Avangard Batyrevskaya regional newspaper. Chuvash media. Chief editors over the years

Avangard Batyrevskaya regional newspaper. Chuvash media. Chief editors over the years

Avangard is the only newspaper in the Republic published in the Chuvash and Tatar languages. Circulation: about 3500 copies. The editorial office is located in the village. Batyrevo. Newspaper publication days: Wednesday, Saturday.

History lines:

In 1930, in the Batyrevsky district they began to resolve the issue of their own newspaper. On September 9, at a meeting of the bureau of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the issue of organizing a regional newspaper was considered and a resolution was adopted to allocate premises for the editorial office and printing house, as well as to organize a discussion of the name of the newspaper. On September 28, 1930, an editorial board of 5 people was approved, which included: from the district committee - Rumyantsev - editor, from the RK Komsomol - Sergeev, from the district executive committee - Yanaslov, from trade unions - Salyansky and from the Shikhirdansky district - one representative.

At the next meeting, the bureau decided to name the district newspaper “Payankhi sas”, and also Saxonova, a women’s organizer and famous Chuvash poet, a native of Arabuz (Pervomayskoe) Vasily Mitt, was added to the editorial board.

On February 8, 1931, Sunday, readers received the first issue of the newspaper. It was a newspaper of the Bolshe-Batyrevsky Republic of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the district executive committee, published once every 5 days on 4 pages.

The first editorial staff were Vasily Egorovich Mitta - executive Secretary and Yakov Lvovich Zverev (Yakku Arslan) - literary staff member.

The whole burden fell on their shoulders, because... At that time, there were only two people on the editorial staff, and the editor directly worked in the district party committee as the head of the propaganda department. In 1932, the name of the newspaper changed; from the first issue it became known as “October Yalave” (“Banner of October”).

In connection with the restructuring of the district in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR "On changing the boundaries in the new administrative-territorial composition of the Batyrevsky and Shikhirdansky districts of the Chuv. Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic" and the transfer of the Batyrevsky district executive committee to Bolshie Kosheley in 1939, the editorial office moved to the new regional center. "OCTOBER YALAVE" ceased to be a Batyrev newspaper. The changed boundaries of the Batyrevsky district began to be called Chkalovsky and the newspaper “Communism Bayragy”, which was the organ of the national Tatar Shikhirdansky district, became the organ of the Chkalovsky RK of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) and the district executive committee. The newspaper, previously published in the Tatra language, became Chuvash. Here materials were published in two languages: the text of Chuvash authors in Chuvash, the Tatar ones in Tatar. This situation remained until the 50s. And it could satisfy readers. There was a need to release it with dubbing. In 1952, this issue was resolved: on September 4, the newspapers “Communism Yalave” were published entirely in Chuvash, and “Communism Bayragy” in Tatar. The last one began to duplicate Chuvash newspaper. In 1953, both were given the same international name - “Vanguard”, under which it is published today.

Now - state unitary enterprise"Batyrev Publishing House".


weekly newspaper

Chief Editor

Zinaida Vasilievna Alexandrova

Main office

429350, Chuvash Republic, p. Batyrevo, st. Kanashskaya, building 19


2368 copies in Chuvash, 837 copies. in Tatar languages

Website: http://www.avangard.cap.ru

Vanguard- a newspaper published by the republican state unitary enterprise “Batyrevsky Publishing House” in the Batyrevsky district of the Chuvash Republic. The only newspaper in the Chuvash Republic published in the Chuvash and Tatar languages. Circulation: about 3,500 copies. The newspaper is published twice a week (Wednesday and Saturday) on six A3 pages.


  • State Unitary Enterprise "Batyrevsky Publishing House";
  • Ministry of Culture, National Affairs, Information Policy and Archives of the Chuvash Republic.

Director and Chief Editor Zinaida Vasilievna Alexandrova.


On September 9, 1930, at a meeting of the Bureau of the Bolshe-Batyrevsky RK of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the issue of organizing a regional newspaper was considered and a resolution was adopted to allocate premises for the editorial office and printing house. At the next meeting of the bureau, they decided to name the newspaper “Payankhi sas”.

On February 8, 1931, the first issue of the newspaper was published. It was published once every 5 days on 4 pages. The first employees of the editorial office were Vasily Mitta - executive secretary and Yakku Arslan (Zverev, Yakov Lvovich) - literary staff.


  • Publishing activities / Newspaper publishing
  • Newspaper printing
  • Printing activities/ Other printing activities

Business certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

October 24, 2007
Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 2 in the CHUVASH Republic
Property of subjects Russian Federation
Autonomous institutions

Address and telephone numbers

Briefly about the company

AU "EDITORATE OF THE BATYREV DISTRICT NEWSPAPER"AVANTGARDE, registration date - October 24, 2007, registrar - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 2 for the CHUVASH Republic. Full name - AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION OF THE CHUVASH REPUBLIC "EDITORATION OF THE BATYREV DISTRICT NEWSPAPER "AVANGARD" OF THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION POLICY AND MASS COMMUNICATIONS OF THE CHUVASH REPUBLIC. Legal address: 429350, Chuvash Republic- CHUVASHIA, BATYREVSKY district, village. BATYREVO, st. KANASHSKAYA, 19. The main activity is: "Publishing newspapers." Entity also registered in such OKVED categories as: “Printing newspapers”, “Printing activities not included in other groups”. Industry according to OKONH: "Printing industry". Organizational and legal form (OLF) - autonomous institutions. Type of property - property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The position of the head of the company is editor-in-chief.

Local businesses and organizations

Vehicle maintenance and repair

Trade in motor vehicles
429500, CHUVASH Republic - CHUVASHIA, town. KUGESI, st. TEPLICHNAYA, 2

Production of construction materials metal structures and products
428000, CHEBOKSARY, BAZOVY Ave., 13

"SU - 2.9", LLC
Production of civil works
428000, CHEBOKSARY, PRESIDENTSKY boulevard, no. 4

Activities in the area accounting and audit

Activities in the field of law
428000, CHEBOKSARY, st. K. MARKS, 52, BUILDING 2, office. 336A

Fish farming
429904, CHUVASH Republic - CHUVASHIA, TSIVILSKY district, village SECOND VURMANKASY, st. CENTRAL, 11

Retail in non-specialized stores
428000, CHEBOKSARY, MAXIM GORKY Ave., 38/2

Furniture manufacture

Renting out your own real estate

Property Management

Wholesale trade in timber, building materials and sanitary equipment
428000, CHEBOKSARY, pl. RECHNIKOV, 5, apt. 26

Production of electric motors, generators and transformers

Production of sporting goods
429500, CHEBOKSARY, DUBRAVNAYA st., no. 13

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

K:Printed publications originating in 1930


  • Ministry of Information Policy and Mass Communications of the Chuvash Republic.
  • AU "Editing Batyrevskaya" district newspaper"Avangard" Ministry of Information Policy of Chuvashia

Editor-in-Chief Mazyakova Nina Vasilievna.


On February 8, 1931, the first issue of the newspaper was published. It was published once every 5 days on 4 pages. The first employees of the editorial office were Vasily Mitta - executive secretary and Yakku Arslan (Zverev, Yakov Lvovich) - literary staff.

In 1932, the newspaper became known as “October Yalavĕ” (“Banner of October”). On September 4, the newspaper began to be published under the name “Communism Yalavĕ” in the Chuvash language and “Communism Bayragy” in the Tatar language. The latter duplicated the Chuvash newspaper. In 1953, both newspapers were given the same international name - Avangard.

Chief editors over the years

  • F.F. Rumyantsev (1931-1932)
  • M.A. Sokolov (September 1932 - July 1934)
  • A.I. Ivanov (July 1934 - February 1935)
  • F. Efimov (February - December 1935)
  • A. Tsvetkov (May - June 1936)
  • N. Kuzmin (July 1936 - March 1937)
  • V. Yakovlev (October 1937 - May 1938)
  • F.I. Stepanov (May 1938 - January 1939)
  • L.D. Rumyantsev (February 1939)
  • K.K. Yuldashev (1940)
  • V.D. Kuzmin (1940-1945)
  • H.Sh. Shakurov (December 1945 - February 1947)
  • B.Sh. Abeydullina (February 1947 - September 1949)
  • A.M. Shornikov (September 1949 - May 1950)
  • VC. Tenyukov (May 1950 - December 1952)
  • I.I. Meshkov (January 1953 - February 1956)
  • M.I. Ivanov (August 1956 - July 1959)
  • I.A. Stepanov (July - December 1959)
  • H.A. Fomin (January 1960 - July 1976)
  • IN. Yagudin (August 1976 - August 1977)
  • A.A. Salmin (November 1977 - August 1996)
  • N.D. Larionov (August 1996 - September 2005)
  • Z.V. Alexandrova (from December 12, 2005 - September 2011)
  • S.A. Perepelkin (October 2011 - December 31, 2014)
  • N.V. Mazyakova (March 06, 2015 – present)

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An excerpt characterizing Avangard (newspaper, Batyrevo)

The next day, in the morning, Marya Dmitrievna took the young ladies to Iverskaya and to m me Ober Shalma, who was so afraid of Marya Dmitrievna that she always gave her outfits at a loss, just to get her out of her hands as quickly as possible. Marya Dmitrievna ordered almost the entire dowry. When she returned, she kicked everyone except Natasha out of the room and called her favorite to her chair.
- Well, now let's talk. Congratulations on your fiance. Got the guy! I'm happy for you; and I’ve known him since those years (she pointed to an arshin from the ground). – Natasha blushed joyfully. – I love him and his whole family. Now listen. You know, old Prince Nikolai really did not want his son to get married. Good old man! It is, of course, Prince Andrei is not a child, and he will manage without him, but it is not good to enter the family against his will. It must be peaceful, loving. You're smart, you can do it right. Treat yourself kindly and wisely. Everything will be fine.
Natasha was silent, as Marya Dmitrievna thought, out of shyness, but in essence Natasha was unpleasant that they were interfering in her love affair with Prince Andrei, which seemed to her so special from all human affairs that no one, according to her concepts, could understand it. She loved and knew one Prince Andrei, he loved her and was supposed to come one of these days and take her. She didn't need anything else.
“You see, I’ve known him for a long time, and I love Mashenka, your sister-in-law.” Sisters-in-law are beaters, but this one won’t hurt a fly. She asked me to set her up with you. Tomorrow you and your father will go to her, and give her a good hug: you are younger than her. Somehow yours will arrive, and you already know your sister and father, and they love you. Yes or no? Surely it will be better?
“Better,” Natasha answered reluctantly.

The next day, on the advice of Marya Dmitrievna, Count Ilya Andreich went with Natasha to Prince Nikolai Andreich. The count prepared for this visit with a gloomy spirit: in his heart he was afraid. The last meeting during the militia, when the count, in response to his invitation to dinner, listened to a heated reprimand for not delivering people, was memorable for Count Ilya Andreich. Natasha, dressed in her best dress, was on the contrary in the most cheerful mood. “It’s impossible that they wouldn’t love me,” she thought: everyone has always loved me. And I’m so ready to do for them whatever they want, I’m so ready to love him - because he’s a father, and she’s because she’s a sister, that there’s no reason why they wouldn’t love me!”
They drove up to an old, gloomy house on Vzdvizhenka and entered the hallway.
“Well, God bless,” said the count, half jokingly, half seriously; but Natasha noticed that her father was in a hurry, entering the hall, and timidly, quietly asked if the prince and princess were at home. After the report of their arrival, there was confusion among the prince's servants. The footman, who ran to report them, was stopped by another footman in the hall and they whispered about something. A girl, a maid, ran out into the hall and also hurriedly said something, mentioning the princess. Finally, one old footman with an angry look came out and reported to the Rostovs that the prince could not receive him, but the princess was asking to come to her. Mlle Bourienne was the first to greet the guests. She met the father and daughter especially courteously and took them to the princess. The princess, with an excited, frightened face covered with red spots, ran out, stepping heavily, towards the guests, and tried in vain to appear free and welcoming. Princess Marya did not like Natasha at first sight. She seemed too elegant, frivolously cheerful and vain to her. Princess Marya did not know that before she saw her future daughter-in-law, she was already ill-disposed towards her out of involuntary envy of her beauty, youth and happiness and out of jealousy of her brother’s love. In addition to this irresistible feeling of antipathy towards her, Princess Marya at that moment was also excited by the fact that at the report of the Rostovs’ arrival, the prince shouted that he did not need them, that he should let Princess Marya receive them if she wanted, and that they should not be allowed to see him . Princess Marya decided to receive the Rostovs, but every minute she was afraid that the prince would do some kind of trick, since he seemed very excited about the Rostovs’ arrival.