Bathhouse and barbecue area in one. Projects of bathhouses with a terrace. What to pay extra attention to

Bathhouse and barbecue area in one.  Projects of bathhouses with a terrace.  What to pay extra attention to
Bathhouse and barbecue area in one. Projects of bathhouses with a terrace. What to pay extra attention to

The importance of bath procedures is difficult to overestimate. A regular bath can prevent many diseases. A visit to the steam room normalizes metabolism, promotes the removal of toxins, and relieves colds. In addition, it is an excellent relaxing and tonic that helps relieve tension after a hard day. And how wonderful it is to go outside after the steam room, enjoy the birdsong and cool fresh air, cool down a little and relax.

A sauna with a terrace is a rational and economical idea

The design of a bathhouse with a terrace provides a lot of advantages and new opportunities; it perfectly complements and decorates the site. Do you want to ensure proper rest? In this case, you can set up a place for a barbecue on the terrace. A large terrace with a 6x6 bathhouse will become a favorite place for many. Having placed chairs and a table, it is pleasant to receive guests here, relax, listen to music, and in the evenings, after steaming and a broom, drink tea and treat yourself to a smoky barbecue. A bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace is equally good and comfortable for both summer and winter pastime.

Projects for bathhouses with a terrace can be either miniature, compact, or quite large. The general appearance of such buildings is simply stunning. They look very attractive on the site. There are enough interesting projects of bathhouses with a terrace on our website so that everyone can choose an option to their liking. And if suddenly the presented projects cannot satisfy your wishes, we will develop a project from scratch especially for you. Then it will definitely meet all your requirements and bring a lot of fun!

Modern designs of bathhouses with barbecues from the point of view of economy are the embodiment of competent use of space and functionality. They provide for the presence of a bath complex (rest room, washing room, etc.), combined with a spacious gazebo, on which a barbecue or a simplified summer version of the stove will be placed.

The project of a corner bathhouse with a barbecue, like any other, provides the opportunity to enjoy both water treatments and being in the fresh air, as well as socializing and enjoying delicious food. Each of us probably has a tradition of relaxing in nature in the company of friends, treating ourselves to a delicious barbecue. Nowadays, a barbecue in a dacha is a sign of good taste.

Wooden saunas with barbecue

Your choice in favor of building projects with a barbecue gives you a double benefit - you get not only an equipped bathhouse, but also an excellent place to relax. There are a huge number of options for such projects; designs for a bathhouse with a barbecue gazebo made of wood are widely used in the construction of bathhouses.

Note! You can decorate the barbecue area in a wide variety of styles. But the main thing is that it harmonizes with the overall architecture of the bathhouse.

Designs of bathhouses with a gazebo and barbecue made of wood involve placing a large table, rocking chairs or benches, chairs and the obligatory presence of a barbecue, which can be made of brick. When constructing a stove, you must adhere to a certain number of rules and safety standards. But if you have at least a minimum of construction experience, then you can do all the work yourself.

Projects for a bathhouse with a gazebo and barbecue indicate to us that the recreation area will be well protected from any weather conditions, which means that any bad weather will not prevent you from holding a pre-planned friendly meeting (). In open areas, it will be quite difficult to light a fire due to strong wind or rain, but a gazebo will allow you to do this without the slightest difficulty.

Very often lately you can see a bathhouse not only with a barbecue and gazebo, but also with a swimming pool. The functional separation of zones in this case will allow your guests to cook food in the first zone, and relax in the second.

What advantages does a barbecue area located next to the bathhouse give us?

By setting up a barbecue area in this building, you will have the opportunity to enjoy delicious food with your friends after taking bath procedures.

  1. you get the opportunity to cook delicious food without going outside and without running several times from the living room to the kitchen. The stove in the gazebo will become both a place for cooking and a place for relaxation;
  2. placing a stove in a sauna is the best option for those who like to take a steam bath in the winter cold;

  1. the smoke coming from the barbecue oven will exit through the chimney, thereby not causing you any inconvenience;
  2. your multifunctional bathhouse will become a complete complex for your relaxation and the relaxation of your guests. Your friends and guests will come to you with joy and look forward to an invitation from you;
  3. The oven will become not only a first-class culinary tool, but also a bright decoration for your entire home and plot of land.

Construction of a bathhouse with barbecue

Due to the fact that the recreation area requires an outdoor location, designs for bathhouses with a swimming pool and barbecue require the presence of a gazebo or a simple small canopy.

Your choice in favor of one type or another of arranging the space around the barbecue should be based on what the price of this building will be, also taking into account the total area of ​​your site and its landscape.

  • in a small area you can easily equip a bathhouse with a stove, for example, by making it a corner one. The advantage of this design is that with minimal expenditure of square meters you will get your own multifunctional relaxation area;
  • a corner log house can be very compactly placed at the end of your site, and the view of your courtyard that opens in front of it will be an excellent addition to a beautiful gazebo with barbecue;

  • baths of this kind usually require the presence of two entrances - one leading to the relaxation room, and the second to the bath complex. In this case, a gazebo with a seating and cooking area is attached to one of the entrances;

A bathhouse with an attic () could also be a good option. Placing the building upward, rather than wide, will be the best demonstration of the competent use of the usable space of your site.

Note! Thus, you will get a bathhouse with a gazebo and barbecue, as well as a place to arrange a beautiful garden. This way you won’t have to sacrifice land area for the sake of building a large structure.

Design projects with a stove, gazebo and pool can be implemented from a wide variety of materials, but wood will still be the best option. This material is natural and fully complies with all known environmental standards.

In addition, wood has high consumer characteristics. Both baths made of rounded logs and laminated or profiled timber will look attractive.


In this article, we told you what designs of buildings with barbecue areas are currently available. You can create such a project either with the help of specialists or do everything yourself; the instructions on our website will help you correctly perform all the necessary steps. You can learn more about this topic in the video in this article.

A sauna with a terrace and barbecue area is an indispensable addition for comfortable relaxation, recovery and cooking delicious food in the open air at any time of the year. Projects can only consist of a furnished and equipped stove, an open extension or have weatherproof side panels. In the second case, the terrace can be used all year round.

The terrace is an extension of an open or closed type, which is erected directly next to one of the walls of the bathhouse (usually at the entrance). It has a common foundation and roof structure with the bathhouse. The undeniable advantages of having a terrace are:

  • the possibility of complete relaxation without leaving the building and at the same time preparing delicious food;
  • giving functionality to the bathhouse - in warm weather the additional room can be used for sleeping in the open air;
  • The barbecue oven will become one of the spectacular elements of the bathhouse, emphasizing the status of the owners and providing additional heating to the adjacent room.

The extension is made from various materials: it can be wooden, block or brick. Everything will depend on the building materials of the main building. Placement also depends on the wishes of the customer. The terrace (veranda) fits perfectly into the designs of not only a rectangular, but also a corner bathhouse and is placed along one of the walls, the facade, or becomes a corner structure. This is what it looks like in the photo below.

Bath terrace zoning projects

If you arrange a terrace in the corner, the chimney is easily vented through the roof and eliminates smoke from the room. A sliding, removable fabric, plastic or glass screen will ensure the use of the veranda, despite weather changes. The main thing: proper heat and waterproofing.

Budget buildings can be considered frame-panel buildings. They can be either one- or two-story. The second option is a multi-level extension, where you can not only cook food, but also relax comfortably at any time. Photo of the bathhouse project with a terrace and barbecue below.

The barbecue area, if properly placed, does not require special insulation; a chimney with good draft will perfectly ensure the complete removal of combustion products without them entering the terrace space. In addition, for convenience, the veranda may have several entrances.

An ergonomic option for placing a terrace with a barbecue is the area between the house and the bathhouse, which is used in the form of a gazebo and a transition from one building to another.

The barbecue oven is planned independently or with the assistance of specialists. The simplest option is a small grill. But for a brick bathhouse, a multifunctional stove is suitable, in which, in addition to barbecue, you can make smoking and hot dishes over an open fire.

For small terraces or if you do not want to become overly sophisticated in cooking, a small brick oven-barbecue is built. If you have a very limited budget, a stationary oven can be replaced with an assembly barbecue, simply by equipping a place for it (fire insulation and hood). This will be quite enough to prepare the lightest “after-bath food.”

It is interesting and useful to use the space for a terrace if you make it multi-level. In this case, the porch gradually turns into a balcony and then into a gazebo with a stove or barbecue.

Materials for construction

A timber terrace will cost the most. A bathhouse without an attic, a terrace and a barbecue will cost 750-900 thousand rubles. A two-story building with all the specified building elements already starts at 1.2 million rubles, if you order turnkey work. Economy offers for a small standard bathhouse, complemented by a veranda with a barbecue - from 550 thousand rubles.

The minimum size of terraces for a bathhouse is 6-9 m2, but if the family is large or a large number of guests are expected, it is better to immediately include at least 12 m2 of space in the project. When using the bathhouse only in the warm season, the size of the terrace can be significantly increased by saving on the rest room.

The extension must be designed at the stage of construction of the bathhouse itself. In the future, such changes will require large expenses (to rebuild the foundation and roof), so it is better to think through everything in advance.

It is also important to decide on the materials; if the bathhouse is a log house, then it is better to build a terrace using wood, etc. The fact is that differences in building materials can negatively affect the foundation, and ultimately the entire structure. The interior design of the terrace does not need to be in sharp contrast to the overall interior of the building. And not only for aesthetic reasons.

Each type of material requires a certain thermal and waterproofing, protection from damaging biological factors, has a different weight, heat capacity, and ability to resist chemical and atmospheric influences from the outside.

Wooden, brick or stone columns are used as fencing for the recreation area, on which the roof is supported, and side elements for protection from wind, rain, sunlight, etc. are fixed. Today, polycarbonate occupies a leading position in this. It is easy to mount and remove seasonally. It retains its original appearance for a long time, does not deform, and is easy to clean.

Materials for a barbecue stove must be heat-resistant, moisture-resistant, inert to temperature changes, and the stove itself must operate on several types of fuel (coal, wood).

An original turnkey bathhouse is a wonderful way not only to relax and forget about the tedious workdays, but also to restore efficiency and get rid of illnesses. But for this to become a reality, it is necessary to spend as much time as possible in nature. At the same time, steaming all day is quite tiring. The Tsar Bath company will offer you an excellent solution to this problem: you can order from us the design and construction of a bathhouse with a barbecue. This is a good option for those who plan to leave Moscow for several days. This steam room ideally combines the bathing traditions of antiquity with the possibility of organizing leisure time in a modern style.

Designing a sauna with a barbecue: why you should choose us

If you often gather a group of friends or close relatives at your dacha, the question immediately arises of what to do with them after thermal procedures. You can take care of this in advance by reviewing the projects of bathhouses with a terrace and barbecue photo with an interesting design. Our proposals will certainly attract your attention for the following reasons:

  1. Each of our projects is a product of the creative thought of experienced company specialists. In our work we take into account both building regulations and the wishes of the client. If you doubt your choice, you will definitely receive professional advice on which building option is best suited for a site with a given area and terrain.
  2. Our sauna with barbecue projects will be relatively inexpensive, even if you want to build a large steam room with many decorative elements.
  3. We immediately calculate possible risks for the structure associated with shrinkage of walls, laying a foundation in a certain type of soil, and atmospheric influences. Therefore, our log bathhouse will last for several decades without requiring major repairs.

Construction of a bathhouse with a barbecue: a new quality of relaxation in the ancient Russian style

You will probably want to taste delicious and aromatic kebab immediately after visiting the steam room. The construction of a bathhouse with a barbecue will allow you to organize the following leisure activities at the highest level:

  1. At the customer’s request, we will add a gazebo near the steam room with either a barbecue grill or a real Russian stove, and its installation will be carried out in accordance with modern standards in this area.
  2. When building a bathhouse with a barbecue, our specialists will make the structure as safe as possible, so that the likelihood of a fire or carbon monoxide poisoning is minimized.
  3. This can be a bathhouse made of logs or timber - both options are distinguished by high quality materials and affordable prices.

Our company knows everything about sauna relaxation. Contact us - and you simply won’t want to leave your dacha.

A bathhouse is not only a cleansing and healing procedure, but also a club of interests, a meeting place for friends. And besides gatherings in the recreation room, sometimes it’s nice to spend time outside. For such gatherings, terraces are added to the house. They can be open - if gatherings are planned only in the warm season, or closed - if you sometimes relax there in the winter.

Meeting friends, conversation and relaxation are closely associated with barbecue. Where there is a barbecue, there is a grill. And the only thing better than a portable barbecue is a stationary barbecue. So they often plan bathhouses with a terrace and barbecue.

In this bathhouse project, the terrace covers the bathhouse on three sides. A decent area will allow you to sit comfortably for any campaign. If desired, part of the terrace can be made closed. You can relax in it on cool days. You can install a barbecue on a separate stand or do it in one of the blind corners.

According to the internal layout of the bathhouse project. Pay attention to how the stove is installed. It heats four adjacent rooms at once. If you plan to house a bathhouse in winter, you will have to provide additional heating for the rest room, so more power will be required. But the rest room will require a separate heat source: it is of decent size, and is not heated by a sauna stove.

In the case of an all-season bath, it will be necessary to fence off part of the rest room as a vestibule or hallway. So that the cold air does not interfere with your rest after the bath.

This bathhouse project has two entrances - one from the porch, the second from the terrace. The building has a separate bathroom and a fairly spacious kitchen, but the area occupied by the entire building with extensions is considerable: 14 * 7 m. At the entrance from the porch there is a separate vestibule. This entrance was planned as a winter one. In summer you can open the wide sliding doors, making the terrace even larger.

The layout option for a corner bath is quite functional. It occupies a minimum of space, having all the necessary premises. The shower room is spacious enough for installation. The stove is heated from a steam room, which is possible given its dimensions. By moving the doors, you can install the stove closer to the corner and embed it into the wall. This way it will be heated from the shower, which in some cases is more convenient. For the remaining rooms, it will be necessary to think through the heating system (if the bathhouse will be used in winter).

This layout has a “disease” of many projects: there is no vestibule for winter use. But there is a locker room here, which is undoubtedly good. The only problem is that humid air will come from the washroom, and wet clothes are unacceptable. Therefore, this room must have very good ventilation. It is imperative to provide an inlet and outlet ventilation hole, as well as install an exhaust fan at the outlet. Only in this case can rapid removal of moisture be ensured.

Which project to choose

The terrace can be located very close to the bathhouse - adjacent to one or more sides of the walls of the building, or it can be placed at some distance from the house. Another option is to make a large area close to the house and a small extension, connected by a path, for installing a barbecue - so that the smoke does not interfere.

The roof of the terrace and the house can be common, but the foundations must be independent. Between the base of the house and the site, if they are very close, a layer of insulation is laid. It serves as a separator. Thanks to this option, shrinkage of the bathhouse and terrace can take place independently.

Since shrinkage can be uneven, when planning a house and a barbecue under one roof, the rafter system is made floating. It has the ability to compensate, to a certain level, for the unevenness of the changes occurring.

What kind of foundation will be under the terrace?

For terraces with wooden flooring, a columnar foundation is often made - it is easier to manufacture and cheaper. For areas finished with tiles or porcelain stoneware, an insulated slab is needed; if the finishing is paving slabs, they can be laid on a profiled membrane and a backfill of crushed stone and sand. This is perhaps the most inexpensive and fastest option.

A pile foundation requires less expense, but only requires the installation of wooden support posts on which the roof will rest. Such barbecue terraces often have a low wooden fence. These projects “fit” well into the traditional style: they are attached to walls made of logs or timber.

Bathhouses designed in a modern style often have open terraces with tiles (ceramic or paving) lined with finishing stone. But for brick or stone pillars, it is necessary to make a shallow slab foundation with insulation. In winter, on heaving soils without insulation, not a single finishing material will hold up, and the slab may crack (and, most likely, it will). Without insulation, you can make a foundation for a terrace only on dry sandy loam soils that are not prone to heaving.

How to build a slab for a terrace with a barbecue with your own hands

The construction of any foundation begins with earthworks. First, select soil to the width of the planned terrace, plus fifty centimeters. This half a meter is used to create a protected insulated blind area. It covers the side of the stove and prevents it from freezing.

The depth of the pit depends on the region, the degree of heaving of the soil, and the thickness of the finishing.

It is recommended to use high-density extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) (at least 35 kg/m3) as insulation for the slab base. It has excellent heat-insulating properties, does not rot, does not absorb water, is not damaged by rodents and insects, fungi and mold do not develop on it, and it is also resistant to mechanical stress. For central Russia, the thickness of polystyrene slabs should be about 100 mm.

How to connect the base of the terrace to the foundation of a bathhouse or house is shown in the figure. Please note that SPA anchors are not a required part. If the slab insulation is properly carried out, there will be no shifts or movements. Even if the entire terrace is covered with bricks. But for your own peace of mind, you can install them.


In the pit for the terrace, the remaining soil is leveled and compacted. A substrate of crushed stone (middle fraction) 10-15 cm thick is poured and compacted. It’s better not to do it manually, but with a vibrating plate - the result will be better, there will be less shrinkage. At this stage, the formation of the slope begins to create a blind area. From the edge of the terrace, at that same 50 cm, the crushed stone is leveled so that its layer becomes thinner towards the edge.

If the groundwater level is high, a drainage pipe is laid in the crushed stone. It should be located at a distance of 20-30 cm from the foundation of the house. Its function is to drain water that has fallen under the slab. 10-15 cm of sand is poured onto the compacted crushed stone, leveled, spilled, and also compacted to high density (when no trace of the boot remains). Here the slope for the blind area is also preserved.

Waterproofing and insulation

This is a modern waterproofing material - a profiled membrane. It has high reliability, and at the same time, due to the uneven surface, it compensates for heaving forces

Waterproofing material is pricked on top. In a budget option, this is a dense polyethylene film (density 200 microns higher), but it is advisable to use other waterproofing materials, in particular, polymer membranes. They are much stronger and more durable, and due to their uneven surface they partially compensate for the loads of winter heaving.

The width of the waterproofing should be decent: one edge should extend approximately 10-15 cm onto the wall of the building, the second should cover the entire width of the blind area (the second edge is not fixed, then sprinkled with soil).

Expanded polystyrene insulation boards are laid on the waterproofing. If the insulation thickness is 10 cm, it is better to take five-centimeter thick slabs and lay them in two layers, overlapping the joints of the lower row with sheets of the upper one. Expanded polystyrene is also laid in parts of the blind area, but here the thickness of the insulation is 50 mm (in this area the slope “from the foundation” is maintained).

Another layer of waterproofing is laid on the insulation, its width is the same, one edge is placed on the foundation of the bathhouse. Both films are fixed together with a clamping bar.

Reinforcement and filling of the slab

Now formwork is placed around the perimeter of the terrace (exactly along the perimeter of the terrace, excluding 50 cm for the blind area) - a board more than 100 cm high, reinforced with posts or jibs, you can sprinkle it lightly with soil. Reinforcement is laid out on the brick halves. They will provide a distance of 5 cm from the edge of the concrete slab.

When creating a reinforced frame, do not forget that reinforcement is required for each column or post. It is bent with the letter “G” and two such rods are tied in the right place

For reinforcement, rods with a diameter of 6 mm are used. They are laid in increments of 100 mm both lengthwise and crosswise. They are tied at the intersections with knitting wire. Having finished making the reinforcing frame, concrete mixture is poured into the formwork. The thickness of the mortar layer is 10 cm. It can be made standard: 1 part cement, 2 parts sand and 3 crushed stone, less water than cement.

To increase the frost resistance of the slab, it is advisable to treat it. Since the depth is shallow, you will need a surface model (you can rent it for a few hours).


After setting, the surface is covered with film. If the weather is hot, the stove is sprayed with water for several days. The next day after pouring, wetting is abundant, and on all subsequent days it is moderate. In addition to the film, you can cover the stove with something that does not allow light to pass through - uneven heating can cause cracks to form. If additives that accelerate the setting of cement were not introduced, then finishing can begin in three to four weeks.

The formwork can be removed a week after pouring. After this, soil can be poured over the blind area (extreme 50 cm) and leveled. If you wish, you can then sow grass or plant flowers - that’s up to you as you wish.

Pile foundation for the terrace

If you plan to make a terrace with wooden flooring, you can get by with an easy-to-make pile, drilled-rammed foundation. One note: this foundation will perform well in areas with low groundwater levels. If groundwater is close to the surface, it is better to make a shallow columnar one.

It is most convenient to use pipes. Metal ones are expensive, and they also need to be carefully treated to prevent rust; asbestos-cement ones are the most acceptable option. Some people install plastic sewer lines. Despite the low strength of such formwork, it can be a good option. After all, the plastic is smooth, and it will be difficult for the emerging lateral forces of heaving to “catch” it. And they are the most difficult to deal with: they are almost not calculated.

In any case, the diameter of the pipes is about 20 cm. The pitch of installing the piles depends on the type of soil and the load on the terrace. On average it is 1-1.5 meters.

Wells are drilled in the ground below the freezing depth of the soil. Approximately 15-20 cm of crushed stone is added and the crushed stone is compacted. Insert the pipes, placing their upper edges at the same level. To make installation easier, you can throw a couple of shovels of crushed stone inside the pipe.

Vertical installation is checked, alignment on planes and easier to do with the help of stretched threads. To do this, reinforcement bars are driven in at key points, they are also positioned vertically, then cords are tied to mark the lines for installing the pillars.

Two or three reinforcement bars (diameter 8-10 mm) need to be driven into each pipe. They must first be connected to each other. You can use any sufficiently flexible and strong wire that will allow you to hold the rods in a given position. The reinforcement must be positioned so that each rod is at least 5 cm from the wall. This way they will be inaccessible to moisture and oxygen, which is why they will not rust.

After installing the reinforcement, you can fill the piles with concrete mortar. To give the structure increased density, it is necessary to achieve homogeneity of the solution. In this case, you need to use a submersible one, with a flexible shaft and mace length of 1.5-2 meters. As a last resort, you can pierce the concrete. They take a thick rod of reinforcement, pierce the concrete right through, and then shake it a little. This removes air bubbles. Do this immediately after pouring. As a result, the solution settles a little, you have to add a little. Another option is to knock on the pipe, but preferably either with a rubber mallet or a wooden mallet (so as not to break the asbestos, since it is quite fragile).

How to attach the harness

After the concrete has set, wooden blocks of the lower frame are attached to the posts. It is better to take timber 150*50 mm or 75*150 mm. Before laying, they are treated with impregnations and antiseptics, if desired, tinted with stains and always covered with varnish or paint. Paint and varnish products are used for outdoor work. It will reliably protect the wood from atmospheric influences.

To prevent moisture from penetrating through the concrete to the wood, a layer of waterproofing (regular or euroroofing felt in two layers) can be laid on the tops of the piles under the bars. There are no problems with attaching the joists to the concrete. You can do this in several ways:

More difficulties arise when attaching the joists to the building: this operation is not often required. A reliable option is the following: attach the beam to the wall at the required level (do not forget to process it). They are fastened with studs (for example, M12*1000), wood grouse or anchor bolts (with a diameter of at least 10 mm). The installation step of the fasteners is 50-60 cm. To make the fastening more durable, they are installed in a zigzag pattern - one higher, the other lower. To prevent water from flowing between the wall and the timber, seal the joint with silicone sealant.

The logs and all other elements are attached to the beam with special fastenings made of galvanized iron (see photo).

The height of the terrace flooring should be slightly lower than the floor in the bathhouse or house. Approximately 25 mm. This will prevent water from flowing into the house. To make it easier to navigate, you can measure the height of the window sill in the room from the floor. Then, on the outside, mark a level 25 mm lower, then lower the level even lower, but this time by the thickness of the board (if you are using a board 25 mm thick, then in general the support beam should be nailed below the floor level in the house, not 50 mm).

Therefore, they begin to install the harness by attaching the support beam to the wall, and they are already guided by it when installing the harness and joists. The same block can be used when setting the level of piles (the piles are placed along the lower edge of the beam).

To two bars - one on the wall, the second on stilts - transverse bars - logs - are attached. Their installation step is 40-60 cm. After fixing the logs, you can nail the flooring to them. It can be made from edged boards, or from a special terrace. It differs in that a wave-like profile is formed on one side. This surface is not so slippery even when wet.