Running for weight loss: how to quickly burn calories. The harm of running to human health is a real fact.

Running for weight loss: how to quickly burn calories.  The harm of running to human health is a real fact.
Running for weight loss: how to quickly burn calories. The harm of running to human health is a real fact.

It happens that the dream of playing sports remains a dream for life. Fitness is expensive, jogging takes a long time, but you still want to take a break from work and spend time with your family. You can come up with a lot of excuses. We know one thing - it’s never too late to start running. Even at 50. But how to do it right? Now we'll tell you!

Mikhail Kravets

trainer of the Fit-n-Go studio network

If you do not have sports experience, then you should not base your programs on famous athletes and runners. For athletes, health is a resource that they spend in the name of achieving sports results, which means their methods can be disastrous for you. Our goal is to improve the quality of life and the health of the body. Therefore, I recommend a more restrained, but no less disciplined approach to planning your own running program.

Remember: the body responds with qualitative changes in better side only consistent and regular physical activity. Therefore, you should run regularly, preferably at the same time and with approximately the same load.

It's better to run on fresh air, away from industrial areas and highways. Since the greatest peak of lung activity, according to circadian cycles, occurs at 6-7 pm, try to exercise at this time. Running in the morning on an empty stomach with your body and central nervous system not yet fully “awakened” will bring you neither pleasure nor the desired result.

Start gradually, you should “run” into any load smoothly, do not set yourself unattainable goals. First, learn to control and measure current results. For example, determine for yourself a comfortable distance that you can cover (one kilometer, two, three, ten), and record the time it takes you to cover it. Record your results and work to improve them within four weeks. Then increase the distance and again work on improving your speed.

Larisa Inozemtseva

candidate of biological sciences, one step away from his first triathlon

The first thing you need to start with is to decide on your motivation, because I don’t think that all people (it doesn’t matter if they are 50 or 30) need to run. Not at all like that. All people need movement - this is true, but it is not at all necessary that this movement will be running. It is a big illusion that now you will decide something by force of will and run. If it were that easy, then all people would be running. The motivation “I want to run” is nonsense, it doesn’t work. For example, my motivation was to become part of a family team. The children participated in Ironman, and before that they wanted to run the Olympic relay - this is a type of triathlon where the distance is shorter than in Ironman. And they took me to the running stage. Actually, I had no choice. That is, today I still don’t run at all, but in seven months I should run 10 kilometers. Now I understand that this is actually nonsense when I already run long distances and half marathons. But then I couldn’t let them down.

Secondly, you need to go to a doctor, anyone you decide to see. It is definitely necessary to measure the pressure, do a cardiogram (if not a cardiogram, then at least for the therapist to listen), and if this is the first experience, especially in adulthood, then it is necessary for either the therapist or the surgeon to look at the condition of the musculoskeletal system - knees, menisci. For example, in men after 40, their knees and menisci are already broken and are no good. Women are a little better, but still there can be real problems, and running just like that, at random, is wrong. In addition, at this age, people who have not taken care of their fitness have a lot of all sorts of restrictions: some have high sugar, most probably have bad cholesterol, obesity, and so on.

Let's assume that there is motivation and there is no medical contraindications, then we move on to the third point - go and buy sportswear and sneakers. For example, I started running in the sneakers I wore to the gym. Now I already know that they don’t fit at all, but then - that’s what happened, that’s what I went with.

And the fourth point: you don’t need to run away right away. First you just need to walk for quite a long time. I am an active person, it’s easy for me to walk, but even for a while, about two weeks, I just walked quickly, because when I ran 200 meters for the first time, the tongue was on my shoulder, and I looked as if I had just come out of a bath. Later, when I began to become interested in all this, I realized that I had done everything right: you need to start with normal walking - for some from 500 meters, for others from a kilometer, and for others from two. Let's go, run 100-200 meters (as much as you can) and go again. This trains the cardiovascular system and builds endurance. Walking will at least keep you in this mode, because otherwise, if you run a kilometer, then on the second or third day it will be difficult to get out of bed, all your muscles will ache, your legs will be filled with lead, clogged with lactate, and nothing good will come of it .

Some people may find it more comfortable to start running with indoor training. A treadmill or elliptical will help you start developing your muscles and prepare your body for future loads, while you will always be able to control your pace.

Dina Protsenko

on first-name basis with a treadmill at 57 years old

I have long wanted to take my body more seriously. In general, I try to take care of myself: I don’t eat junk food, don’t drink alcohol and don’t smoke. It was thanks to moderation in food that I was able to “maintain” my weight. But over the years this became not enough. I tried to lead an active lifestyle, but never played sports systematically. At first I was too busy raising children, then working... And on the occasion of my retirement, I gave myself a gift - an annual subscription to the Fitness Territory fitness club. Before being allowed to use the simulators, I was carefully examined: they checked my pulse, blood pressure, and asked about my lifestyle. Then the trainer told me and showed me which exercises and machines were suitable for me. That's how my studies began. And although I have been going to the club for more than two years, the coaching supervision is constant over me. And I am very pleased with such attention! Of course, compared to the bulk of visitors, my workouts don’t look as intense, but I’m still very pleased with myself. Cardio exercises give me feeling great and a great mood, and at my age this is the most important thing.

The benefits of running at any age are the same: without constant stress, muscles weaken. Strength and endurance decrease, neuro-reflex connections are disrupted, which leads to disruption of activity nervous system(vegetative-vascular dystonia and depression develop), metabolism is disrupted. Over time, due to physical inactivity, changes occur in the musculoskeletal system. Running helps solve these and other individual problems.

Tatiana Koreneva

instructor-methodologist PlazaSpaHotels

Running is a serious physical activity that is not suitable for everyone, even young and healthy people. When running, it is extremely important to objectively assess your capabilities and select the load in accordance with your physical condition.

If a person is well prepared, regularly plays sports and correctly assesses his capabilities, then he can continue to run at the age of 50. If an unprepared person decides to take care of himself in adulthood, then I would recommend more gentle, but no less effective loads. So, we can talk about Nordic walking. This area of ​​physical activity is quite young and is rapidly gaining popularity today.

Nordic walking- dynamic load, which involves rhythmic movements using poles resembling ski poles. So, in addition to the usual step, the athlete increases the load by actively moving his arms and leaning on the sticks. This type physical activity is perfect for people over 50. Nordic walking develops muscles, helps the respiratory system, and also trains the cardiovascular system.

There are usually three reasons why people most often give up running: physical - difficult, psychological - difficult, physical-psychological - very difficult. The third option is when you are running, your side begins to hurt, your legs, everything in general, and very tempting thoughts immediately appear in your head to give up all this and go do something socially useful. You are also an integral part of society, right? And here the most important thing is not to leave the race. It is for this that you need to start correctly and follow not only those rules that relate to your physical condition and will help you avoid injuries, but also those that support the right psychological attitude.

Walk a lot. So many

As it usually happens. Put on sneakers and sportswear, go outside or treadmill and... you start with high speed, as a result of which you run out of breath literally after 500 m, gasping for air and twisting from.

How it should be. Anyone can become a runner. Running is our innate ability, we just need to remember how to do it correctly. New York trainer Gordon Bakoulis advises starting slow and building up gradually, or even better, starting with walking! Just walk a lot. If you can’t do it on weekdays because of work, then do it at least on weekends.

Then you can start running at a very slow pace, alternating between running and walking. The pace should be such that you can talk throughout the entire run. As soon as you start to feel out of breath, slow down or start walking. The number of trainings is three times a week. Over time, you can increase them up to 4-5 times.

10 week running and walking plan:

  1. 2 minutes running, 4 minutes walking.
  2. 3 minutes running, 3 minutes walking.
  3. 4 minutes running, 2 minutes walking.
  4. 5 minutes running, 3 minutes walking.
  5. 7 minutes running, 3 minutes walking.
  6. 8 minutes running, 2 minutes walking.
  7. 9 minutes running, 1 minute walking.
  8. 13 minutes running, 2 minutes walking.
  9. 14 minutes running, 1 minute walking.
  10. Run all the time.

Start and end each run with a 5-minute walk. If you feel tired before finishing your workout as planned, you either went at a pace that was too fast, chose a workout that was too difficult, or ran for too long. Reconsider your plan and choose something easier. And don't worry, even if you move a little faster than just walking - you are already a runner.

Always warm up well before training

Makes training easier so you can run longer, reducing the risk of injury to a minimum.

Plus, warming up is about much more than just activating muscles and increasing blood flow. It also triggers our neuromuscular system, which is how the brain tells our muscles to contract and get ready to run. Our body begins to actively produce fat-burning enzymes, which, in turn, help our aerobic system work more efficiently. The synovial fluid heats up, which helps lubricate the joints.

During a cool-down, our body cools down and all our systems return to normal operation. An abrupt stop has a negative impact on the health of the cardiovascular system. To slow down this way, just walk for a couple of minutes after finishing your run. As for, if time is really short, you can do it at home before bed.

Unfortunately, not only beginners, but also those who gave themselves a second chance to become a runner after the first failure, ignore warm-up and cool-down, citing lack of time and not understanding how important it is for training as a whole and wellness both during and after running.

Alternate between different running surfaces

Many runners don’t even think about the fact that variety in running can be introduced not only by changing the pace, but also by changing the surface. Each surface brings something different, and our body adapts to it. For example, one week you can run. The second - along the asphalt sidewalks of your area. On the next one, you can try running on dirt paths in the park, which then change to beach sand. What you shouldn't run on is concrete, since even asphalt has at least a little spring. Concrete is absolutely hard and does not absorb foot impacts at all. Your feet will feel the full force of the impact on this running surface, which can lead to injury.

Watch your body position

The quality of your running depends not only on how fast you move your legs, but also on the work of all other parts of your body.

Head. The gaze should be directed forward. The chin should not be pressed to the chest or, on the contrary, pulled forward.

Shoulders. Everything is very simple here: they must be relaxed. Many runners strain them, which causes physical fatigue and slows down their running pace. If you feel that your shoulders are tense, simply shake your hands and try to relax them. Remember this position and try to keep your shoulders relaxed until the end of the workout.

Hands. Your legs do what your hands tell them to do. Remember this and try to work with your arms so that your legs run nice and straight. This means that the arms should move like a swing - back and forth - with good amplitude. Do not press them to your body with your elbows or swing them from side to side. Elbows should form a 90-degree angle, hands slightly clenched into fists, fingers slightly touching palms.

Frame. It must be held straight, avoiding tilting forward or backward.

Hips. Must be carried forward and straight by the muscles. Do not throw them back or wiggle them from side to side.

Legs and feet. Your feet should spring as they push off the ground. Landing should be on the middle of the foot, not on the toe or heel. You need to push off with the part of your foot where the ball of the foot is located. thumb. It's like you're rolling rather than hitting the ground with your heel. And don't take big steps! Perfect option: The impact of your foot on the surface should be directly under your body.

Move forward slowly but surely

The phrase “Go slowly” is perfect for running. If you want to learn how to run fast and for a long time, you should never rush. A classic mistake not only for beginners, but also for those who started running after a break, is to increase the pace or distance too quickly.

Remember the golden rule of ten percent: each week increase your distance or speed by 10% over the previous week.

For example, if in the first week total time training was 90 minutes, which means that in the second week you can safely run 9 minutes longer. Only for 9 minutes, not 20 or 30!

The same applies to the distance: the first week - 12 km, the second week - 13.2 km.

Add variety

Every runner periodically loses inspiration and running becomes boring. What to do? Find various ways. The good news is that there are quite a few of these methods and everyone can choose the one that suits them specifically.

Music. Bored of running around just with your thoughts? Create a playlist of your favorite tracks and enjoy the music. The main thing is to remember that we unconsciously adjust our running pace to the rhythm of the music, so either watch yourself or choose special playlists for runners taking into account cadence (frequency). If you don't like the music, you can listen to your favorite podcasts or audiobooks.

A group of like-minded people. If you're bored of running alone, find friends who are willing to support your running endeavors or join a running club. Running will become more fun, and responsibility will appear. Now you are unlikely to be able to find 101 excuses why you should stay in a warm bed at six in the morning and not go for a run if your friends are already waiting for you on the street.

Running diary. This is an option for those who like keeping observation diaries and studying statistical data. Tracking your progress and learning about the processes and circumstances that influence your running performance can be a motivator. After all, now you don’t just run, but you can track your progress, study the factors that influence it, draw appropriate conclusions and make adjustments necessary to improve your results. This can be done using or whole social networks health.

Meditation. Another way to add variety to your runs is to include mindful meditation. You learn to listen to your body, understand your sensations and use all this for your own purposes, and also pay attention to the world: sounds of nature, smells, landscapes. Helps a lot when running long distances.

Remember it's never too late to start running

Never think that it’s too late to start running at your age. Run ! No one is asking you to have the speed of a sprinter or the endurance of an ultramarathoner. This can be jogging, turning into walking. It doesn't matter what others think of you. Don't be afraid to look ridiculous compared to more experienced runners. The main thing is that it is non-traumatic, maintains your health and brings you pleasure. Everything else is secondary!

The weather is getting better, the sun comes out from behind the clouds and now you are putting on your brand new sneakers and running headlong for a jog in the nearest park, not even thinking about the benefits of running for your health. Stop! That's not you! I see you lying on the sofa with a laptop in your hands, your old favorite tights hanging in the closet (special leggings for running - author’s note), sneakers have been collecting dust on the shelf for a long time and you are asking yourself the question: “Should I even start running?” .

It’s definitely worth it and I want to tell you why running is necessary for our body and what the true irreplaceable benefits of running are.

10 reasons to start running

Reason 1. The health benefits of running.

Running is considered one of the most effective and drug-free ways to charge your body with oxygen and get your health in order. Running training has a very good effect on the heart and blood vessels, reducing the likelihood of developing breast cancer in women and lung cancer. And in general, the development of cancer cells in the human body is reduced.

While running, the heart begins to actively pump blood to all organs of your body, due to which all sorts of toxins do not have time to accumulate in the vessels. Physical activity during jogging also affects the joints, they become stronger and less susceptible to disease, while you need to follow all the instructions for the correct running technique, and there are quite a few of them!

Reason 2. Energy and vigor for the whole day.

People who are fond of running consider it an undeniable source of their vital energy, because while jogging, the muscles and all organs in your body will be saturated with oxygen, which gives you a burst of energy. When I started running, I thought: “How can you be energetic and happy when you ran a whole 5 km, and even without rest. This is impossible!"

But after a run, I feel much better, there is a new charge of energy and a surge of strength, it feels as if, along with sweat, everything that kept me from being healthy and strong all this time came out of me. This is why morning jogging before the workday is so popular - you want to move mountains after such a morning.

Reason 3. Running is a source of good mood.

Your mood increases in proportion to your distance. During a long run, you get a second wind, the main thing is not to overdo the mileage. After 40 minutes of running, you feel like a superman, you feel like you can do more than you suspected. While running, correct and positive thoughts come to you, you begin to understand and realize the real health benefits of running.

Also, during exercise, the level of endorphins in the blood increases, which are responsible for a good mood. In my opinion, there is a direct pattern: if you want a good mood, run!

Well, when, after a week of regular jogging, you see changes in your body and on the scales, your mood will improve even more.

Reason 4. Brain performance.

Any physical activity, including running, improves brain performance. Your memory becomes much better, while running you come up with solutions to long-unsolved problems.

People, overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of big cities, find salvation in a treadmill or a country forest. You can calmly run around there and not think about anything unnecessary, you just have to try once, and you will no longer be able to be distracted in any other way and find solutions to work issues or resolve family troubles.

Reason 5. The benefits of running for your figure.

People who want to lose weight first resort to running, and this is not without reason.

Cardio training is very important at the stage of losing extra pounds, and running is the most fat-burning method in the fight for a beautiful figure. During such training, more calories are burned than during any other type of exercise, with the exception of cross-country skiing, probably.

Without cardio loads, not one is the same effective diet or drying won't work desired result, because during cardio you sweat, which means harmful toxins and water come out, which is the cause excess weight and cellulite in women.

Reason 6. You become more resilient.

While running, your endurance is pumped up very effectively, you constantly force your heart to pump blood to all organs, your lungs work continuously and thereby create the potential for increasing physical strength.

Every day, adding kilometers and minutes of jogging, covering new distances and accelerating in time, it will be easier and easier for you to run and lift dumbbells in the gym, and the stairs up to the ninth floor will seem like an easy workout.

Reason 7. Good Metabolism.

Jogging, especially in the morning, triggers metabolism in our body, and therefore improves metabolism. The sweat produced during jogging removes toxins that our body does not need and the metabolism begins to work more efficiently. And due to the fact that almost all muscle groups are loaded, every cell of your body begins to receive the necessary substances for better circulation.

Reason 8. The benefits of running for muscles.

Running as a sport has a very good effect on the tone of your muscles, even if there is no need to lose weight, you can simply get in shape, relief will appear on your whole body and you will be able to see your six-pack on your stomach. This happens due to the fact that oxygen is actively entering the body, the muscles receive it in full and their quality improves.

Another life hack for female runners: they don’t have cellulite. Oxygen enters and renews the skin so quickly that it becomes elastic and firm, just like cellulite.

Reason 9. Quality of life improves.

Now at the pace big cities and the desire to grab the best piece of the pie, we lose ourselves, we are overwhelmed by stress and life no longer seems so sweet and pleasant. To avoid depression, people find new activities or new social circles, but this is not so simple.

Running has become so popular that entire communities of runners, interest clubs and much more are being created. You can easily sign up for any of them in your city and start running with like-minded people.

Buy beautiful sneakers and fashionable sports equipment and run. Let running training be a kind of social outing and a place for you to meet new people. In addition, this is a great chance to find your soulmate with the same hobbies.

Reason 10. Discipline.

What you've been missing for a long time is discipline. The reluctance to get off the couch and start changing your life is what’s stopping you. Yes, this is work on yourself, work on laziness, but you can do it if you understand how much your life can change.

After running for another month, in the mornings before work or coming to the gym on time to take the track, you will not make running your lifelong hobby, but you will learn to get up in the morning, overcome yourself and your laziness. With the ability to achieve results will come new victories, victories over yourself, victories at work and in your personal life.

Now you have at least 10 reasons to start running. Don’t put off this pleasant process, start today. You will quickly notice how much better your life as a whole will become: new interests will come to you, new goals will appear, and perhaps you will want to run a half-marathon or even a marathon! And now you know what the benefits of running are, but don’t forget that you have all this too - you just need to start!

“Soviet Sport” tells you how to start running correctly so that you don’t regret it later.

If you are reading these lines, then most likely you have already decided to start running. This means it’s hardly worth talking about the benefits that running brings. So let's get straight to the point.

Never believe those who say you just need to go outside and run. This will not only be of no benefit, but in the long run it may even harm your health. First, you need to spend a couple of minutes to familiarize yourself with the theory, and only then start practicing.

Running technique

The most important thing in running technique, of course, is footwork. Most novice runners make the same mistake - when running, they land their foot directly on their heel.

Yes, we run like that Everyday life over short distances. This is unlikely to cause harm to health. But, if we want to run 5-10 kilometers, or even more, we need to start running correctly.

The foot should be placed on the ground, starting with the toe, gradually resting on the rest of the foot. This cushions our step, softening the impact of the asphalt.

Otherwise, running will be dangerous for your knees. When landing hard on the heel, it is on the knees that the rest of the massatela falls. They act as shock absorbers, gradually using up their resources.

It is also important to monitor your posture—run without slouching. Your own body will tell you the rest. correct technique running: position and hand movements, breathing, pace.

You will use your hands to maintain balance while running. You can use both your mouth and nose to breathe. It is important not to hold your breath and not interrupt it so that the body has a constant flow of oxygen. To begin with, you need to choose a pace that is not too burdensome. As you practice running, you will learn to control it and set new goals for yourself.

Running conditions

Having understood how to run, you need to solve a few more important questions: when, where and what should you run in?

First, let's decide on the time when we will run. This could be morning, afternoon, or evening. It is best, of course, to run in the morning. Jogging will help the body wake up, and the energy accumulated during sleep will allow you to carry out your plans and not become exhausted. In addition, it is better to run either on an empty stomach or two to three hours after eating. This way you won’t ruin your digestion and won’t feel heavy while jogging. If you can’t run in the morning, then the afternoon and even the evening will do. In this case, it is important to monitor how running affects sleep. If after a run you cannot fall asleep for a long time, then it is better to reschedule it for another time.

It is important to choose a place where we will run. Would be perfect playground with treadmills. The main advantage here is not even that we can measure the distance, but in the rubberized shock-absorbing coating, which will allow us to run in a mode that is gentle on our health and will help smooth out some flaws in technology. Paths trodden in parks and forests are also suitable for jogging - the earth is also an excellent shock absorber. You just need to carefully monitor the bumps so as not to twist your leg. Asphalt is the most harmful surface for running. But for lack of anything better, we have to run around it.

The gym is also a good place for running. But, if you have the opportunity to go for a run outdoors, it is better to give preference to her. The air inside is drier and contains less oxygen. You will get tired faster and sweat more. But there will be a shower at hand.

The third question is what to run in. Clothing should not restrict movement. Otherwise, the choice is limited only by your imagination. It is necessary to approach the choice of shoes with special attention. Although they say that you can run in any comfortable shoes, this is not entirely true. It’s better to immediately buy special running shoes that fit you perfectly. They will be stable, durable and designed so that running causes minimal harm to health. For winter jogging, it is important to choose clothes so that you are neither cold nor hot in them. In the first case, there is a risk of getting sick, in the second - overheating and even leading your body to dehydration.

Nowadays, a huge variety of running accessories are sold. They can measure distance, pace, number of steps taken, heart rate, elevation change and much more. But for beginners, a regular smartphone is suitable, on which you can install one of the special running applications. They will help you find out how far you have run, the total running time, and the pace of covering one kilometer. Such an application can even draw a map of your runs, created using GPS satellites.

Running has recently become increasingly popular due to its ability to be practiced almost anywhere. You don’t need anything other than good athletic shape, a great mood and a desire to be healthy. Sooner or later, joggers begin to wonder whether running every day is good for them and whether it will cause harm.

Should you run every day?

Running represents physical activity, which trains not only the heart and legs, but also the musculoskeletal system, lungs and other vital important systems body.

The speed, pace and time of jogging are determined individually depending on the results that need to be achieved and physical training runner. It is generally accepted that jogging in combination with exercise must be done in the morning. However, such a time is only suitable for those who go to bed and get up early. For those who like to stay up late at night, such activities can have a negative impact on the heart. In this case, it is better to run in the evening 2-3 hours before bed. Having decided on the time, you can start daily jogging. The best option, if they last from 30 to 50 minutes.

Particularly zealous runners may be interested in the question of the possibility of daily jogging both in the morning and in the evening. Such a load can only be afforded by a person with very good health. This option is acceptable in the absence of acute and chronic diseases.

Another question that worries many is whether it is possible to run every day with flat feet. When you get sick, you need to exercise your legs, and running will be a great help in this. When jogging, the foot is placed from toe to heel; do not forget about frequent stops. If you have flat feet, you should start running from a short distance, gradually increasing it.

Run every day to lose weight

While jogging, blood circulation increases significantly, which is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The skin acquires tone and elasticity. The work of the lungs is activated, the hormone of joy (endorphin) is released. Bones and muscles are strengthened. The body increases metabolism and burns excess fat. That is why those who want to make their body slim and fit do running. By adjusting the speed, the runner provides the body with a good strength training.

Running helps to significantly reduce fat mass. To achieve the desired result, classes must be regular. You need to run every day, and if not possible, at least three times a week. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with various diets. After all, it is known that a kilogram of fat is about 8,000 calories. One jog, depending on the speed and type, can remove approximately 500 calories. Don't forget about the weight that will come off with water.

Despite the mass positive points, the body needs to be prepared for daily jogging. Tobacco and alcohol lovers should remember that frequent shortness of breath will not allow them to fully enjoy the experience. Healthy image life and bad habits incompatible.

Eating is acceptable, but not just before class. It is better to give preference to cereals, vegetables or fruits. And don’t forget about a good warm-up, which will warm up the body, eliminating the possibility of injury or sprain.

Comfortable clothes and shoes that do not restrict movement will make your jogging comfortable. Water will saturate the body and prevent dehydration.

From the above, we can note the benefits that daily running has:

  1. Slender beautiful body. Jogging burns unnecessary calories, helping you keep your weight under control.
  2. Healthy heart. By training the heart muscle, running reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
  3. Youth. It has been scientifically proven that phenomena occurring in the body slow down the process of natural aging.
  4. Healthy pulmonary system. Properly functioning lungs improve quality of life.
  5. Good digestion. Running promotes better absorption of nutrients.
  6. Great mood. Jogging can cope with any bad thoughts by increasing endorphins in the blood.
  7. Healthy skeletal system. Running strengthens bones, helping to avoid osteoporosis and arthritis.
  8. Healthy deep sleep. An evening jog in the fresh air will help you fall asleep faster.

Take your health into your own hands. Feel your body and run for fun.