Do-it-yourself bathhouse at the dacha photo projects. Step-by-step instruction. Projects of small baths: advantages, examples Drawings of baths in the garden

Do-it-yourself bathhouse at the dacha photo projects.  Step-by-step instruction.  Projects of small baths: advantages, examples Drawings of baths in the garden
Do-it-yourself bathhouse at the dacha photo projects. Step-by-step instruction. Projects of small baths: advantages, examples Drawings of baths in the garden

It’s hard to imagine without an indispensable attribute - a hot bathhouse, which raises vitality with the aromas of birch broom and eucalyptus steam. Bath procedures cure many diseases, relieve stress and provide an opportunity to communicate mentally with loved ones. So, no matter how you look at it, you can’t do without her, my dear. The topic of our research is a do-it-yourself bathhouse. , photo, important nuances and the invaluable experience of practitioners - all this is in this material.

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What is the basis for choosing the optimal location for building a bathhouse?

Perhaps it will be news to some that the bathhouse cannot be placed in any place. There are many official and practical principles that should be adhered to. Moreover, incorrect choice place can lead to dire consequences. Let's look at all the rules.

Location of the bathhouse in the summer cottage

There are three main requirements when planning the location of a bathhouse complex on a garden plot:

Distance from site boundary The distance from the bath complex to is at least three meters. The building should not obscure the territory neighboring plot. This gap will protect the buildings from a possible fire, because the bathhouse is a fire hazard. Another important aspect– water disposal. A three-meter zone, even if your bathhouse has the most primitive drainage system, will not allow dirty water penetrate into adjacent areas. For reliability, you can lay it along the fence filled with gravel. And a couple more important points: the distance to the neighbors’ residential building should be at least eight meters (six if the bathhouse is brick). When deciding where to build an object, keep in mind that the smoke from the sauna stove should not reach the windows of the neighbor’s house.
Distance to the reservoir On the one hand, the location of the building on the banks of a river or lake is very advantageous. And it’s easier to collect water, and the pleasure of diving into the cool waves after the steam room is guaranteed. On the other hand, you should strictly follow the rules that protect the reservoir from negative influences. To do this, the structure must be located no closer than 15 meters from the shore. This distance will also protect the structures from being washed away during floods. coastline should be strengthened with your own hands using wooden or concrete frames.
Gap to residential building The Russian one is located on the leeward side of the house at a distance of at least twelve meters. This will prevent smoke from entering the rooms. It is advisable that there are no other easily flammable structures near the building. Experts recommend maintaining a four-meter distance from the barn.

There are situations when, with the purchase of a summer cottage, a bathhouse is inherited, as they say. In this case, of course, it is not always possible to move it to a new place in accordance with the listed rules. But, with the help competent reconstruction fire safety standards can be achieved.

How to attach a bathhouse to a house without damaging the main structure

The size of the plot does not always allow meeting all of the above requirements. There is only one way out - to attach a bath complex directly to the house. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of this solution:

  • saving site area;
  • use in winter home bath more convenient, since there is no need to go outside;
  • you can save significantly on, since one wall will be internal;
  • you can use general and .
Low price, environmentally friendly. No finishing required inside or outside. Does not require a reinforced foundation.Requires sealing of cracks and cracks. Shrinks and becomes deformed when drying. It's getting dark.

Advice! When purchasing material, make a small supply. It will come in handy if the part is damaged.

Step-by-step construction of a small bathhouse:

  • A columnar or foundation type is suitable for a bathhouse. The base does not require reinforcement. Small wooden sauna does not exert a serious load;

  • Considering high humidity in a bathhouse, it is necessary to protect the foundation with high quality. It is best to use mastic and two layers of roofing felt;

  • Before installation, the crown should be treated with a special compound or regular used machine oil. It is important to set the crown level and prevent bending;

  • We make logs from 50x150 per edge. How to make floors we will discuss in detail below;

  • There is no need to rack your brains about how to lay timber if you have profiled material at your disposal. Walls from it are assembled simply as the children's designer. For additional fastening, dowels made of wood or iron are used. How to build using dowels in next video plot:

  • doors in a timber bathhouse can simply be cut out after laying and shrinking the walls;

  • Before the final shrinkage of the walls, a rough roof is installed. After a year, you can make a regular one on the rafters.

Advice! The most environmentally friendly steam room is made from beams. Drawings, dimensions of structures with different layouts can be found freely available on the Internet.

A short video on how to build a sauna from timber:

Related article:

This technology is used to speed up the construction of not too heavy buildings, other architectural structures. In the article you will find step-by-step instructions for constructing the structure and useful tips specialists.

Frame bathhouse - cheap and cheerful

It may surprise you, but for frame bath you won't need any drawings or any expensive projects. Everything is quite simple - we proceed from the sizes standard sheet and assemble the bathhouse like a construction set, quickly and inexpensively. The foundation you will need is the simplest, columnar or on stilts. Lightweight design By frame technology does not shrink and assembles in a matter of days.

Pros and cons of such construction:

Advantages Flaws
Light weight of the finished structureThe need for exterior and interior decoration
Excellent, in no way inferior to brick and wooden modelsComparative fragility of the design
Construction speed exceeds all other construction technologies
Low cost of materials and labor make this design the cheapestHigh fire hazard
Ease of assembly allows you to build such structures yourself

How to make a high-quality structure based on ? It is necessary to provide reliable vapor barrier. The humid climate of the bathhouse and exposure to precipitation adversely affect wall material.

Insulation of the bathhouse is another aspect. It doesn't matter if you are building a 3x4 mini sauna or a full 6x6 sauna. From good insulation depends comfortable temperature in all rooms.

You can use metal or wood for the frame. The first option has virtually no disadvantages. It does not dry out or become deformed. Saunas with a metal frame are easy to repair. The only disadvantages of metal structures are the need for detailed diagram and qualified. If the choice is made in favor of a wooden frame, make sure that the board and timber are made of larch or linden.

For internal lining use natural lining.

The internal structure of frame baths is no different from other options. The only thing worth remembering is that you need high-quality insulation of the wiring and protection of the area around the furnace from accidental fire.

In general, reviews of frame structures are positive. On the Internet you can find detailed photo reports from home craftsmen about the construction. You can find construction plans for baths measuring 2x4, 3x5, 4x6 and larger.

Photo and video story about how to build a frame bathhouse:

We build a bathhouse with our own hands: an overview of the construction stages

Building a bathhouse at your dacha with your own hands begins with a project. You can use a ready-made project or order an individual design from one of the companies specializing in such developments. It is not difficult to prepare a construction plan yourself; a simple village bathhouse has a simple layout.

  • Where to start construction? Of course, with the construction of the foundation. This is the first stage, which must be approached very responsibly. To build robust construction, you will need to install a foundation that matches the soil characteristics. In the old days, wooden baths were placed on large stone boulders.

Guided by the experience of our ancestors, the bathhouse small sizes should be installed on a hill - on a pile or columnar foundation. Compact panel buildings made of OSB do not require a reinforced base. It's a different matter if construction is planned. In this case, you cannot do without a tape. It, unlike, will cost more and require more time to manufacture. How to install the tape correctly reinforced foundation for a bath - in the following video material:

  • Next step - . In an ordinary Russian bathhouse, it is preferable to make floors from boards. They are less durable than concrete floors, but you can walk on such floors barefoot, they dry quickly from moisture and do not heat up to extreme temperatures in the steam room. But the logs should be made from asbestos cement pipes, this little trick was suggested professional builders. Concrete logs do not rot, they are strong and durable.
  • The walls in the bathhouse complex can be made of logs, beams, and panels. They are , . You can assemble walls from sandwich panels. It all depends on your decision and financial capabilities. It is clear that building a brick sauna from scratch will be more expensive than, for example, frame structure.
  • It is easier to assemble the roof rafters for a bathhouse complex on the ground, and then lift it and install it on the walls.

  • The last stage is the installation of equipment for the bath. The inside of the walls is usually sheathed with birch or linden clapboard; the outside of the frame structure can be sheathed or made imitation log house from a slab.

This is a brief description of the main stages of construction. It's time to show each of them in more detail. We offer step by step show construction of a bathhouse complex and video instructions on how to build a bathhouse.

Do-it-yourself columnar foundation for a bathhouse: step-by-step instructions and video

In principle, a frame bath can be built without, for example, on a substrate made of car tires. But keep in mind that within a year or two the structure may become warped. A bottom harness will rot from exposure to flood waters.

The best option is columnar foundation. It will withstand the lightweight structure perfectly. On it you can build not only a bathhouse, but also a home and others.

Advantages and disadvantages of a columnar foundation:

pros Minuses
It can be erected with your own hands, without the involvement of special workers. Installation of a frame structure on a foundation does not require special skills.Not suitable for brick and block buildings
Suitable for almost any soil (including heaving)
Compensates for differences in height on the site, does not require leveling
Installs in one to two daysDoes not provide for the arrangement of the ground floor or basement
Doesn't need
Has a long service life
Does not require capital investments

The installation depth of the bases differs in:

  • buried, installed below the soil freezing mark;
  • shallow - from 40 to 70 centimeters deep;
  • At a distance of one and a half meters from each other, holes are drilled with a garden drill with a knife of a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the pillars
    Cuttings of concrete pipes are installed in the holes. The height above the soil level is leveled using a laser level, the excess pipe is cut off- metal or wood.

    Advice! For a lightweight design, you can use no concrete pipes, but plastic, or wooden poles, treated with resin to protect against rotting.

    Detailed video material on how to build a foundation for a 4x4 sauna with your own hands

    Bathhouse with shower in the country: how to supply and drain water

    Sophisticated drainage system – important point in the design of a bath complex. Proper drainage in the bathhouse will not only protect the base of the building from mold and rot, but will also save you from problems with neighbors in the area.

    Where can you drain the sewer:

    • into the drain hole lined with brick or concrete. The pit is located in close proximity to the bathhouse structure and is periodically cleaned using a special machine; The drainage system for the bathhouse is laid at the stage of forming the foundation

      It is necessary to dig a trench in advance for sewer pipes and bring them to the drainage point from the steam room and washing room. The pipe should be laid with an inclination of five degrees. To prevent the drain from freezing, you can insulate it yourself using heat-insulating materials.

      A step-by-step guide to arranging a drainage well in the following video and photographic material:

      Another significant point is the installation of floors in the steam room and sink. The simplest option is leaking floors. Water simply penetrates through the cracks between the boards. Under them there is a sealed receiving plane with a hole for drainage.

      Advice! In non-leaking floors, the drain must have a water seal, otherwise unpleasant odors will spoil the pleasure of bath procedures.

      You can also make completely concrete floors and cover them.

      But it should be taken into account that it is easy to slip on the tiles, and in the steam room the ceramics heat up quickly, so you cannot enter it barefoot.

      It remains to resolve the issue of water supply. In a separate building, it is better to carry out the water supply underground, in a protected enclosure. If your region has severe winters, it is worth considering heating the water supply to prevent the occurrence of emergency situations. Photo reports that are not difficult to find on the Internet will tell you how to install such a system.


The bathhouse has become very popular in our country, but it is believed that it was invented in ancient times in Egypt. The Egyptians respected water procedures and considered the most important task keep your body clean.

The bathhouse is functional. Many owners of country houses want to build it on their site. Having some construction skills and the necessary materials, you can build a bathhouse yourself.

Bathhouse design

Bathhouse installation work begins with design. At this stage, all parameters are taken into account: dimensions, placement and choice of materials. Even when constructing a bathhouse at your dacha with your own hands, the project can be ordered to specialists.

The greatest demand is for the following building options:

  • Construction project 3*3 m, while the steam room and washing room are located on an area of ​​4 square meters. meters, and the rest room is 3.5 square meters. meters.
  • Plan 3*5 m assumes a separate location of the washing room and steam room. There is also a lounge and terrace.
  • Project 4*4 m consists of a washing room and a steam room, which have the same area. An area of ​​6.46 square meters is allocated for the rest room. meters.
  • Plan 5*4 includes a steam room and a washing room, a relaxation room with an area of ​​6.62 square meters. meters and a terrace.

The choice of project depends on where exactly on the site the bathhouse at the dacha will be located.

The location is planned taking into account safety regulations. This object should not be located next to a residential building or near the neighbors’ bathhouse. An original solution there will be construction country bathhouse on the bank of a pond or river.

After choosing the location of the bathhouse and creating a project, you should begin choosing building materials. Economical options include building with bricks or blocks.

It is worth considering the most good options baths with an area of ​​4*5.

Large bath projects

The simplest 4 by 5 bathhouse project

A simple design of a bathhouse in the country consists of minimum set components. The building consists of one floor. This project does not have a vestibule, the purpose of which is to separate cold air from the street and hot air from the room. If there is no waiting room, then you cannot use the bathhouse during the cold season. Because hot air will promote the formation of condensation on the door.

The project assumes the following premises:

  • Rest room with dimensions 2.85 * 4 meters. Furniture and appliances are placed in it.
  • The washing room, measuring 1.8*2, contains a toilet, sink and shower.
  • The size of the steam room is 2*2, it has a stove.

Project of a bathhouse with a 4 by 5 terrace

This option is similar to a simple project, but is complemented by a terrace. If desired, it can be glazed or arranged as a comfortable place to relax.

The design includes the following premises:

  • Terrace measuring 1.5*4 meters.
  • Rest room 2*3.5 meters.
  • Shower room 1.5*2 m.
  • Steam room 2*2 m.

Bathhouse with waiting room 4 by 5

The project provides for the placement of a dressing room measuring 1.1 * 1.7 m. This room allows you to use a country bathhouse in cold weather. You can also store firewood in it.

From the dressing room you can go into a small corridor and into the rest room. From there a door leads to the washing room and steam room.

Dimensions of the steam room of the bath

When building a steam room, you should take into account fire safety rules and sanitary standards. Shelves should not be placed next to the stove.

The design of the premises must take into account the number of people who will use the steam room.

IN this room must be supported heat . In order to achieve maximum effect It is recommended to provide close heating from the stove. The best option It is considered a steam room for two places. Depending on the location of sitting or lying places, the dimensions of the room are planned. For one person and a seat, the size is 0.84 * 1.15 m. Comfortable room parameters for two with the ability to stretch out on a bench are 1.8 * 2.4 meters.

If a stove is selected, the following rule will help calculate the dimensions of the room: the further a person sits from the stove, the weaker the heat source. If you are located at a distance of 3 meters from the heating source, then the heat will be 4 times less than when placed at a distance of one and a half meters.

The steam room should not be huge or too small. The optimal height to build a sauna is 2.2-2.4 meters. You cannot make ceilings lower than 2 m.

There are 3 canopies installed in this room. All of them have a height of 35 cm. The top canopy is the widest.

Choosing a convenient place for a bathhouse

Before building a bathhouse, you need to choose a convenient location on the territory. The following rules will help you do this correctly:

  1. It is not recommended to build a bathhouse near any bodies of water.
  2. The distance from the well should be at least 10 meters.
  3. A good option for building in the backyard.
  4. When designing a building, it is worth deciding on thermal insulation and vapor barrier.
  5. You should not plan to build next to a field or road.
  6. The construction of a country bathhouse on the south side is considered a good option.
  7. Fire safety needs to be considered. It is worth starting construction away from a residential building.
  8. It is better to locate the property further away from the neighbors' property.

Mistakes when building a bathhouse

Even with a high-quality project and a serious approach, errors occur in construction or finishing work. To minimize the shortcomings when building a bathhouse at the dacha with your own hands

It is worth paying special attention to the following points:

  1. It is important to plan the dimensions correctly interior spaces. For a building for two or three people it should not be less than 10 sq.m.
  2. The height of the building should be 2-2.3 meters. If the ceilings are lower, then this is inconvenient. With more high ceilings irrational consumption of coolants occurs.
  3. It is better to place windows on the south or west side. In this case, the doors are located from the south.
  4. To reduce heat loss, windows are made small. Doors should be no larger than 75*180 cm.
  5. A bathhouse in a country house should be built from lightweight materials that have energy-saving properties.

It is also worth paying attention to the selection of high-quality and safe equipment. When choosing materials for cladding, it is not recommended to consider resinous wood species.

Material selection

After drawing up a design for a bathhouse at the dacha, you should decide on building materials. Economical An option is to build from blocks and bricks. Such materials are easy to maintain and have a long service life.

Frame the bathhouse is being built in short time. The wall of such a structure consists of lining, insulating layers, cladding and facing material.

It is believed that the best material for the bath is wood. It's natural and environmentally friendly pure material, which creates a special atmosphere in the room.

Wood as a building material has the following advantages:

  • The wood warms up quickly and does not create condensation.
  • The humidity and heat generated in a wooden building are good for health.
  • The walls allow moisture and air to pass through.
  • There is no feeling of dampness.
  • Wood has low thermal conductivity.

The construction of a bathhouse at the dacha involves the following stages:

  1. foundation construction;
  2. installation of walls;
  3. roof installation;
  4. insulation of floors and walls;
  5. façade finishing;
  6. installation of a stove and chimney;
  7. facing works;
  8. installation of shower and toilet;
  9. furniture arrangement.

Foundation for a bathhouse in the country

The foundation of a country bathhouse can be piled, striped or columnar. At the same time, the construction technology differs.


Columnar-type foundations are characterized by simple installation and low financial investments.

Used for timber buildings. A feature of this foundation is the construction of supports only in places of greatest load. These are the corners of the building and the intersection points load-bearing structures and partitions.

The construction of such a foundation has the following features:

  • The pillars are made of brick or stone.
  • The distance between the supports is filled with crushed stone.
  • The trenches are then filled with mortar.
  • The main load from the building falls on the pillars.


Most often, a do-it-yourself bathhouse in a dacha and other country buildings are built on strip foundations. A similar foundation can be laid even under massive walls.

A strip foundation stretches along the perimeter of the entire building. Its construction does not require any special equipment.

Construction consists of the following stages:

  1. Creating a trench.
  2. Installation of reinforcement ties.
  3. Pouring with concrete mixture.

If the foundation needs to be raised slightly above the ground, then formwork.


Pile supports are used for country bathhouses made of timber and for buildings that are located on moving soils.

Piles can be reinforced concrete, metal or concrete. They are driven or screwed into the ground until a solid layer of soil is reached. A slab or strip foundation.


Used on difficult soils slab foundation, which represents solid slab under the entire surface of the building.

This is a reliable type of foundation, the construction of which is labor-intensive.

Construction of the walls of a country bathhouse

To build a bathhouse you need to choose quality solution, which depends on the type of masonry and material. The walls are erected using cinder block, brick or aerated concrete.

When doing the laying, do not rush to avoid deformation. During construction work, a plumb line and level are used.

It is worth deciding in advance on the placement of windows and doors.

Finishing of bath rooms is carried out using linings. External works made from any material.

Bath roof installation

At the end of the construction work, the roof is erected. This element performs protective function from weather conditions.

When building a bathhouse, the simplest roof options are used, without unnecessary frills.

Creating a durable roof requires certain experience and knowledge of construction technology.

Bath roof design

The roof design for a bathhouse assumes the presence of the following elements:

  • Supporting system of rafters.
  • Flooring equipped with waterproofing materials and lathing.
  • Attic floor.

Flat the roof is erected without overlap. Bathhouse roofs can be gable or single-pitch.

Two slopes or one?

In order to reduce the budget bath design adjacent to residential building. IN in this case used pitched roof. She represents flat roof, which is characterized by ease of construction and low cost.

For a bathhouse, a roof with two slopes. If the roof is high, then you can arrange a room in the space under the slopes.

The slope of the roof and its height are influenced by such parameters as climatic features And practical use space.

Door and window openings

Installing door and window openings is not difficult. The quality of energy saving depends on the correct installation of windows and doors.

When building a bathhouse, you need not only to select high-quality material, but also to carry out installation taking into account all the rules and technologies.

Windows and doors can be either wooden or metal-plastic. In some cases, glass doors are installed.

Floors in a country bathhouse

When constructing floors for a bathhouse in a country house, it is required high-quality insulation. In order for the floor not to become damp and to have good energy-saving properties, it is necessary to insulate the base from the inside.

Floor installation has the following features:

  1. Waterproofing and insulation are laid along the foundation using mineral wool.
  2. The floor in the shower room is poured taking into account the laying of sewer pipes and the water supply system.
  3. Expanded clay is used in other rooms.
  4. Layers of vapor barrier and insulation are laid.
  5. The board is spreading.

Interior and exterior finishing

To build a bathhouse, you need to think through the finishing work inside and outside the building in advance.

Insulation counts important stage any finishing work. External finishing work consists of foam insulation and decorative cladding.

The interior decoration is accompanied by insulation using mineral wool.

Indoor insulation is carried out as follows:

  1. The surface of the walls is covered with waterproofing materials.
  2. A wooden sheathing is attached.
  3. Vapor barrier and mineral wool are installed.
  4. Foil is used as a vapor barrier and used for finishing.
  5. The ceiling is insulated. Fiberglass is laid between the beams. You can put mineral wool on top. Vapor barrier and rough finishing are carried out.
  6. Interior finishing is done using lining. Exterior paint, siding, facing brick or plaster.
  7. Then the stove and chimney are installed. At this stage, high-quality sealing should be done to prevent smoke from entering the room.

Arrangement of a country bath

To properly decorate a bathhouse, it is necessary to equip the bathhouse with all the necessary accessories, furniture and decor.

Indoor installation includes electricity, water supply, sewerage and installation of a stove.

When carrying out electrical wiring, you must comply with the installation requirements in wet areas.

Photos of a bathhouse in the country

Before you start construction work, you need to draw up a competent project and choose desired style building.

Interesting options can be seen in numerous photographs. Special video lessons also demonstrate the process of building a bathhouse.

An example of a bath made of gas silicate blocks. Personal experience with your own hands.

On your own summer cottage we decided to build a small sauna. The drawn up project assumed the following dimensions: 5 * 5.3. The ceiling height was 2.25 m.

From the variety of materials presented, we decided to focus on gas silicate blocks. A gable roof was planned in advance, under which a living space was supposed to be located.

The steam room was insulated and equipped with a vapor barrier. Lining was used as finishing. Tiles were used in the shower.

Our choice settled on gas silicate blocks due to unique properties of this material. He's different high performance thermal insulation, fire safety and resistance to rotting.

Made for blocks strip foundation, which was supplemented with layers of roofing felt for waterproofing.


For our bathhouse, blocks with dimensions of 20*30*60 were chosen. For masonry, a solution of cement and sand was used in a ratio of 1 to 3.

The walls were erected in several stages:

  1. The blocks were installed from the corner. A level is needed for leveling. A layer of solution was applied to the roofing material. Then the block was laid, which was tapped with the handle of a trowel.
  2. Subsequent rows of blocks were installed with a slight offset of 15 cm. In this case, the seams of the new row covered the previous ones.
  3. The attic gables were erected in the same way, to a height of 1.9 m.

Finishing work in the steam room

The inside of the steam room was lined with clapboard. To prevent condensation from appearing on the gas blocks, additional insulation was performed:

  1. The slats were attached to the wall using self-tapping screws.
  2. Mineral wool was laid between the cells.
  3. Then they performed a vapor barrier with foil and a special film.
  4. We completed the sheathing for the lining.
  5. The lining was installed in vertical position using nails.
  6. After installation, the lining was coated with special oil.

Finishing the shower room and attic

In the washing room gas silicate blocks were lined ceramic tiles. For installation we used moisture-resistant glue.

To finish the attic, we used lining, which was attached to a special sheathing. After installation, the entire lining was covered with antiseptic solutions.

A bathhouse made of gas silicate blocks is great option. It is convenient to work with such material, and it is cheaper than other analogues.

A bathhouse in a dacha is a special philosophy, culture, and tradition. Often happy owners of suburban land plots They begin to ennoble them with the construction of a bathhouse, and not a house. In Russia, bathhouses are free-standing buildings; accordingly, they must fit organically into the design of the local area.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse at the dacha: is it worth the trouble?

The financial issue is the most pressing. It’s one thing if the bathhouse is built for hygiene and consists of two small rooms - a dressing room and a steam room. In this case, you can save a lot on construction.

It’s a different matter when a multifunctional bathhouse is built, as in the photo above - with a steam room, a relaxation room, a plunge pool and a terrace. It is necessary to involve designers in its construction, experienced builders, order natural finishing materials, equip an area for a pool or plunge pool. Such a bathhouse in the country is a luxury that only a few can afford.

But there are always alternative options - these are ready-made baths, which are assembled on the site as a constructor. There are also mobile baths that are ready for use on the first day. In this case, relaxation and pleasure for little money are guaranteed to summer residents.

How to build a sauna for your dacha with your own hands: estimate

Any construction begins with calculating costs. Professionals advise adding 25-30 percent to the amount received so that no unpleasant surprises arise during construction.

For summer residents who hire professionals to install their bathhouses, the service will cost about 20 thousand dollars. For this money you will get a building with a steam room, shower, small room relaxation and swimming pool. Communications connection is also included in the price.

By excluding the pool from the project, customers will save 2-3 thousand dollars and receive a bathhouse of the same type as in the diagram below.

It is clear that a turnkey bathhouse involves the use of modern technologies and reduces construction time. But it is unlikely that these advantages will outweigh the unaffordable amounts in the estimate, since almost half of the amount (if not most) is wages for builders.

Self-construction requires 3-4 times more time, but is cheaper. How much cheaper? To do this, you need to draw up a list of works and calculate their cost.

IN estimated cost be sure to include:

  • Typical project. You can order it from a specialized company or from an individual entrepreneur designer. In the second case, the project will cost less - approximately 10-12 thousand rubles.
  • Foundation. The costs depend on the type of base and the size of the bath. A strip or column foundation for a bathhouse 4x5 m or a little more will cost, on average, 60 thousand rubles. But if you buy cement and other materials in the low season, you can save 10-15 thousand.
  • Log house - most expensive item . Of course, summer residents can choose other materials for building walls, but wooden bathhouses are considered the most useful, originally Russian. The construction of walls will cost approximately 250-300 thousand rubles.
  • Roof. Quality roof will cost summer residents about 100 thousand rubles.
  • Communications. This includes laying a stove for heating the bath, supplying electrical wiring, installation of plumbing, installation of windows and doorways. Again, the amount depends on the cost of the components, but you can keep it within 200 thousand rubles.
  • On average, building a bathhouse with your own hands will cost 600-650 thousand rubles. It's half the price professional construction, but still expensive for many summer residents, while ready-made mobile baths can be purchased for 120-200 thousand rubles.

    ABOUT mobile baths Let's talk below, but for now let's stop at stationary structures and their types.

    How to make a sauna with your own hands: drawings, project

    Construction traditional bath on a summer cottage it begins with design and drawings. Any design engineer will be interested in the material that will be used in construction. The type of foundation, soil load, and other characteristics depend on its choice.

    Brick bath

    Such baths are warm, look beautiful, and suit any landscape design, but you won’t be able to build them yourself without experience. And the cost of a brick bathhouse cannot be called cheap.

    Block sauna

    Foam block, gas block and other block materials are inexpensive. The disadvantage is that these materials quickly absorb moisture - the problem is solved by waterproofing. Again, knowledge and experience in construction is needed.

    Polycarbonate bath

    A budget structure that can be used for its intended purpose only in the warm season. But to build such a bathhouse, you don’t need to pour a foundation or build a stationary roof - everything is much simpler. What such a bath looks like can be seen in the photo below.

    Wooden baths

    The log house is a classic. Such baths are warm, useful, durable, and inexpensive if you approach their construction with skill.

    A classic bathhouse consists of 4 rooms:

    • Terrace or dressing room (dressing room).
    • Restroom.
    • Shower room.
    • Steam room.

    Here are several projects for baths of different sizes:

    If the area of ​​the plot allows, you can expand the bathhouse by adding a veranda, as in the following drawing.

    If space and funds allow, you can equip a font or swimming pool. Some summer residents move the pool onto the terrace.

    If there is no roof or terrace small area, you can cover it with polycarbonate. This approach expands the functionality of the bathhouse and reduces the cost of the project, because polycarbonate is cheaper than constructing walls, ceilings and roofing.

    It is not necessary to install a stationary pool - you can get by with a frame pool by installing it outside.

    The video contains a step-by-step technology for building a nice bathhouse with your own hands. This structure measures 3x4 meters, built from wooden beam section 150x150 mm.

    What an inexpensive sauna looks like: photo

    Inexpensive baths do not look as luxurious as facilities built according to an exclusive project. The strength of budget buildings is simplicity and functionality.

    1. Compact cross-sectional bathhouse, consisting of a dressing room and a steam room.

    2. Nice semicircular structure. Inside there is a locker room and a steam room with a wood-burning stove.

    3. In order to save space, the stove can be installed in the steam room itself or outside it. In the photos below you can see both options.

    Simple and cheap mini-sauna

    The simplest version of a bathhouse is a 2x3 meter building, which has a steam room and a changing room. Two adults can steam in it comfortably. A meter wide section is enough for the dressing room, and the remaining two meters is enough for the steam room.

    An alternative option is to complete the canopy on a columnar foundation and equip it with a dressing room.

    The next step is the foundation, it must be strong and durable. Perfect option for stationary country houses - strip base.

    While the finished foundation is hardening, summer residents can prepare the timber for tying and building walls, and then quickly connect the logs into a single whole.

    Once the walls are ready, you can proceed to installing the floor. When installing the floor in a steam room, you need to maintain slopes so that water flows into the drain.

    The floor is laid in several stages, the order is as follows:

    1. Compact the soil and lay out a water barrier.
    2. Fall asleep inner space expanded clay.
    3. Lay floor joists.
    4. 4. Place mineral wool or polystyrene foam between the joists.

    Sew up the space wooden planks close.

    Suitable for a small bath pitched roof- the supports for it are made from the same wooden beam as the vertical supports of the frame, and are fastened with metal corners. The sheathing is mounted on them, and tiles or other decorative coating. The ceiling is hemmed inside edged board, closely combined with each other

    You can make a stove in a bathhouse with your own hands, involve specialists in the laying, or buy finished model. Ready-made ovens There are two types - wood and electric.

    Wood-burning stoves and fireplace stoves are used in a traditional Russian wood-fired bathhouse - to maintain the temperature, you need to periodically add logs to the firebox. A chimney for removing combustion products is required.

    Electric ovens are compact, equipped with thermostats to maintain a given temperature, and are available in different capacities and designs. They are easier to use, but you won’t get wet steam in such a bath.

    Barrel sauna to order

    We have left the most comfortable and low-cost option for summer residents for the finale. These are barrel baths or barrel saunas, as they are otherwise called.

    They look stylish, are initially equipped with wood-burning or electric stoves, and for their installation you do not need to pour a reinforced foundation.

    The barrels are installed on a cemented platform or area lined with paving stones. The supporting legs that come with the bathhouse give it stability.

    Inside the barrel bath there is a steam room with sun loungers and a dressing room. Sizes vary depending on customer preferences. The diameter of the barrel can vary from 2.5 to 5 meters.

    The 5-meter buildings have a built-in shower and a rest room. The manufacturer initially provides outlets for connecting to the central water supply.

    Used to make barrels coniferous varieties wood - the inside and outside of the boards and beams are treated with special varnishes that protect the wood from rotting and deformation.

    The roofing of barrel saunas is made of flexible tiles. The tiles are laid on a layer of moisture-resistant plywood.

    There are barrel baths ventilation system- it is built into the partitions, it is possible to regulate it. Drains for excess water are located under the floor drains. This design allows moisture and condensation to be quickly removed.

    The advantage of paired barrels is that you can buy them for 180-210 thousand rubles, i.e. 3 times cheaper than building a mini-bath with your own hands.

    And, of course, they benefit from mobility. At the end summer season You can transport the bathhouse to a city house or go on a trip with it.

    Light steam and good mood you are guaranteed even on the road.

    Everyone perceives a dacha differently, for some it’s a way to relax after a day of work in the garden, for others it’s a reason to get together with friends, for others it’s just a Saturday tradition. But in any case, a bathhouse at the dacha is a real miracle that every summer resident dreams of. Therefore, this article is devoted to how to make this dream come true, i.e. build a bathhouse yourself.

    Bathhouse design

    The first step towards realizing this dream is to create a bathhouse project. It determines what the bathhouse will be like, so you need to approach this stage very responsibly.

    The project must contain the following information:

    • Building dimensions;
    • Layout;
    • Location of doors and windows;
    • Structural features of the building;
    • What materials will the building be constructed from?

    If you can build a bathhouse with your own hands, then it is better to entrust the project to professionals. True, you can use a ready-made project that best suits your wishes.

    You can find some of these projects on our construction portal. However, before you give preference to any of them, you should think in advance about what kind of bathhouse you want to see on your site. This could be a small building with a washing room, a locker room and a steam room for one or two people, or, on the contrary, a whole bathhouse complex in the country, which may include, etc.

    Design nuances

    To avoid mistakes when designing a bathhouse, the following points must be taken into account:

    • To make the steam room convenient and comfortable, you need to plan it correctly. According to experts, the area of ​​a steam room for 2-3 people should be about 10 square meters.
    • The height of the steam room should be 2-2.2 m. A lower ceiling is inconvenient, and a higher one leads to waste of energy and longer heating of the room.
    • It is advisable to make windows and doors small. In addition, you should set a high threshold; although this will create some inconvenience, it will seriously reduce heat loss.
    • By doing interior decoration Resinous wood should not be used in the steam room.

    If you have found a plot for a summer cottage without buildings, this does not mean that it will not come to building a bathhouse soon.
    Country houses made from block containers are a great way to arrange a site.
    After installing such a house, which happens very quickly, you can slowly get down to it.

    Place for a bath

    Also, at the design stage, before making a bathhouse at the dacha, you should carefully consider its location on the site. The best option It will be built near a reservoir, which will allow you to take a dip in cool water after the steam room.

    In addition, it is desirable that the bathhouse is not visible from neighboring areas or the street. If you cannot withstand such a condition, then you can artificially make a green fence from bushes and trees.


    Any type of bath is suitable for building a bathhouse. Construction Materials However, a bathhouse built from timber or logs is considered traditional. It must be said that the choice largely depends on the project budget, since the price different materials may differ significantly.

    Since the process of constructing a wooden building is radically different from building from brick, we will further consider both options.

    Construction of a bathhouse from timber


    As with any other construction, the construction of a bathhouse from timber begins with the construction of a foundation. Since the structure will be relatively light, the foundation can be made columnar, provided that the soil is solid.

    The foundation is done as follows:

    • The first step is to prepare the construction site for further work. To do this, you need to remove debris and remove the top layer of soil.
    • Then markings are applied to the soil surface in accordance with the design. All dimensions of the future structure must be double-checked several times to prevent mistakes.

    The photo shows a columnar foundation

    • Next, at the corners of the building and in the places where the internal walls adjoin the external ones, you should dig holes to a depth of about 30 cm. The diameter should correspond to the size of the concrete blocks or flat stones that will be used as pillars.
    • After this, the same holes are made for the posts on which the logs will rest.
    • Then the bottom of the holes must be covered with a layer of sand about 10 cm thick and compacted thoroughly.
    • Next, blocks or stones are laid, which should rise 25-30 cm above the soil surface. It is important to ensure correct location pillars - the surface of the foundation should be located in the same horizontal plane.
    • At the end of the work, the surface of the blocks is covered waterproofing material. Most often, roofing felt is used for these purposes.

    Construction of the box

    Once the foundation is ready, you can begin building the walls.

    Instructions for performing this work are as follows:

    • The construction of walls begins with laying the first crown of 20x20 cm timber. Before laying it, the timber must be treated with an antiseptic and resin, which will ensure its safety for a long time. Before fastening the beam, you should make sure that its position is horizontal.
    • To fasten the timber, you need to make a tongue-and-groove connection, which can be made with a regular saw, as shown in the diagram. In addition, metal corners and screws can be used to strengthen the structure.
    • After laying the first crown, the floor joists are installed. The traditional option is to insert them into the timber of the first crown, however, this significantly complicates their replacement, which will definitely be needed sooner or later. Therefore, it is more advisable to attach the logs to the first crown using metal corners and self-tapping screws.
    • The timber of the internal walls can be embedded into the external walls using a tongue-and-groove connection.

    • Next, heat-insulating material (tow) is laid on the first crown and a second row of 150x150 mm timber, also treated with an antiseptic, is mounted. The connection of the crowns to each other is carried out using spikes (dowels). To do this, a hole is drilled through the upper crown to the middle lower crown and a spike is inserted. Installation of dowels is carried out in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other.
    • After the walls are erected, window and door openings are cut out using a chainsaw..
    • After this, the floor beams are laid and rafter system in accordance with the building design.
    • The final stage is installation roofing material and flooring. After this, the arrangement of the bathhouse at the dacha is carried out, which we will talk about below.

    This completes the main stage of work.

    Construction of a bathhouse made of bricks or blocks


    The construction of a brick bathhouse in a country house also begins with the construction of a foundation. Since the building will be heavy, the foundation must be solid.

    You can do it as follows:

    • As in the first case, you first need to prepare and mark the area.
    • Next, trenches are dug along the perimeter of the outer walls to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. The width of the trenches depends on the thickness of the walls.
    • Next, a sand cushion 15 cm thick is placed on the bottom.
    • After this, the formwork is installed and reinforced with steel rods. As a rule, reinforcement is a metal frame made of reinforcement fastened together with wire.

    • After this, the formwork is filled with concrete. At this stage it is necessary to ensure a horizontal level of the foundation.

    An important point when building a foundation is the preparation of concrete, since the strength of the structure depends on it. To prepare high-quality concrete, you will need the following ingredients:

    All components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

    Construction of the box

    After 28 days, when the concrete has gained strength, you can continue building a bathhouse in the country.

    The work is performed in the following order:

    • As in the first case, before erecting the walls, the foundation is waterproofed using roofing felt.
    • Next is the laying of bricks or blocks on cement-sand mortar. When laying each row, it is necessary to check its horizontal position using a building level.
    • In accordance with the project, at the stage of wall construction it is necessary to provide window and door openings. A lintel must be placed over each opening. As a rule, concrete beams are used for this.
    • After the walls are erected, floor beams are laid and the roof truss system is completed.

    At this point, the construction of the box is completed.

    Arrangement of the bathhouse

    So, the building is ready, now it remains to figure out how to arrange a bathhouse in the country. Of course, the doors and windows should be installed first. Then you need to pay attention to the steam room.

    The arrangement is carried out as follows:

    • First of all, logs are laid and a wooden floor made of resin-free wood is laid.
    • Next, insulation is carried out, especially if the building is built of brick or blocks. To do this, slats are nailed to the walls, between which mineral mats are fixed, after which foil insulation is installed. Then the walls are covered with linden clapboard.

    • The next step is to make shelves from linden or abasha. The shelves are made of separate slats, between which there should be a distance of several millimeters.
    • The final stage of work is lighting. For the steam room it is necessary to use special sealed lighting. In this case, the switches should be located outside it.

    If there is no electricity at the dacha, then renting a diesel generator for the dacha will help solve the problem of power supply.

    After the steam room is ready, you should purchase equipment for a bathhouse in the country. Most important element is a stove-heater. Of course, it can be made of brick, but this is quite hard work, so it’s easier and safer to buy a finished product.

    As for the arrangement of the remaining premises, the interior of a bathhouse at the dacha depends on individual preferences. Most often, the bathhouse is decorated in the Russian style, however, more modern options can be used.


    A bathhouse at the dacha is available to almost every summer resident, so it is quite possible to build it yourself. The most important thing is to strictly follow the technology at each stage of construction in order to avoid mistakes. The result of this work will be a comfortable and safe steam room that will delight its owners for many years.

    If you want to have a pleasant time at your dacha, then you definitely need a bathhouse. A small do-it-yourself bathhouse, built on the site, will save both money and square meters if you don't have much free space for the construction of a bathhouse. In this article we will talk about how to design and how to build a small-sized bathhouse with your own hands.

    Determining the size of a small bath

    The size of the bathhouse should be determined depending on the number of people who will regularly visit it at one time. If your family consists of 2–4 people, then you can get by budget option this building. In this case, the length of the bath will be 6 m, the height will be 2 m, and the width will be 2.2 m. There should be four separate rooms inside. Each of them will perform its own function and have a certain size. For example, each room will have a certain size. The width of the bathhouse is 2.2 m, and the length is:

    • dressing room 1300 mm;
    • rest room –2100 mm;
    • shower –1000 mm;
    • steam room – 1600 mm.

    For the steam room and shower room, it will be necessary to perform separate calculations for the area, because shelves must be placed in the steam room, and a tray must be placed in the shower room.

    A small bathhouse should be built in the usual sequence. The construction rules for its construction are no different from those by which other buildings are erected.

    Construction of the foundation

    The construction of each building begins with the construction of a foundation. To determine which foundation to lay as the base of a bathhouse, first determine the quality of the soil on which it will be laid. If the soil is hard enough and dry, then you can build a simplified foundation. To do this, lay out along the intended perimeter flat stones. Next, fill with similar stones inner part foundation. The cracks should be filled with clay and compacted. Lay a layer of wooden beams pre-treated with hot bitumen on top. You can, in fact, not use clay. To do this, you can make a waterproofing layer that will cover the laid stones.

    As a rule, a columnar foundation is preferably chosen for a bathhouse. For these purposes, you can use stone, ready-made concrete pipes, bricks, or asbestos concrete pipes, the interior of which is filled with concrete.

    Another option is to install the bathhouse on wooden, metal or concrete piles. However, in this situation, you will need to take care of the thermal insulation of the floor.

    Strip foundation is the most common and reliable. To build it, you will need to dig a trench and make a cushion of crushed stone and wet compacted sand. Afterwards you should tie the reinforcement and pour concrete mortar. For the waterproofing layer, you can use roofing felt.

    If sand predominates in the soil, groundwater is very high, then for arranging the base of the bathhouse you should use reinforced concrete structures block type. For a mini-sized bathhouse, it will be enough to use ten such blocks, the dimensions of which are 20x20x40 cm.

    After the foundation is ready, install the frame of the bath house and build its walls, then the partitions dividing the dressing room. The rest room and shower should be insulated with a mixture of sawdust and expanded clay. The insulation should be covered with polystyrene sheets, after which the walls should be covered with clapboard. To prevent rodents from entering the bathhouse, you can add broken glass. Before laying the lining, you need to carry out heat and vapor barrier, as well as insulate the walls mineral wool. After that, cover them with clapboard.

    Make the walls in the shower room from polystyrene or galvanized steel. These materials are more durable than wooden lining, they better tolerate changes in temperature and moisture.

    Water supply and drainage. How to do it right?

    If you are setting up a bathhouse for your summer cottage, but you do not have a pressure water supply system, you can organize a gravity supply of water. To do this, it is necessary to build a structure that will consist of:

    • two galvanized tanks (50 l);
    • hose

    Tank with hot water in relation to the cold one you need to set it half a meter lower. Secure one end of the hose to the bottom of the tank with cold water, and connect the second one to the top of the hot water tank. Water circulation will be possible due to the temperature difference in the pipes. To organize the water supply to the shower, the tanks must be connected with a separate pipe. A mixer must be installed at the end of the pipe.

    To organize the drainage of water, sewer pipes are installed, which will drain the wastewater into a drainage hole, previously dug and equipped. For rapid gravity drainage, pipes must be laid with a sufficient slope.

    Heating system installation

    The water in the bathhouse is heated by the stove, which is located in the steam room. In addition, a heating element can be used for this, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

    If you decide to heat water with a stove, then install a U-shaped pipe at the hottest point of the stove and run it around the base of the chimney. The water supply should be on the body, and the outlet should be 5 cm above it.

    If you decide to use a heating element to heat water, then install it under the cold water tank, connecting it to the system with stainless steel pipes and hoses.

    Lighting and ventilation device

    In a small bathhouse, ventilation is easy to arrange. To do this, on the wall opposite front door, make a hole that will be easy to open and close with a flap.

    To organize lighting in small sauna It will be enough to install several halogen lamps with a heat-resistant housing. To reduce the voltage from 220 to 12 V, use a small transformer. Now your small sauna is ready!

    Features of a single outdoor mini-bath

    To assemble a bathhouse for one person, you will need to purchase lightweight insulated panels, which are a frame made of beams covered with thin boards. Standard size frames - 185x60 cm. To do this, you will need a beam whose cross-section is 1–1.5 cm and 3x6 cm. To insulate the bathhouse and provide a vapor barrier, fill the panels with mineral wool or foam plastic. On the inside, the material is sheathed with special aluminum foil and polyethylene film. Concerning outside, then it is covered with glassine or roofing felt. The panel can be covered with clapboard.

    In one of the panels you should make a door measuring 160x60 cm. Install a small window in it, preferably with double glass. The bathhouse must be airtight; door locks at the bottom and top ensure this. At the bottom of one of the panels, on the side where the heater will be installed, make a ventilation hole with a plug.

    To build a single bathhouse, you need to assemble the structure and, most importantly, ensure its heat and waterproofing.

    To build a steam room with an area of ​​1.8x1.3 m, you will need 10 panels for the walls and 2 for the roof. Fill the seams with batting and close them wooden planks on both sides. To protect the ceiling from precipitation, cover it from the street with a triple layer of roofing felt. If you will use the bathhouse only during the warm season, then you should not insulate the floor. If planned year-round use baths, fill the strip foundation and insulate it. To heat the steam room up to 90°C you can use an electric stove closed type, having a power of 3 kW. Place a metal bucket with stones on the stove and turn it on for several hours. Then proceed to bath procedures.

    Small indoor sauna

    You can also set up a small steam room in your home, for example, in the bathroom. This can be achieved in two ways. In the first case, you will need to install a removable shelf on two bars. The height from the floor should be no more than one meter. The bars are secured to the wall with reliable anchors. Above the bathtub, the height of the shelf should be between 400–600 mm.

    To climb onto the shelf, you will need to make several steps or a ladder using rubber bearings. Tie the ladder to the shelf with twine. The shelf width should be 600 mm. This steam room is heated by an electric stove. It can be installed on a special stand, for example, above a washbasin. As a heater, use a basin or metal bucket, which should be filled with stones and placed on the stove.

    Another option is to create a sitz steam bath on your bathtub. It will be covered with removable wooden panels. The shelves will be used as a seat, and you can rest your feet on the durable panels. To make the room remind you of a bathhouse, cover the walls and ceiling above the bathtub with clapboard or install removable panels. They can be installed and removed without much effort. Heating is performed by an electric stove with a container of hot stones placed on it.

    Choose your version of a small bathhouse, plan your actions and get started!


    Bath minimum dimensions built in life-size part 2 \ Small bathhouse
