Barberry: caring for the shrub and rules for growing it. Common barberry, description, varieties and cultivation basics. What year does barberry bloom?

Barberry: caring for the shrub and rules for growing it.  Common barberry, description, varieties and cultivation basics. What year does barberry bloom?
Barberry: caring for the shrub and rules for growing it. Common barberry, description, varieties and cultivation basics. What year does barberry bloom?

Barberry (lat. Berberis) is a perennial prickly shrubby plant from the barberry family, bearing edible bright red berries. It grows wild mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. The plant reaches an average height of 2-2.5 m. It has spiny shoots and simple serrated leaves. Lives for several decades. It begins to bear fruit in the third or fourth year of life. From one bush you can collect up to 13 kg of berries.

The plant has a number of beneficial properties. The berries are rich in vitamin C. The leaves contain malic acid, vitamins C, E. Oil is extracted from the seeds. The bark and roots are used as a yellow dye.

Did you know? Barberry is grown as an ornamental, medicinal, melliferous and dyeing crop. The berries of this plant are used to make sweets: jelly, caramel, jam, juice, and also as a seasoning.

About 500 species of barberry shrubs are known to exist, including evergreen and deciduous specimens. Of these, 45 varieties of barberry have been introduced in many countries. This article contains helpful information about barberry and a description of the most popular decorative species and varieties.

Amur barberry (Berberis amurensis)

Amur barberry grows 3.5 m. It has a widely spreading crown and large foliage - up to 5-8 cm in length, which has different colors depending on the time of year. In spring it is bright green, in autumn it is yellow or red. The shoots of this species are prickly and yellow-gray in color. The plant blooms in May with inflorescences up to 10 cm long, containing 10-25 yellow flowers. It begins to bloom at the age of one year. The fruits appear at the age of four. Barberry bears fruit in the fall - the berries are oblong, red with shine, 1 cm in diameter.
Amur barberry, like most varieties of this crop, is unpretentious, its cultivation is not particularly hassle. It can grow on any soil. Tolerates frost, heat and drought well. Resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew. Moderately resistant to rust and fusarium.

It is preferred to be used for growing tall hedges. It looks beautiful as a solitaire. It also goes well with other plants in group plantings.

The most popular varieties Amur barberry are Orpheus and Japonica. Orpheus represents compact bush small size(up to 1 m in height), with light leaves. It doesn't bloom. Japonica is beautiful thanks to its wide leaves and long yellow inflorescences, drooping in the form of a brush.

Canadian barberry (Berberis canadensis)

Native North America Canadian barberry is a tall, spreading shrub, reaching a height of 2.5 m and a diameter of 1.6-1.8 m. Its shoots are brown and dark red. The leaves are small, 2-5 cm long, oval. Beginning in May, barberry blooms with yellow inflorescences for a week. Fruits abundantly, with red berries 0.9 cm long. The fruits ripen at the end of September. In appearance, the “Canadian” is similar to the common barberry.

Did you know? Barberry is also called sorrel, kislyanka, paklun.

"Canadian" loves to grow on sunny areas, in the shade it becomes less decorative. Does not present special requirements to the composition of the soil. Frost-resistant, tolerates dry periods well.

In the homeland of this variety, the Declinata varieties, with purple shoots and crimson fruits, are especially popular; Oxyphylla, Rederiana, with red branches.

Korean barberry (Berberis koreana)

This type spread from the mountains of the Korean Peninsula. Its bushes are quite tall - they can be over 2 m. The leaves are red. The flowers are fragrant, collected in brushes of 15-20 pieces. The fruits are small, spherical, 1 cm in diameter. The species is drought-resistant. Easily survives the heat.
The disadvantages of Korean barberry include the fact that in frosty winters its tops freeze, it is susceptible to rust, and does not tolerate spring thaws well.

Barberry (Berberis nummularia)

Coin barberry is native to Asia. Heat-loving. Belongs to deciduous species. Young plants often freeze and for a long time recovering from frostbite. The crown of these shrubs grows well, reaches maximum height 2 m. The shoots have large spines - up to 3 cm in length. The branches are painted red. Blooms bright yellow from late June to early July. Fruits in the second half of September with small fruits up to 1 cm in diameter bright red.
In addition to the fact that this species cannot boast of frost resistance, it also does not tolerate excessive humidity - it gets damp and gets wet when water stagnates. Often affected by rust.

Important! Barberry should not be planted close to grain crops. It is an intermediate host for the fungus that causes linear rust, which attacks these plants.

Common barberry (Berberis vulgaris)

Shrubs of this variety of barberry grow up to 2.5 m. Their shoots are prickly, yellow-brown in color, diverging from the stem to different sides in the form of arcs. The leaves have a dark green color, their lower part has a gray tint. In autumn they turn yellow. Flowering occurs in May - June. Inflorescences are racemose, drooping, fragrant, yellow color. The bush bears fruit in the fall with beautiful oblong berries of sour color, 1.2 cm in size. The bushes retain their decorative value for a long time due to the fact that the fruits fall only after a long time.

Common barberry is characterized by frost and drought resistance and good tolerance to air pollution.
It loves light, but can tolerate light shade. The plant is practically not demanding on the composition of the soil. However, it grows best in light, non-acidic soils. It tolerates pruning well, recovers easily after this procedure, and produces abundant growth. It is propagated in three ways: by seed, by dividing the bush and by cuttings. The common barberry has one significant drawback – in cold and humid conditions summer period often affected by fungal diseases: rust, powdery mildew etc. B landscape design

Did you know? used in single and group plantings, for planting hedges.

Common and Amur barberry are used for medicinal purposes. Tinctures are prepared from them, which have choleretic properties and are able to stop uterine bleeding. The common barberry has many popular decorative culture

forms For example, a shrub with red leaves called Atropurpurea. The flowers are orange-yellow, the fruits are dark red. The variegated form of Albovariegata is also interesting. First of all, it attracts attention with its decorative leaves

The Aureomarginata form also has beautiful and remarkable leaves. She has them dark green with gold splashes and borders. Among others, varieties with white berries stand out - Alba, with yellow berries - Lutea.

Ottawa barberry (Berberis x ottawensis)

The Ottawa barberry is a hybrid of the Thunberg barberry and a form of the common barberry Atropurpurea. The height of this shrub reaches 2 m. It has dark purple foliage that turns red in autumn. It blooms at the end of May with yellow racemose inflorescences.
When growing, it will only require mulching and organic fertilizers. Otherwise, this barberry is unpretentious. Winters well without shelter. Resistant to most diseases. Growing quickly.

Of the varieties used in ornamental culture, the most famous are Superba (with dark red leaves), Purpurea (with scarlet leaves), Auricoma (with bright red leaves), Silver Miles (with dark leaves with a silver pattern).

Siberian barberry (Berberis sibirica)

Siberian barberry comes from Western and Eastern Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Middle East. The shrub is small - up to a meter in height and in diameter. It begins flowering and fruiting at the age of six. Flowering continues for 12 days, from the second half of May to the end of June. The fruits appear in August.
This species is characterized by average winter hardiness. Due to its low decorative value, it is practically not used in culture.

Thunberg's barberry (Berberis thunbergii)

Thunberg's barberry has been found in the mountains of China and Japan. This deciduous shrub is small in height - up to 1 m. In diameter - spreading, up to 1.5 m. Young, strongly thorny branches are colored yellow tint, later become brown, red-brown. The leaves also change color depending on the season. In Barberry Thunberg they are small (1-3 cm in length), bright green in spring, red in autumn. The plant blooms at the end of May. Forms yellow-red inflorescences. Fruits in autumn. The fruits may not fall throughout the winter. They are not suitable for food because they are bitter.
Thunberg's barberry has the same advantages as most varieties of sorrel - it is drought-resistant, frost-resistant, undemanding to the soil, and easily tolerates pruning. In addition, it is practically not affected by powdery mildew and rust.

Important! Since the shoots of most barberries have simple, triple, or quintuple spines, your hands will need to be protected with gloves during the pruning procedure.

This species has about 50 interesting shapes. Among them: You can’t ignore the variegated varieties. For example, Kelleris, Harlequin, Cornick, Rose Glow. Also especially decorative are varieties with red leaves, which turn into interesting shades at different times of the year: Helmont Pillar, Darts Red Lady.

Turkmen barberry (Berberis turcomanica)

A tall shrub native to the mountain slopes of Central Asia. Reaches a height of 3 m, but grows slowly. It begins flowering and fruiting at the age of seven. Flowering duration is about two weeks. The fruits appear in early October.
The species is winter and drought resistant. Not used in landscaping.

Barberry (Berberis integerrima)

IN wildlife entire barberry can be found at an altitude of 2500 m above sea level. Prefers to grow in rocky areas. Hence its tendency to be drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil and dislike of acidic soils.
Whole barberry bushes reach a height of 2.5 m. The branches are painted in a beautiful brown-red color. The leaves are green with a gray tint. The flowers are yellow, collected in clusters of 20 buds. The fruits are oblong, up to 1 cm in diameter. Their color is dark red, almost black, with a bluish tint.

Mature plants tolerate frost well, young plants only with shelter. Haircut is not a problem for this species.

Barberry (Berberis sphaerocarpa)

The spherical barberry has another name – multi-legged. Its region of origin is Central Asia. The shrub grows well. It has gray-green foliage. It stands out among other varieties due to the color and shape of the fruit - its berries are spherical dark blue with a bluish coating. The fruits are also distinguished by the highest content of vitamin C, which is why they are widely used in cooking in their homeland.

Did you know? In the Caucasus, dried barberry is called sumac and is used as a seasoning for meat.

The advantages of barberry spherical are:
  • drought resistance;
  • resistance to heat;
  • ease of care.
It prefers to grow on gravelly, limestone soils. Young bushes need winter shelter. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging, high humidity combined with frequent precipitation and moisture stagnation. Often suffers from rust.

Barberry bushes retain their decorative properties throughout the entire season. Deciduous species are especially beautiful in autumn, as during this period their leaves acquire the brightest color. Decorative varieties barberries look beautiful in rocky gardens, in landscape compositions, on the sides of reservoirs. Their combination with perennials in gardens is excellent. Some varieties are great for hedges and borders. Used in single and group plantings.

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Barberry is evergreen shrub. Its height reaches 3 m. Home distinctive feature- sharp spines. They cover the trunk and shoots. In the wild, barberry grows mainly in the mountainous areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Today there are about 175 species of this shrub. Each of them differs from each other in its characteristics. On personal plots and in gardens you can find several species of this plant: common barberry, Amur barberry, Ottawa barberry and others. In this article we will talk about the most popular varieties of barberry.

Common barberry: description, characteristics

This variety barberry grows mainly in Central and Southern Europe; these fluffy bushes can also be seen in the North Caucasus. The height of the plant, as a rule, does not exceed 1.5 m. Flowers are yellow and white, begin to bloom in the last ten days of May, in some areas at the beginning of June. The average flowering time is 13-20 days. Perfect option for a personal plot or vegetable garden. tolerates haircuts well. Not picky about choosing a location: it can grow both in partial shade and in illuminated areas. Among other things, common barberry can easily withstand even severe frosts. This variety of barberry is suitable for food.


There are not many varieties of common barberry. The most popular of them are the following:

Barberry Thunberg: photo, description, characteristics

No less decorative. It grows wild on the slopes of China and Japan. The plant reaches a height of 1.5 m. In spring and summer time year, the leaves of barberry have a yellowish or bright red tint, and with the approach of autumn they turn brown. The flowers of Barberry Thunberg are usually yellow with a red border around the edges. When compared with common barberry, this variety does not bloom for long - only 8-12 days. The plant tolerates both cold and drought well and is not demanding on the soil. The fruits have a bitter taste and therefore are not used in food.


Thunberg barberry has many varieties. Here are the main ones:

Barberry Ottawa: description, characteristics

Very decorative – leaves purple, and the flowers are yellow-red. IN autumn time year, the plant is especially attractive - the leaves acquire a rich purple color. Flowering occurs in the first ten days of May and lasts about 14 days.


Barberry Ottawa can boast of only three varieties:

Amur barberry: description, characteristics

This type of barberry is less popular. This is probably explained by the fact that some bushes can grow quite tall - up to 3.5 m. They tolerate dry periods well, but in severe frosts they can freeze. In summer the leaves are rich green in color, and in the autumn they are golden-red. Flowering usually occurs at the end of May.

Main varieties

To date, only two varieties of this variety are known:

The types of barberry do not end there. There is also, for example, Siberian barberry. Each variety is unique in its own way. Each has its own characteristics and characteristics. The choice of barberry variety depends on the gardener's goal.

Let us add that barberry, due to its unpretentiousness and at the same time decorativeness, is very popular. It is planted in parks, garden plots, and dachas. The plant gives the area a sophisticated and sophisticated look. IN hot weather Such plantings exude a tart and at the same time sweetish aroma. By the way, a note to gardeners. Barberry is an excellent honey plant. Therefore, along with buckwheat and linden, there is also barberry honey, which is in no way inferior.

Barberry for the garden - video

In the article we discuss common barberry. You will learn what the bush looks like and where it grows. We'll talk about medicinal properties plants, and also discuss the care and cultivation of barberry in the garden. We will look at recipes for plant-based medicines that help with pancreatitis, diabetes, adenoids and high blood pressure. We will tell you whether it is possible to use barberry-based products during pregnancy and consider contraindications for use.

Common barberry or eastern barberry is a deciduous shrub of the Barberry family (lat. Berberidaceae). Latin name- Berberis vulgaris. The plant is known as sourweed, berberis, and sourthorn.

What does it look like

Appearance of common barberry. The thorny bush reaches a height of 2.5 meters. The rhizome of barberry is woody and creeping. The barberry bark is light brown on the outside and dark yellow on the inside.

The branches of the plant are spreading and covered with thorns. The shoots are erect, yellow or yellow-purple in color. Leaves grow on short shoots, and thorns on long shoots.

The leaves are alternate, narrowed towards the base. They have the shape of an ellipse with a rounded or pointed top. There are small teeth along the edges of the leaves. The leaf blade reaches 4 cm in length and 2 cm in width.

Clusters of inflorescences contain from 15 to 25 small yellow flowers. Each flower consists of an orange nectary, 6 petals, 6 sepals, 1 pistil and 6 stamens. It blooms in late spring - from April to May.

The buds of the plant are small, up to 1 cm long. They have smooth surface and pointed shape. Barberry berries are oblong, bright red in color, and sour in taste. The length of the fruit reaches 12 mm. It bears fruit in early autumn - from September to October.

The seeds of the plant are flattened, no more than 7 mm in length.

Where does it grow

In the wild, barberry grows throughout Europe, Asia and Transcaucasia. Found in the European part of Russia and the North Caucasus.

The shrub prefers light and dry areas of soil. The plant is found in steppes, meadows and forest edges. Barberry grows on chalk and pebble areas.

Planting and care

Barberry is cultivated in summer cottages and garden plots. Planted as single bushes or as a hedge. One of the most unusual and colorful varieties is Barberry thunberga atropurpurea.

Planting and caring for shrubs has its own characteristics. Barberries are planted in spring open areas. The plant is not afraid of windy weather. To plant barberry, the trench method is used. The depth and width of the ditch is 40 cm.

A layer of sand and humus is placed at the bottom of the trench, then watered, and only after that the seedling is placed there, sprinkled with earth.

The first pruning of the bush is carried out immediately after planting.

In dry weather, the plant must be watered once a week; during the rainy season, watering is canceled. Young seedlings are watered more often—2 times a week—until they take root.

For more information about barberry, watch the following video:

Barberry leaf and root

Since ancient times, barberry has been used as a medicinal plant for the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system and upper respiratory tract. The leaves and roots of the plant are used to prepare medicines.

Chemical composition

Common barberry contains:

  • berberine;
  • palmitine;
  • vitamins;
  • tannins;
  • oxyacanthin;
  • carotene;
  • resinous substances;
  • organic acids;
  • tocopherols.

Medicinal properties

Medicinal properties medicinal plants, including barberry, is studied by the science of pharmacognosy. With its help it was established that barberry has

  1. antimicrobial,
  2. antipyretic,
  3. anti-inflammatory
  4. astringent properties.

Thanks to the berberine contained in the plant, barberry-based products have a choleretic effect. They also reduce the tone of the gallbladder.

Barberry is used as an anesthetic and also to stop bleeding - berberine increases blood clotting. Hemostatic agents with it are used to stop postpartum hemorrhage.

Barberry exhibits antibacterial and antispasmodic properties. Preparations based on the plant are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and dysentery.

Barberry-based products stop the development of cancerous tumors.

Barberry has a mild laxative effect and is also used as a diuretic. Barberry dilates blood vessels and reduces arterial pressure. Medicinal infusions and decoctions are made from the plant.

How to collect

They start picking berries when they are not yet ripe. Unripe fruits retain their shape better. The bark of the plant is collected in April and May. From the beginning of flowering until mid-summer, barberry flowers are harvested. The roots are collected 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.

Barberries are dried at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees under a canopy or in a ventilated area and stored in fabric bags in a room with low humidity.

Shelf life - 3 years.

How to use

Barberry is used in ordinary and folk medicine. Dry root can be bought at any pharmacy. At home, medicinal infusions and decoctions are made from medicinal raw materials. They are used as an antipyretic and choleretic agent for the treatment of gallbladder diseases, dysentery and colds.

An infusion of the plant is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Barberry tincture normalizes metabolism and improves appetite. The drug is used to treat liver and kidney diseases. The tincture eliminates liver intoxication and reduces its swelling.

The antiseptic and tonic properties of the plant help with gout and rheumatism.

Barberry decoction reduces the spleen, enlarged during malaria.

In gynecology, barberry tincture is often used to stop uterine bleeding. The drug increases blood clotting.

Pharmaceuticals are produced from barberry medications. For example, for cholecystitis, Berberine is prescribed. The main active ingredient is berberine bisulfate. It is extracted from barberry leaves.

Barberry-based drugs stop the growth of cancerous tumors.

Rinsing the mouth with barberry decoction eliminates the inflammatory process.

Infusion and decoction of the plant are used as lotions for eczema and for healing wounds.

Decoction for rinsing with adenoids

Adenoids - inflammation of the adenoids. This disease occurs in children 2 years of age and older. For the treatment of inflamed tonsils in childhood use barberry infusion to gargle.

The homeopathic drug Barberry Comp Job-baby is prescribed for oral administration. This product is safe for children as it contains a low concentration of active ingredients.


  1. Barberry root - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the barberry root, place on low heat and simmer under the lid for 5 minutes. Cool the finished broth and strain through cheesecloth.

How to use: Gargle 2-3 times during the day.

Result: The product relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect. With regular use, it eliminates swelling of the adenoids.

Infusion for pancreatitis

To treat diseases of the pancreas, an aqueous infusion of barberry is used. It has a choleretic and analgesic effect. The drug relieves inflammation and reduces the tone of the gallbladder walls.


  1. Barberry leaves - 10 gr.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the grass and place it on water bath and bring to a boil. Stir the broth over low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from the stove, cover with a lid, wrap in a towel and let sit for 2 hours. Strain the cooled infusion through a strainer.

How to use: Take 10 ml 3-4 times a day before meals.

Result: Barberry infusion relieves inflammation of the pancreas and has a choleretic effect. The product effectively relieves pain.

Infusion for diabetes

To lower blood sugar levels you can consume fresh berries barberry or take infusions based on them. The juice of the plant saturates the body with vitamins, improves metabolism and reduces thirst, which often occurs with diabetes.


  1. Barberry berries - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind the barberry berries, pour them into a thermos, pour boiling water over them and let it brew for at least 3-4 hours.

How to use: Take half a glass of infusion before each meal, but no more than 5 times a day.

Result: The infusion strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels.

Anti-pressure tincture

Barberry effectively reduces blood pressure, tones and strengthens blood vessels. Plant-based products are used in complex therapy for hypertension.


  1. Barberry flowers - 30 gr.
  2. Vodka - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour the plant material into glass jar, fill with vodka and put in a cool, dark place for two weeks. The finished tincture has Cherry color and sour taste.

How to use: Take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then you need to take a break for a week and resume treatment.

Result: The tincture dilates blood vessels and helps lower blood pressure. Regular use of the drug normalizes blood pressure.

Barberry during pregnancy (breastfeeding)

Barberry has a strengthening effect on the immune system, which is especially important during pregnancy. But despite this, it is strictly forbidden to use any medicines based on barberry during the period of waiting for the baby and during breastfeeding.

The plant contains a large number of alkaloids that are harmful to the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, barberry stimulates the contraction of different muscle groups, which can lead to miscarriage.

Barberry-based preparations can cause swelling and lead to the formation of blood clots.

During pregnancy, it is permissible to eat barberry-based sauces and seasonings, but only in moderation.

Barberry in cooking

Barberry leaves and berries of the plant are used in cooking to prepare various dishes. For example, they are added to pilaf, sauces or seasonings.

Barberry is used to make preserves and jams. The well-known “Barberry” candies contain the essence of the plant’s berries.

Barberry juice has a sour taste and can replace lemon juice. Vitamin compotes are made from barberry fruits, and tea is also infused.


Contraindications to taking barberry-based products:

  • uterine bleeding before separation of the placenta;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • stomach ulcer.

Green barberry berries should not be eaten as they are poisonous.


Common barberry (lat. Berberis vulgaris) is a species of the genus Barberry (lat. Berberis). The Barberry family (lat. Berberidaceae), to which barberry belongs, unites 19 genera of plants. Common barberry belongs to the order Ranunculales (lat. Ranunculales), class Dicotyledons (lat. Dicotyledones), division Flowers (lat. Magnoliophyta).


The genus Barberry includes 580 plant species. The most famous of them:

  • Amur barberry;
  • Common barberry;
  • Barberry purple;
  • Barberry reticulate;
  • Barberry multiflorum;
  • Wilson's barberry;
  • Barberry warty;
  • Barberry hawthorn.

Common barberry infographics

Photo of common barberry, its beneficial features and application
Infographics on common barberry

What to remember

  1. Common barberry is used as ornamental plant, as well as in cooking and as a medicinal raw material for medicinal preparations.
  2. Barberry lowers blood pressure, has choleretic, analgesic and antibacterial effects.
  3. Despite its wide range of applications, the plant has a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

One of the common berry bushes, growing in Europe, Asia, and North America, barberry is considered. In nature there are different varieties this bush. The most famous is the common barberry, a photo and description of which we will consider today.

Description and characteristics of the plant

Common barberry - branched berry, thorny bush, the height of which can reach 3 meters. It grows in clearings, on river banks, lawns and even rocky slopes. Very often the plant is planted in dachas as a decorative hedge. This bush has a creeping root. The branches of the plant have 2-centimeter spines.

The leaf of the common barberry is thin, oblong, membranous, and medium in size. The leaf is dull on top and shiny underneath. The flowers are light yellow or yellow, small, reaching 9 mm in diameter. The plant blooms in late spring.

Fruits of the bush - edible berries with a rather sour taste. The shape of the fruit is oblong. The color of the fruit is purple or bright red. The fruits ripen from mid-summer until early autumn.

Many species of this crop grow in nature.

  1. In addition to the common barberry, the Thunberg variety should be noted. A low bush (one meter in height), undemanding to soil, drought-resistant variety, with yellow, bright red, orange color. The bush is used in landscape design of gardens. The fruits are inedible.
  2. The most common variety of this variety is barberry Atropurpurea. The color of the bush is purple red. This species is characterized by a short flowering period. The variety reproduces well.


Useful properties of barberry

About medicinal properties plants have been known since ancient times. Barberry was often used to treat many diseases. To date, the importance of this plant in medicine has not decreased. This is the raw material for extracts, infusions, decoctions, and alcohol tinctures.

Useful composition of all parts of the bush (from roots to berries):

  • berberine, which has an antibacterial effect;
  • vitamins C, P and E;
  • carotene;
  • pectin;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins.

In addition, the plant contains citric and malic acid.

Barberry improves blood clotting. The plant is characterized by the following properties:

  • antipyretic;
  • choleretic and diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sweatshop;
  • painkillers.

The plant is used as a hemostatic agent, for example, to treat uterine bleeding.

They are also prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the following organs:

  • gums;
  • gallbladder;
  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • urinary tract.

Effective for pathologies of the spleen, gout, jaundice, rheumatism, and radiculitis. The fruits of the plant can quench thirst and have a laxative effect. They are taken to increase appetite.

Important! It is believed that the plant can slow down the aging process, as well as the development of malignant tumors.

Contraindications for use

As mentioned above, preparations based on barberry can increase blood clotting, so they must be used strictly on the recommendation of a doctor. Elderly people should take medications only under the supervision of a doctor. During pregnancy, barberry preparations are contraindicated.

Important! Unripe barberry fruits are poisonous.

Berberis drops can be purchased in pharmacies. The components and their characteristics of this medication are indicated in the table.

This medication is prescribed for the complex treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system and biliary tract to relieve signs of inflammation and pain.

Use in cooking

This culture is characterized by valuable nutritional properties, therefore it is used in culinary matters. Only ripe fruits, fresh or dry, are suitable.

Important! Young leaves are also suitable for consumption. They are usually added to soups and salads.

Barberry fruits are added to soups and meat dishes. They also make marmalade, drinks and juices, make jam, syrup, mousse, and marshmallows. In addition, the fruits can be pickled and pickled.

In addition, the bush is considered an excellent honey plant. At barberry honey pleasant aroma, as well as a sweet, delicate taste. The color of honey is golden yellow.

Plant propagation: planting and care

Barberry propagation is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Dividing the bush.
  2. Seeds.
  3. Taps.
  4. Cuttings.

Planting plants from cuttings. To plant this bush, cuttings are prepared using cuttings, and then they are planted.

With this planting, the plant will begin to bear fruit in 2 years. For seedlings, seeds of mature fruits of the plant are taken. The bones separated from the pulp are thoroughly dried.

It is recommended to plant seeds in the fall to ensure that the bushes germinate in the spring. You can plant it in the spring, but it is recommended to do it in the fall. To plant the seeds, you need to make shallow furrows. Suitable for planting is loose and fertile soil. The area should be open and sufficiently illuminated.

Important! Thin out the bushes after 2 true leaves appear. For a rich harvest, it is recommended to grow seedlings without replanting for 2 years.

Planting using bends

For this purpose, annual branches are selected. Make shallow grooves into which the branches are lowered and sprinkled with soil on top. They are fixed, leaving the top on the surface of the earth. By autumn, seedlings of common barberry are obtained.

To plant using this method, the bush is divided into several parts. Although this plant loves soils with normal acidity, it can also germinate in soils with high acidity. This sun-loving plant, but in some cases it can also germinate in shaded areas.

If you decide to grow a plant for fruit production, it must be planted in an open, sufficiently illuminated area. In the case when barberry needs to be grown for its rhizomes, the crop can be planted both in the shade and in a lighted area.

Barberry is unpretentious plant, not demanding either watering or care.

Loose soils suit it, and the bushes tolerate pruning well. Low growing varieties plants do not need to be trimmed. But if barberry grows as a decoration, then pruning is carried out in the summer. This plant is drought-resistant and frost-resistant. Barberry bushes definitely need to be fed. Perfect for this mineral fertilizers.

What kind of yield does this crop produce?

The yield of barberry fruits from one bush averages about 1 kg. The fruits can be collected starting in September.

Important! The fruits can remain on the bush throughout the winter.

This culture is very popular. It can be found in parks, dachas, and vegetable gardens. The plant decorates the area. In addition, found wide application both in cooking and in medicine.