a cause for concern.

Fluffy future mom in your case - a sign of goodness and prosperity. It’s especially good when she appears in the dreams of lovers who are worried about reciprocal feelings. This is a signal of reciprocity and imminent happiness.

Worth thinking about

But to see a pregnant cat sick, shabby or dead in a dream is bad. Hopes for a favorable development of events are not destined to come true. This image should be taken as a warning. Something around me changed and became upset. After such a dream, a person should be more attentive to events and people. When you think about why a pregnant cat dreams, be sure to remember all the little things. After all, they can change the meaning of the vision.

If an animal bites or scratches you, then you need to scrupulously watch your words. An awkward joke or wrong metaphor can turn off very important person. This image speaks of the risk of making a mistake; it’s all the more offensive if you make it by accident. Serious troubles threaten the one who saw a sick cat in a dream. Apparently, everyone themselves knows what the illness of a beloved friend means. Someone nearby, dear and important, will need urgent help. You will have to try, despite the loss of energy and time.

For those who don't like cats

The insidious animals “take revenge” on these poor fellows with their visits. The image of a pregnant cat does not bode well for them. Most likely, such a person has made a serious mistake; the animal suggests that the hour of reckoning is approaching. It will be difficult to survive it, because the grief of failure will increase the feeling of complete loneliness. This means that there will be no friend or comrade nearby who is ready to share the grief of defeat. A pregnant cat predicts gossip and judgmental gossip behind your back. It’s even worse if the animal turns out to be sick, lice or lichen. After such a dream, you should stop everything and not make decisions. Wait a while. Mistakes and losses may not be so scary and painful. If a pregnant cat attacks, scratches, bites, then you will not envy the dreamer. He is destined to survive a terrible blow caused by the black betrayal of a close and trusted person.

Dream interpretation: cats

When sorting out such complex visions, be sure to listen to your own intuition. The fact is that even for the terrible opponents of cats, a vision can promise good events. As a rule, this is already inherent in the dream itself. If it is bright and clear, in the morning a person feels rested and cheerful, then there is no need to bother yourself with nonsense. The dream does not carry negative information. Maybe the neighbor's cat will soon give birth, and you will be offered to raise one of her cubs.

It’s bad when the vision turns out to be dark and “sticky” and just won’t leave your head. This must be deciphered, recorded and followed by events. Prophetic dream. Don't brush it off, trying to forget the unpleasant sensations. He came for a reason.