White and brown chicken eggs: which are healthier? There is a difference between brown and white chicken eggs

White and brown chicken eggs: which are healthier? There is a difference between brown and white chicken eggs

Chicken eggs come in white and brown. The opinion that browns are better in every way is very common. So what determines the color of a chicken's egg?

Depending on the breed of chicken, the shell can take on any shade from white to dark brown. But most birds lay white eggs. Chickens that lay brown eggs are less productive and therefore of less interest to poultry farmers. It is advisable to keep them only if the eggs can be sold for more high price.

Shell color poses another special problem. Eggs are candled before sale. In this way, they try to detect unappetizing inclusions, such as blood stains, which may cause rejection by the buyer. With brown shells, blood inclusions are more difficult to detect than with white shells, and it is easier for such products to safely pass pre-sale control and end up on the breakfast table.

The color of the shell does not at all determine the taste or quality features, and the question why chicken eggs different color, you can give 3 different answers. Color depends on:

  • breeds;
  • environmental conditions (air temperature, stressful situations, diseases of chickens);
  • oviposition period.

When asked what determines the color of the yolk, experts gave the following answer.

Previously, when chickens were kept in conditions closer to nature, the yolk became pale yellow in winter and golden yellow in summer. The color of egg yolk depends on the presence of carotenoids in the feed. Carotenoids come in yellow and red hues found in corn, carrots and red peppers. The color of the yolk will not depend on the provitamin A and beta-carotene contained in carrots, but the pigments lutein and xanthophyll give the yolk a bright yellow color.

  • In winter, chickens receive screenings, which are a mixture weeds and waste that is generated when cleaning grain after grinding. This food contains little carotene, and chickens lay eggs with pale yolks.
  • In the summer, they independently search for food in green meadows, and the yolks are colored golden-yellow and red-brown, depending on whether the food is greens or larvae. May beetles.

The ideal country egg contains the light of the summer sun, although the color of the yolk is not an indicator of its naturalness, freshness or dietary value.

Currently, the color of the yolk no longer depends on the time of year.

Natural products have significant drawback, namely: their components do not differ in consistency in quantity and quality. Because of this, to be sure, synthetic carotenoids are mixed into the feed, and this leads to a constant color of the yolk in summer and winter.

Last but not least, formulating food requires intuition. The fact is that the desired golden-yellow color of the yolk is obtained from a composition of red and yellow dyes.

The color of the yolk is a thing in itself: in addition to pigments, its color is also determined by other feed components and factors:

  • antioxidants added for stabilization;
  • proportion of grain in feed;
  • mold poisons;
  • diseases of chickens;
  • medications used to treat chickens;
  • conditions of detention (with daylight or in its absence).

All of the above can be influenced various kinds. And the next time you pick up an egg at breakfast, marvel at it natural miracle and the dexterity of its producers, and it will illuminate you sunlight yolk.

What color eggs taste better?

At one of the agricultural exhibitions, a corresponding survey was carried out, and a third of those surveyed preferred brown, a third - white, and the rest could not decide on their preferences. The consumer is inclined to believe that food products with intense coloring also have a more pronounced taste.

What do the markings on chicken eggs mean?

According to Russian standards, the following markings are applied to the shell or packaging:

  1. The first symbol is the letter D (dietary) painted in red or the letter C (table) painted in blue. Eggs are considered dietary only for 7 days after they are laid, then they become table eggs.
  2. The next symbol is the category, indicated by a number from 1 to 3 or the letters O (selective) or B (highest category).
Category 3 2 1 ABOUT IN
Weight, g 35–44,9 45–54,9 55–64,9 65–74,9 75 and above
Average weight, g 40 50 60 70 80

As an example, the designation C2 marks table eggs of category 2, with an average weight of 50 g. If in a recipe for a culinary dish or cosmetic mask“egg” is indicated, meaning category 2 eggs, although housewives sometimes classify category 1 as “average”.

If desired, the manufacturer can apply the following (optional) marks:

  • your trademark;
  • name of the poultry farm;
  • expiration date with sorting date.

Are there two-colored egg yolks, and why are they possible?

Answer. It happens that the manufacturer, in an effort to maintain the consistency of the yolk color in summer and winter, mixes carotenoids into the chicken feed. With a sudden change in the composition of dyes in a boiled egg, a two-color yolk is discovered.

Does eating eggs increase cholesterol levels and the risk of heart attack?

Answer. In a number of authoritative studies, there is no relationship between the number of eggs eaten, the level of cholesterol in the blood and the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases was not identified. An elderly man is known to have eaten 24 eggs daily for 15 years. The cholesterol level in his blood was below 5 mmol/l.

If an egg smells fishy, ​​does that mean fishmeal was added to the chicken feed?

Some breeds of chickens lay smelly eggs when fed rapeseed, and this applies more to chickens that lay brown eggs. Gives another undesirable taste a large number of acorns, May beetle larvae, onion peel, garlic peel, rutabaga, cabbage, cotton seed, legumes, millet and rye, which are allowed to be used as feed in limited quantities and with preliminary heat treatment.

Answer. At one agricultural exhibition, 3,000 visitors were offered hard-boiled eggs and asked to point out the tastiest ones. Processing the responses revealed that the majority of visitors considered eggs aged 14 days to be the most delicious. Second place was taken by 3-day ones, and 21-day ones were at the end of the list.

How to determine whether an egg is fresh or not?

Answer. The most reliable way to determine the age of eggs is when they are broken: a fresh one has a convex yolk, limited by a dense shell, and two zones are clearly distinguished in the white. In the old one, the white spreads widely, there are no distinct zones in it, and the yolk is flat and soon bursts.

Which contains more protein (protein), the white or the yolk?

Answer. There are fewer proteins in the white than in the yolk, the percentage content is 11 and 16%, respectively, that is, one and a half times more. Why then do bodybuilders prefer whites to yolks? Because there are no fats in the proteins, and there are also 16% of them in the yolks.

The color of the shell is determined by the breed of chicken, and the color of the yolk is determined by the food used to feed them in the last 2 weeks. The color of the shell does not affect the consumer qualities, but the age of the egg can be determined by the color of the yolk and its consistency, possible diseases hen and conditions of its maintenance. The most valuable eggs are those of chickens kept in close natural conditions who received nutritious food.

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You are planning to, say, bake a pie, but you don’t have the main ingredient - eggs. You go to the store, find a rack with the desired product and see that there are chicken eggs different colors, sizes and different prices. Why are some eggs more expensive than others? What is the difference? What eggs should you buy?

Don't panic website He will now quickly tell you what the difference is between chicken eggs and why they are still different colors.

There is an opinion that brown eggs are homemade, and white ones are from the store.

But in fact, the color of the eggs depends on the breed of chickens. Chickens with white feathers lay white eggs, while chickens with brown feathers lay brown eggs. There are breeds that lay spotted and even blue eggs, but such chickens are rarely bred, and therefore such eggs are not often sold.

We decided on the color. What about the benefits?

Despite what they tell you, brown and white eggs have the same amount nutrients, and therefore they are equally useful. True, sometimes the eggshells of some eggs seem harder than others - the reason here will be the age of the chicken. As a rule, young chickens lay eggs with hard shells, while older chickens lay eggs with thinner shells.

Sometimes brown eggs can cost more simply because brown hens are larger than white hens and require more feed. In this case, the manufacturer simply wants to “recoup” the cost of feed.

But sometimes the price difference is justified

Regardless of the color and breed of chicken, each egg (or package) has a stamp. The first digit indicates the category, then the country and manufacturer code are indicated. The date is printed separately.

By the way, about the date. The egg may also have the letter “d” or “s” on it, which means “dietary” or “table”. Simply put, a dietary egg is a very fresh egg (up to 7 days), and a table egg is a little more mature (from 8 to 25 days).

  • C3- 3rd category (from 25 to 44.9 g)
  • C2- 2nd category (from 45 to 54.9 g)
  • C1- 1st category (from 55 to 64.9 g)
  • C0- selected category (from 65 to 74.9 g)

And abnormally giant eggs are awarded a category "B" - highest.

By the way, in recipes for the same pies, the mass of 1 egg is usually considered equal to 40 g, that is, this means a small egg of the 3rd category.

But homemade eggs are really better

So we grab the cheapest fresh eggs from the shelf and run to bake our pie as soon as possible.

What's the difference between brown and white eggs? Which eggs are healthier: brown or white? Which ones taste better?

Are they really white? Or brown?

We sincerely believe that these questions have never become a stumbling block in your kitchen and you have not stopped in confusion to decide which eggs are best for, say, baking! Let's figure out what's true and what's just rumors.

Which eggs are healthier: brown or white?

The fact is that in terms of nutritional value, eggs with both white and brown shells absolutely identical. Both contain useful vitamins and microelements.

It has long been known that regular consumption of eggs affects the condition of hair, vision and has a beneficial effect on the entire body. On average, one egg with a white or Brown contains 80 calories.

Egg cholesterol is perfectly absorbed by the body and has a strictly positive influence. It is found in the yolk and is balanced by lecithin, which is responsible for its further processing. In this case, the color of the eggshell is absolutely not important.

Some people believe that raw eggs are healthier than boiled ones. We will voice only one argument in favor of eggs that have passed heat treatment, - salmonella.

Probably everyone knows about this bacterium, which is often hidden in raw eggs. After they are in boiling water, the salmonella dies. Oh yes! The color of the shell does not play any role.

Diet eggs much healthier than canteens. But does everyone know how they differ from each other?

Conventionally, all eggs can be divided into two categories: dietary eggs will be considered those that are stored at a certain temperature for no more than 7 days, table eggs - those that are stored for 25 days from the moment the chicken laid them. In this case, the color of the eggshell does not matter.

If you think that eggs of different colors absorb the odors of other foods differently, then we tell you - this is a misconception.

Eggs are best stored in special box, because due to the porous structure of the shell, they can actually acquire an uncharacteristic odor. And, as you may have guessed, color does not affect anything.

So is there a difference?

A logical question that has a very obvious answer - none! Both white and brown eggs are absolutely identical in their nutritional characteristics and are excellent for all culinary manipulations. Their color depends only on which chickens lay them: speckled chickens have brown or beige eggs, white ones - white! That's the whole difference.

The next time you start choosing eggs, don’t pay attention to their color, but rather find out the expiration date and estimate the size. This information will be quite sufficient.

We wish you bon appetit!

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You've probably heard rumors about the difference in health benefits between whites and brown eggs. So, many are sure that brown ones are better because of their high nutritional value.

There are people who say that the color of eggs affects the taste of cooked dishes. For example, brown ones are better for cooking open pies, and white ones - cakes.

Is there a difference

Despite all sorts of rumors, the truth is that both brown and white eggs are the same inside, both in nutrition and taste.

In addition, the thickness of the shell of both types of eggs is more or less the same. Slight differences in thickness may occur due to the age of the chickens. The young lay eggs with relatively harder shells.

Where did the rumors come from?

Rumors that brown ones are better are the reason why they sell for higher prices in supermarkets. The general consensus is that if a product is sold at a higher price, it should be best quality. But this belief is not true in the case of eggs.

The reason brown eggs cost more is because hens that lay brown eggs tend to eat more, which means they are fed more, and therefore cost much more to keep than hens that lay white eggs.

Which ones taste better?

There is another common belief: brown eggs taste better, and therefore they are more expensive. However, the difference in taste is also just a myth.

According to nutritionists, color in in this case it does not matter and nutritional value is influenced by completely different factors.

So where does the myth about the superiority of brown and beige eggs come from? And what do you really need to pay attention to when choosing this product?

Let's try to figure it out together.

The most common myths about chicken eggs and the reason for their occurrence

We are already accustomed to the fact that truly high-quality food products cannot cost a penny. Therefore, the fact that today specimens with dark shells have a higher price than light ones did not go unnoticed.

It’s better to pay more, but get the maximum benefit - we think and reach out to the store for a more expensive tray. And then we proudly take it home and assure our loved ones that brown eggs are definitely healthier than cheap white ones. Unfortunately, the stereotype: “More expensive means better” does not work here. The nutritional value light and dark eggs are absolutely the same and the cost has nothing to do with it. Why are we overpaying?

Myth No. 1. The higher the price, the more benefits

Let us immediately reassure you that manufacturers are not trying to deceive us by offering identical products at different prices.

The fact is that breeds of chickens that lay dark eggs tend to be larger and eat more feed. And since maintaining such a bird is more expensive, we are forced to partially compensate the difference from our own pockets.

Myth No. 2. Brown ones look more natural, which means they are environmentally friendly

This misconception comes from our childhood. In the villages, eggs of all shades of terracotta were previously served at the table, and white ones were rather an exception. Why?

The fact is that color eggshells directly related to the plumage of the laying hen. From a bird with a dark or variegated color we will not get white eggs, and from light - brown. In villages, chickens with golden-brown, gray, black or pockmarked plumage previously prevailed, which is due to the peculiarity local breeds. Let's remember our childhood. How many white chickens have we seen on the village streets?

Dark-colored laying hens are in favor for a simple reason: they belong to the meat-egg breeds, while the light-colored birds are egg-laying, that is, you cannot prepare a rich broth from them, and the roast will turn out so-so - without a bright taste. Naturally, V home production It’s better to have “universal” than “specialized” chickens.

So we have a memory that eggs used to be brown, very tasty and healthy (our grandmothers often used them for medicinal purposes).

Today, stores are dominated by products from large poultry farms. White eggs in industrial trays subconsciously seem to be of lower quality. This is true, but it’s not about the color, but about the way of life of laying hens. The villagers walked on fresh air, ate natural food, moved a lot. What do modern birds, who rarely leave their cramped cages, see? Whether they lay white or brown eggs, their products will not be any healthier.

The same applies to the brightness of the yolk. It is more saturated in color in poultry, as opposed to the inhabitants of poultry farms, whose living conditions are far from natural.

Myth No. 3. Brown eggs have thicker and stronger shells

In reality, this indicator depends on the age of the chicken. The younger it is, the stronger the shell will be and vice versa.

No less important is the bird’s lifestyle, its health and diet. No wonder Farmers introduce various calcium-containing supplements as complementary foods.: ground shell rock, chalk, shrimp shells, bone meal. These measures make it possible to increase the density of the shell and make it more resistant to mechanical stress.

But the color has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Let's sum it up

To the question: which eggs are healthier, white or brown, Without hesitation we answer – homemade. Main - .

Because they:

  • Eco-friendly. Chickens in small farms They are free-range, eat natural food, and do not receive chemical stimulants or antibiotics.
  • They have a rich taste and pleasant aroma. Even the simplest dish made from such a product will decorate the family table.
  • Good for the health. Roosters live in poultry houses, so almost all eggs are fertilized and have the “correct” hormonal background, which has a positive effect on our body.

In order not to fall for the bait of unscrupulous sellers who offer store-bought products with erased stamps under the guise of homemade ones, you should only contact trusted housewives.

It is easy to distinguish factory eggs. They are identical in color and size, covered with a smooth, as if polished shell. In domestic eggs, the surface is slightly rough, the shade and shape vary (after all, all laying hens are different), and on the yolk there is a noticeable light spot - the future embryo.

Why are some eggs white and others brown?

We have already said that The color of the shell is influenced by the breed of laying hens. Meat-egg varieties always have dark plumage, egg-bearing varieties have light plumage.

Accordingly, the former lay eggs with brown shells of all shades: from almost beige to brick, and the latter only with white ones.

Finding out exactly which eggs a particular chicken will lay is easy. Just look at her earlobes. If they are light almost white, that is what the shell will be like. If they are deep red, the eggs will turn out brown.

A little biology

The long-lasting terracotta shades are given to the shell by the pigment protoporphyrin. It is produced in the uterine tissues of the laying hen. The longer the egg is formed, the more intense its color, since the pigment is absorbed into the shell for a longer time.

The percentage of protoporphyrin in cells is determined at the genetic level. That's why Chickens lay eggs of the same color throughout their lives, and its shades vary depending on the living conditions of the bird.

Note that brown and white are not the only color options for eggshells.

  • Chickens of the Araucana breed, very popular in the USA and European countries, lay blue and turquoise shade. For this they were even nicknamed “Easter”. The breed got its name from Indian tribe, which, through long selection, has bred unique laying hens whose uterus contains the pigment biliverdin, which gives blue and green colors.
  • Marana laying hens are famous for their “products” with a deep chocolate hue. They were bred in the last century in France.
  • The British breed Legbar can fill our basket with eggs of three colors at once: turquoise, olive and cream.
  • Black chickens of the ancient Asian species Uheiliyu are truly exotic. They lay eggs that not only have a unique light mint color, but also healing properties. An extract from these poultry products can cure anorexia, hormonal disorders, cardiovascular diseases and problems with the immune system.

Regardless of color, eggs of all chicken breeds have approximately the same nutritional value and taste. When purchasing, you should pay attention not to the shade of the shell, but to its cleanliness (there should be no residues chicken droppings or stuck feathers) and lack of gloss. Besides, the size of the egg, its weight and category are important.

The most useful are considered to be small in size, but noticeably heavy specimens. They are laid by young hens. A product marked “1” is recognized as having the most balanced composition.

Now we will definitely choose only the best!