Car according to the horoscope: which cars suit the zodiac signs. Which car color to choose based on your zodiac sign

Car according to the horoscope: which cars suit the zodiac signs.  Which car color to choose based on your zodiac sign
Car according to the horoscope: which cars suit the zodiac signs. Which car color to choose based on your zodiac sign

Scientists seriously argue that if a person has no luck with his car, if he constantly gets into accidents and never gets out of the car service center, it means he has chosen a car that does not suit his zodiac sign.

Moreover, Canadian insurers assure that there is a direct relationship between the zodiac sign and one’s chances of getting into an accident.


Aries love speed.

Aries love to stand out and be the first in everything. Therefore, they are advised to take a closer look at cars such as the Mazda Rx8 or Audi TT. Of course, red. From the domestic automobile industry, the Lada Premier is suitable for them.


Taurus are monogamous.

You choose a car for life. They are very careful, take care of their car, and worry about every detail. Breakages and scratches lead Taurus to a state of deep depression.

They rarely get into accidents, mainly because of their stubbornness - they can wave at a red light or refuse to give way. They rank sixth in the accident rate rating. Taurus instinctively strive for stability and security. Therefore, calm, trustworthy Opel or Saab will suit them. And even better if it is a Toyota. Moreover, it must be light green in color - it brings good luck to Taurus.


Therefore, they can buy the most expensive car - they won’t have to spend money on repairs. You can swing at an Audi A8 or a small SUV like a Nissan X-trail or Land Rover Freelander. According to the stars, it brings good luck to Geminis. pale blue color. The main thing is that there was good music equipment in the car - the twins really love music and high-quality sound.

Cancers take 10th place on the emergency list.

They are very careful on the roads: they drive slowly, they don’t like to overtake, and they park in the designated places. Household crayfish always have a spare. And the interior of their car is clean and comfortable.

Since Cancers are practical people, a Volkswagen Passat Variant or a Mazda 6 station wagon will suit them. However, this zodiac sign is the most patriotic, which is why many Cancers choose domestic cars. Also a good option - for budget-conscious crayfish, of course. The best color to choose is white, pale blue, green or silver.

Leos are romantics to the core.

They are kings. Both nature and roads. Less likely than anyone to get into an accident. They love chic and shine. They can't would be better suited"Alfa Romeo", "Skoda", "Jaguar". For those who cannot live without luxury, you can opt for a Cadillac - the longer the better. By the way, if you see a car with a gold steering wheel with Swarovski rhinestones, you can say with 100% certainty that the driver is a lion. The color of the car should be regal: golden, yellow or orange.


Virgos rank 9th in terms of accident rates. They periodically read the traffic rules, never exceed the speed limit, do not quarrel with traffic cops, and always carry a first aid kit with them.

Virgos are very careful about their cars. The main thing for them is that their car, God forbid, is not stolen or scratched. Therefore, those cars that are rarely stolen are suitable for them. Volkswagen Polo, for example. Mitsubishi Pajero or Land Rover Discovery 3 SUVs are also suitable for practical girls. Colours: beige and blue.


Libras are the primary reckless drivers, they are the ones who make the statistics of road accidents. They are very difficult to please. Choosing a car is long and tedious. Moreover, they prefer very expensive cars, Rolls-Royce, for example, or Lincoln. But very often their desires do not coincide with their capabilities.

Best option for scales: dark green "Fiat" or "Alfa-Romeo". In general, it’s better for them to take something inexpensive and used - they’ll break it in a couple of weeks anyway.


They absolutely love speed. Passionate Scorpios hate it when someone overtakes them. The Scorpio driver spends half his life in the car. Therefore, it is important for him that the car looks as prestigious as his apartment. He will feel best in a BMW or Mercedes Benz E-class 55 AMG in brutal black. By the way, Scorpio cars, regardless of their make and model, have amazing feature to be reborn from the ashes, that is, to emerge unscathed from any accident.


Sagittarians are cool guys.

They love to show off. That's why people like representative cars. Even if they have a “Zaporozhets”, then this is the most tuned “Zaporozhets” in the world. In general, they love everything big and spacious. So the Ford Expedition is what you need. However, you can choose something more modest. Peugeot, for example. Or Citroen C4. Favorite colors are orange and yellow.


Capricorns believe that traffic rules are created for anyone, but not for them.

Moreover, taking this position, they manage not to rise above the 8th line in the accident rate rating. They prefer classic cars, such as Volkswagen or Jeep.

For Capricorns, when choosing a car, its status is very important, but at the same time they value reliability and practicality. Saab and Volvo fit these categories quite well. The best color to choose is black, gray, purple or brown.


Maybe because there are a lot of bikers among Aquarians. In general, representatives of this sign go crazy with all sorts of gadgets. They prefer cars stuffed to the roof with electronics.

The main thing is that everything is not like others. Therefore, a Lexus RX400h with a hybrid engine or a Nissan Primera with a rear view camera will suit them. Any color, the main thing is that the car is shiny.


Pisces are dreamers. Unfortunately, they also dream while driving.

Therefore, they consistently occupy fourth position in the accident rate list. Due to their natural laziness, they don’t like to choose a car for a long time. They take whatever they can get their hands on. The main thing is that the color is marine - blue, light blue, green.

They love used cars because they have a history. They don't chase prestige. In general, a Bentley will suit them. If only because the name sounds romantic and unobtrusive.

Of course, before you become the owner of a car, it’s enough to go to any showroom and look at a dozen or two cars. But you can do it in a different way: first study the characteristics, type, brand, color, other details and only then look for a specific vehicle - exactly for yourself. And astrologers will help you choose a car according to your zodiac sign, because every opinion has the right to exist.

The most important thing for you is the beastly power of the engine. Therefore, you are impressed by dynamic models, such as high-speed sports cars, which roar along any road, completely destroying open spaces, or drift spectacularly, raising clouds of dust, fountains of spray, mountains of rubble. The legendary Italian-made Ferrari is also suitable.

The most vulnerable elements in your cars are usually the battery (it fails unexpectedly), windshields, hood, bumper, lighting system. Ignition is often in question.

In terms of color type, the red and yellow options (for men), as well as blue and silver (for women) resonate most with you.

Noise, bustle, haste are not your thing at all. You are willing to work like an ox, but slowly and calmly. They are confident behind the wheel and irreplaceable if there is a need for long trips. The car that is suitable for you is convenient, comfortable, reliable - Opel, Subaru, Toyota, Mitsubishi.

In technical terms, you should thoroughly study all the components and parts - especially in the wheel system, which, according to the predictions of the stars, will give you biggest problem. If you buy a modern car, loaded with electronics, do not abuse the options, but use them only when necessary.

The appropriate color for your vehicle is any bright color except red (try to avoid this color scheme).

You are excellent drivers: reasonable, calm, stress-resistant. Make the right decisions quickly. But don’t tolerate the same type of movement that unsettles you. Music helps you calm down, so it is extremely important that your car has a good audio system. The most suitable cars for you: the latest models of Ford, Audi, Mazda, Kia Cherato. Luxury ones: Lexus, Bentley, Rolls Royce. The love of wind and freedom directs you towards convertibles.

As a rule, you get into accidents because of your stubborn nature—more precisely, because of your reluctance to give up talking on your cell phone while driving. Most often, your cars suffer from turn signals, side windows and the steering system.

Ideal colors for your car: metallic (silver), yellow, purple, bluish gray and orange.

For you, a vehicle is a second home because you keep everything you need in it. Be incredibly careful with your car and don't let a speck of dust fall on it. One of the key criteria for you is the presence of a spacious trunk, which dictates your personal brand. BMW, Chrysler, Nissan, UAZ, Niva, Opel, minibuses, family cars, trucks, vehicles with trailers are suitable for you.

The most vulnerable areas are the bumper, suspension, underbody, headlights (rear), trunk. In addition, you are incredibly cautious and worry about your car, so you often exchange garages that are difficult for you to please. You prefer to travel around the countryside rather than in the bustle of cities.

Recommended colors: green, yellow, blue and its entire palette. Orange and red are strictly incompatible with your vehicle.

Car for Leo

What do you expect from your car? powerful engine, swiftness and luxury. English brands and all the most expensive ones, including Land Rover, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Cadillac, Jaguar, meet similar ideals. From the average price category you should choose Skoda Octavia, Ford Fiesta, Hyundai, Chevrolet. Options suitable for romantic natures Italian manufacturers: Fiat and Alfa Romeo.

Your vehicle's most at-risk areas are the engine, gas tank, and transmission. The stars advise not to skimp on fuel and choose the best, as well as fuel and lubricants.

The color scheme is preferably saturated, closer to light: brown, cherry and blue (for men), golden, orange, red (for women).

Car for Virgo

You don't tolerate hack work, so purchase passenger car from the hands is not your option, and if there is no other possibility, then you will double-check everything a thousand times and extract it from the seller. The product you receive must be of exceptional quality. However, because you are tight-fisted, you give preference to practical and inexpensive models economy class It is worth paying attention to the brands Suzuki, Chevrolet, Deo, Hyundai, Kia Rio.

Despite the fact that you are extremely attentive and concentrated while driving, your windshield wipers, power windows, handles, and alarm systems often fail. That is, all sorts of little things that can turn a trip into an unpleasant adventure.

It is desirable that the color of the vehicle be brown, green, blue, purple shades or just white.

You approach the purchase of a vehicle from two perspectives: capacity and beauty. And all because the most important thing for you is the balance between all facets - technical, aesthetic, and comfortable. You can’t always afford luxury cars, so the stars recommend choosing between Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Honda. German brands include BMW and Mercedes, and Italian brands include Alfa Romeo.

Despite the balance, in case of emergency you are not inclined to make quick and correct decisions, so you often become a victim of accidents. You love to philosophize and reason while driving, which leads to breakdowns. The most common ones are related to the exhaust system and suspension.

In terms of color preferences, it is better to lean towards the entire palette of blue and green. You will feel no less comfortable in a white car.

Having a quick temper and explosive character, you similarly transfer this behavior pattern to the road. Most racers and drift enthusiasts belong to this sign. In addition, you are more likely than others to arrange emergency situations literally taking risks own life. Your cars are Opel, Lexus, Honda, Cadillac, Mercedes, BMW. Fords and Hummers go well with you.

The most vulnerable areas of cars are the transmission, horn, steering column and engine. You can destroy them in virtually a week. Often your transport looks like it did after the Battle of Kulikovo, but this does not upset you, on the contrary, you are proud of its broken appearance.

Suitable color for the car: yellow, violet, cherry, garnet-raspberry, scarlet, red and all fiery bright tones.

Car for Sagittarius

As a lover of travel, you often move into the category of truck drivers. Moreover, you are well versed in everyone technical nuances cars, constantly improve them, because you make excellent engineers and auto mechanics. Give preference to powerful models where it is possible to connect a trailer. Don't ignore trailers and minibuses. You need to choose models from Volvo, Fiat, Ford, Renault, BMW, as well as futuristic options.

The most problematic areas in your cars are the ignition and battery. The air conditioner and stove often become unusable.

Color range of transport: a spectrum of violet, brown-crimson, green, blue and dark tones.

Dirt, off-road conditions, obstacles are nothing for you. You love to overcome them more than all other signs combined, so it feels like you are specifically testing your technique for strength. Everything in the cabin is spartan: you don’t tolerate excesses, except for photos of loved ones, of course. Conclusion: You should choose from practical and functional models. Any domestic models and brands of Toyota, Mitsubishi, as well as SUVs are suitable.

Of the breakdowns, it’s even difficult to determine what happens most often, because everything turns out to be broken: the chassis, steering, gearbox, glass (especially the windshield), tires, underbody, etc.

By color palette it is better to give preference to pale yellow, any shades of gray and dark tones body

Various technical bells and whistles in your personal vehicle are your everything, since you are prone to cognition the latest devices. Treat purchasing a car in the same way: gather a whole “consilium” of friends, consult, test, try and finally choose. The most preferred models for you are those produced by Honda, BMW, Skoda, Volvo, Saab. But you especially highlight samples that operate on “futuristic” technologies.

Although you can inlaid the hood with rhinestones and gold, you completely forget to refuel your car, which happens quite often. Or you overload the vehicle, driving out of town with a huge group of friends. This is what your car most often suffers from.

It is advisable to keep the body palette in purple, ultramarine, bluish-green, lilac and gray shades.

You are unpredictable on the road because you rely solely on your intuition behind the wheel. This puts others at risk. Due to high emotionality, try not to get into the car immediately after a surge of emotions - it’s better to cool down a little. Otherwise, you choose empty highways, breakneck speed and an audio track at full volume. This is how you relieve stress. Do you love trinkets and pleasant aromas in the salon?

From a technical point of view, your car sometimes behaves strangely: it suddenly refuses to start for some unknown reason, then it recovers itself and starts working as if nothing had happened.

You have already recognized the car by the Virgo zodiac sign, but you must choose the color for the car between lilac, violet, azure, bluish and purple.

Each zodiac sign has its own preferences. What one person enthusiastically accepts, another may not like at all.

Do you like the car you drive and does it suit your zodiac sign?

Zodiac signs by car brands!

Choose a car according to your zodiac sign, and you need to decide it by weighing all the positive and negative aspects. The main parameters are the appearance of the car, make and specifications. Everything must be perfect. But how not to make a mistake?

Turn to astrology, choose, for example, the color of your car according to your zodiac sign. Let the color of the car not main criterion, but not the last, because it can best emphasize the character of its owner!

Astrological experts will help you choose a good car based on your zodiac sign

In this topic we will try to figure out which car according to your zodiac sign suits you best. And, as always, let's start with Aries.

  • The car of the zodiac sign Aries should be red. The color of revolution, blood and passion, awakens activity. Ambitious representatives of the fire element have a thirst for speed, so energetic and powerful car, in which they will feel great. The expressive car Audi TT or Mazda Rx8 is just that car according to zodiac sign, which will truly reveal the essence of Aries people.
  • The color of the car according to the zodiac sign Taurus is yellow-green, evoking feeling emotional balance. Those born in the sign of Taurus are stubborn in nature, not recognizing barriers, but caring about their own safety. They need a car that will provide both. there will be Toyota, Saab, Volvo.
  • The color of the car according to the zodiac sign Gemini is bright yellow. This color liberates, sets you up for action and constant movement, this is the color of people looking to the future. Gemini cars are SUVs or crossovers such as Nissan X-trail, Volkswagen Tiguan, Land Rover Freelander, ideal.
  • The colors of the car according to the Cancer zodiac sign are emerald, turquoise or green, those that are called lunar in the East. People of this zodiac sign are kind to their relatives, surround them with care, love to go on country walks with all their relatives, and that is why a roomy minivan like Opel Zafira, Mazda 5, Honda FRV is perfect for these people.
  • Colors for people with zodiac sign Leo gold, orange, fiery red – strong positive colors, shades of luxury. Powerful, proud, predatory Leos like things that evoke the admiration of others. The Mercedes-Benz A-class will appeal to ambitious Leo people.
  • Car colors for the Virgo sign are white, gray, silver, black. For people of this sign good option There will be a German car brand, Volkswagen, as well as a Land Rover Discovery 3 SUV.
  • The car of the Libra zodiac must meet all the requirements of these aesthetes; Italian brands, for example, Alfa-Romeo, Fiat, are suitable for them. The favorable color of the Libra zodiac sign is dark green.
  • A car according to the Scorpio zodiac sign should be aggressive, such as a black Mercedes-Benz E-class 55 AMG. These people love power, speed, and love to feel like kings of the road.
  • Freedom for people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is the most important thing, and the Ford Expedition will fit perfectly into the rhythmic life of these people. Citroen C4, Peugeot 307 will also be enthusiastically received by these people. Car color by zodiac sign Sagittarius is bright - yellow or orange.
  • People of the Capricorn zodiac sign strive with all their might to obtain a high social status. Cars with this status are Saab, Volvo, suitable colors are lilac, brown, black, gray.
  • Zodiac sign Aquarius

Buying a new car is not an easy task. I want it to meet all the buyer’s requirements, and everyone has their own depending on their character, temperament, family and social status.

But when choosing a car, some are guided by the advice of their horoscope. The method is unusual, but read and compare your preferences with the recommendations outlined below.


Aries are stubborn and selfish. They differ from the people around them in their honesty and ambition. They try to be one step ahead of everyone, they love speed. Therefore, energetic, fast and powerful transport is most suitable for Aries.

This zodiac sign will be at ease in cars such as the Audi TT or Mazda Rx8. In addition to speed, Aries loves good sound, acoustics and optics. The colors are chosen bright, saturated. The shade of fury and passion - red - will allow them to stand out.

Representatives of this sign are brave people and like to take risks. Craving adrenaline. Therefore, luxury sports cars and SUVs, such as Maserati convertible, Porsche 911, Chevrolet Corvette or Hummer H3, are suitable for them.


Taurus values ​​comfort, luxury and practicality in a car. The horoscope recommends that people of this sign buy Japanese or Swedish car models. The best option would be Toyota, Saab or Volvo.

Although Taurus may seem violent at first glance, they are actually quite calm individuals. That is why the color of their car should be soft and calm. Vehicles These brands fully meet all the requirements of Taurus - appearance and internal characteristics.


Gemini is changeable: today they may like one thing, and tomorrow - something completely different. Therefore, when choosing a car, they need to be extremely careful.

Although they love high speed, sports cars are not suitable for them. The most necessary part in a car for Gemini - a signal to honk at everyone who bothers them on the road. Concerning specific brands cars, then SUVs or crossovers such as Nissan X-trail, Volkswagen Tiguan or Land Rover Freelander are ideal for Gemini. The color should be gentle and unobtrusive. Optimal color- blue.

And, perhaps, due to the fact that Gemini is an air sign, fresh and fresh air in a car that will provide them with carbon filter air conditioner Geminis, as a rule, are completely immersed in society and love traveling to big companies. That is why the reliability of the machine is very important to them.


For Cancers, who are usually surrounded by many relatives, whom they treat reverently and with great love, surrounding them with incredible care and attention, a large and roomy minivan, like the Opel Zafira, Mazda5 or Honda FRV, is suitable.

And for those who do not yet have a family or have, but so far only one child, station wagons, for example Mazda 6 or Volkswagen Passat Variant, would be a good option when choosing a car. Such machines are very practical and convenient from all sides. The color of the car should be from a light palette.

a lion

Leos are predators, they love to rule, and they are unceremonious in dealing with people. They are very fond of luxurious things, mainly to show off to others. For representatives of this sign, a car that will attract attention is recommended. Only in this case will Leos be satisfied. They are completely indifferent to what the car is capable of, the most important thing is that the price is huge, and the higher the better.

And if there are some financial restrictions, then Leos may well opt for a Mercedes-Benz A-class or a Mini Cooper. Of course these cars don't count budget option, but “royals” cannot afford it simpler and cheaper.

The color of the car should also attract attention: rich yellow, fiery red or gold - shades of luxury, assertiveness and power, so that everyone sees Leo and knows who is driving it.


Neat, quiet and calm Virgos When purchasing a new car, they think that they will drive it for the rest of their lives. And it’s true, no matter how long Virgos drive a car, it’s always in their possession. good condition. . For such people, a good option would be the German car brand Volkswagen.

Virgos value practicality and comfort. These requirements will be met by a beautiful, stylish, versatile and practical Renault Stepway SUV, as well as Land Rover Discovery 3 and Mitsubishi Pajero. The exterior color is blue, gray or black, but the interior color is best chosen in light beige shades.


Libras are often considered harmful and boring, and this is not surprising. Even searching for a new car takes them up to several months.

They carefully and painstakingly select only required functions, only the options necessary for them. Whatever car Libra has, they will be truly happy with it, because before buying it, it was not in vain that they spent months studying and improving it.

A favorable color for a Libra car is dark green. In order for the car to fully meet all the requirements, it is best to opt for Italian brands, like Alfa-Romeo or Fiat.


Scorpio people always have a clear idea of ​​what kind of car they need - powerful, capable of speed, with a roaring engine. Even if the car looks simple, there must still be a powerful engine under the hood.

An excellent option is the Mercedes Benz E-class 55 AMG. But if such a car does not suit Scorpios, then any one with an engine capacity of at least 5 liters will do. Scorpios' favorite color is black.


Sagittarians love freedom and space. And this is the most important thing a Sagittarius can think about when buying a car. Therefore, the free and spacious Ford Expedition will fit perfectly into the rhythmic life of Sagittarius. Such a car will look menacing on the roads, which is what this sign really likes. But Sagittarius can opt for other models that look small on the outside, but are quite spacious inside.

Sagittarians are constantly in search of adventure, they go on trips every now and then. Plus, they have many friends whom they are always happy to see. Therefore, both Citroen C4 and Peugeot 307 are suitable, the appearance of which will appeal to every Sagittarius. The color should be bright, sunny - yellow or orange.


Capricorns themselves are very conservative. On top of that, they are also workaholics. Their car is, first of all, a break from the hustle and bustle. They should feel confident and relaxed behind the wheel.

Cars with a high status - Saab and Volvo - are suitable for Capricorns. The brands of these cars are very practical and reliable, which is very important for Capricorns. There can be many color options for a Capricorn car - gray, black, lilac, brown and others.


They love it very much modern technologies, computers and other equipment. Aquarius cars look more like inside spaceship- many buttons, displays and gadgets. They like to stand out from the crowd. Even the keychain on the rearview mirror should be unusual, not like everyone else’s. Most often, the choice of a car for such people is made through the internal equipment of the car.

An excellent solution would be the Lexus RX400h, which has a hybrid engine and, in addition, this car is equipped with displays. Also, a good option could be the Nissan Primera, which is equipped with a rear view camera. Since Aquarians love technology, the color of the car should be appropriate - metallic bright color will perfectly complement a new car.


A complex and unpredictable zodiac sign. It's quite difficult to find him mutual language, the most important thing in life is your favorite car. The choice of car depends on its history. Pisces don’t care at all what the car looks like, what engine it is and what the price is. Pisces are very reluctant to understand technical nuances. They want a car that is easy to use. No unnecessary movements, just sat down and went.

The favorable color of a car for Pisces is blue or green - any shades - since Pisces is a water element.

As you can see, choosing a car based on your zodiac sign is easy. And even if a car that fully matches your sign does not suit you in some way, then you should not immediately categorically reject it. It often happens that after looking at a car more carefully, the choice still ends on it.

Based on materials from

Mysticism accompanies us in literally everything. And even such a seemingly completely prosaic object as a car is no exception. You can buy a car and drive it long years- until you get tired of it and sell it in perfect condition - without a single scratch.

Or you can crash your car in your own yard, the next day after buying it, by crashing into the wall of your house. It happens that a car wanders from owner to owner, bringing them misfortune, and, even disassembled for spare parts, continues to take revenge for unknown reasons. Today we will talk about the mysticism associated with cars, and how best to choose a car so that it does not cause trouble.

"Little Bastard Porsche"

A case in point is the story of American actor James Dean. He crashed his Porsche 550 literally on an empty road, colliding head-on with a car that was not in sight a moment ago. No one else was seriously injured in that accident, but then it overtook all its participants - Dean’s fellow traveler, after several unsuccessful suicide attempts, died in a car accident, and the driver of the second car died of lung cancer. And the car continued to reap a bloody harvest until it disappeared somewhere in the vastness of Florida. Moreover, everything that was connected with this car and its owner mystically became links in one chain.

Judge for yourself:

  • Shortly before his death, James Dean called his car "the little bastard." Isn’t that why the Porsche 550 then took such terribly revenge on everyone who came into contact with it?
  • On the set of the film "Giant", as social advertising, Dean warned young people against driving fast and made a reservation: instead of the phrase “The life you save may be your own,” he said: “The life you save may be mine.”
  • Dean wasn't supposed to drive the car on his last trip - it was supposed to be carried on a special platform to the race site, but at the last minute Dean decided he had to get more used to the car in order to win the race.
  • On the way, Dean was stopped for speeding, he paid a fine, and did not violate the speed limit again. At the time of the fatal accident, the car was moving at a speed of 88 km/h, as advised by the police officer who stopped Dean.
  • According to the testimony of the driver of the second car involved in the accident, he did not have time to react and turn the steering wheel for one simple reason - he did not see Dean’s car. On an almost empty stretch of road!
  • The tow truck driver, who was picking up Dean's car from the scene of the accident, died some time later in a car accident.
  • From Porsche, which is in broken Brought it to the garage, the engine inexplicably fell out.
  • A certain doctor bought the motor and installed it on his car - the doctor died during the race.
  • The garage where the Porsche 550 was being repaired burned down.
  • The deceased Dean's car was exhibited as a landmark in Sacramento - it fell from the podium and crushed the hip of a passing spectator.
  • Later, the car independently fell apart into 11 parts.
  • 20 years after the fatal accident, a certain fan of the actor purchased a Porsche 550 and restored it. She decided to repeat James Dean's last route to understand what happened to her idol. The woman died in the same mysterious way as Dean, on the same stretch of road.
  • The last thing we know about the killer Porsche is that American police drove it around the country to promote moderate driving. In Florida, a car disappeared without a trace. Maybe he still continues to do his dirty work one way or another?

Good choice

So how to choose a car so that it does not cause misfortunes?

You can select a car according to the signs of the Zodiac, guided by the qualities that are inherent in a particular sign. Let's take a quick look at

  • Aries. High-speed semi-sports models in red and orange colors.
  • Calf. Heavy, solid machines.
  • Twins. The main emphasis is on engine reliability.
  • Cancer. Family class cars with a spacious interior.
  • A lion. Bright expensive luxury models.
  • Virgo. Machines that do not require high costs for service.
  • Scales. Vintage cars and small compact cars in bright colors.
  • Scorpion. Either sports class cars, or aggressive and powerful ones. It is better to choose in accordance with your own intuition.
  • Sagittarius. « Workhorse" Off-road vehicle.
  • Capricorn. Stable vehicles such as jeeps.
  • Aquarius. Cars increased security.
  • Fish. Solid models with increased safety. The main thing is to create a feeling of security and calm.

Used and damaged cars

If you are purchasing a used car, then take the time to find out its history, ask if anything happened to it, how often it got into accidents or caused a conflict on the roads - cars are stored negative energy no less than people. Any such case should alert you - no matter how much you like it this car, do not rely on your driving experience and “maybe”, refuse the purchase. It is not without reason that the majority of drivers try to immediately get rid of a car that has been in an accident.

It is believed that if this happened once, it will happen constantly. And this has its own mystical truth. In a completely incomprehensible way, a car that has been involved in an accident attracts emergency situations and becomes a clear threat to its owner. This is especially true if the accident occurred, as they say, on empty space. For example, when another car drove into it, parked in the right place. Or when you managed to collide with another car while parking on the sidewalk.

By the way, this is described perfectly real cases. And if in the first case the owner of the car immediately sold the damaged car to the “daddy” of the lady who was driving the car who caused the accident, and bought himself another, happier one, then in the second case the owner of the car repaired it and five more times became a participant in all sorts of accidents until she I'm not tired of it. Now she drives a different car, chosen “for herself,” and is happy.

We attract moon calendar and compatibility horoscope

If you are going to buy a new car, then before going to the car dealership, “consult” with Large purchases for the long term, it is best to do it on the waxing Moon, when the Moon is in Taurus - these days you are inclined to be thorough, so you will subconsciously choose a reliable car that will serve you for a very long time; moreover, you will not give in to impulse and will not overpay for the car only because there is already a “Christmas tree” hanging there; or in Scorpio - these days you will feel “your” car on an intuitive level, and you will not be deceived by being “sold” a low-quality car.

Find out when the car was produced, ideal option You may find a car that matches your Zodiac sign. Study the compatibility horoscope, see which signs you are most comfortable with. For example, if you are Aries, then choose a car “born” under the sign of Leo, Sagittarius or Libra.

Consider also color scheme, favorable for your zodiac sign:

  • Aries. Bright red, orange, carmine - combined with metallic.
  • Calf. Yellow, bright blue, lemon green.
  • Twins. Purple, blue-gray, white.
  • Cancer. Blue, silver, bright green.
  • A lion. Purple, gold, scarlet, black.
  • Virgo. White, blue, purple, green.
  • Scales. Sea wave, dark blue, intense green.
  • Scorpion. Yellow, dark red, raspberry, khaki.
  • Sagittarius. Blue, light blue, purple, crimson.
  • Capricorn. Dark green, ash gray, black, blue, pale yellow.
  • Aquarius. Silver-gray, lilac, blue-green, violet.
  • Fish. Steel, purple, sea green.

Rely on your sixth sense

Taking into account astrological aspects, select a car that suits you from a catalog or on auto sites and schedule a day to go to the car dealership. There should be a personal acquaintance, a first date, so to speak, after which you will most likely understand whether this is “your” car or whether it is worth continuing the search. And, of course, when choosing a car, either new or used, do not discount your own feelings. To do this, spend your first acquaintance with the car in a relaxed, calm state, discarding all extraneous experiences. Arriving at the salon and choosing the one you like appearance car, or having found what you were inclined to, leafing through the catalog, do not rush to part with the money.

Ask the seller to open the car, sit in it (alone!), listen to what is happening to your sensitive heart. Close your eyes and let your thoughts flow freely, as if without your participation. And what you feel after a while should become the basis of your choice. If you suddenly feel anxious, if your palms become wet and your forehead is covered with perspiration, then this is clearly “not your” car. By the way, people who often change cars and have a penchant for clairvoyance or highly developed intuition say that they sometimes even have visions when the car can become a source serious problems– they intuitively hear the squeal of brakes, feel a blow, or feel dizzy. If you feel good, calm and comfortable, and if no visions disturb you, then you can proceed to the next stage of checking for compatibility - take a test drive. If your sensations have not changed while moving, then you can safely make a purchase.

And further. Do not flirt with evil, do not choose number with, this rarely goes without fatal consequences.
By the way, if you can tune in to the wave of your car, you will be able to feel whether you have a boy or a girl. Give your machine a name, talk to it, be affectionate and friendly. This is not nonsense! This is a guide to action. Oddly enough, but equipment that is directly connected with its owner (car, computer) senses the mood, like a dog or cat, loves to be talked to, kept clean and even stroked. Then she will not let you down and will not offend you.

You can choose a car according to your sixth sense and astrology, but if you drive yourself, you will be inattentive and distracted, if you rely solely on good choice- trouble cannot be avoided. Therefore, even a perfectly selected car should become an extension of your own skills, your will and your professionalism. And then you and your new pet will form a wonderful tandem, and the movement will be safe, pleasant and comfortable.