The appetite has worked in earnest - trim_c - LJ. The pranksters played in earnest! Women's moans live on BBC! The sea played out in earnest all night

The appetite has worked in earnest - trim_c - LJ.  The pranksters played in earnest!  Women's moans live on BBC!  The sea played out in earnest all night
The appetite has worked in earnest - trim_c - LJ. The pranksters played in earnest! Women's moans live on BBC! The sea played out in earnest all night

After the ban on the VKontakte and Odnoklassniki networks, as well as several other resources with Russian registration, the Ukrainian authorities decided to continue general cleaning in the domestic segment of the Internet. This time, parliamentarians have targeted sites that disseminate openly anti-Ukrainian information, but are freely available in the country. What sites await blocking and how effective are such methods of cleaning the information space? Apostrophe: .

Separatists online

Following Yandex, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, the need to block separatist resources was also stated by First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Irina Gerashchenko. " Of course, there are questions for the National Security and Defense Council as to why this issue was not considered during an absolutely correct discussion on Russian websites that were working. It is obvious that we will send relevant requests from people’s deputies to the National Security and Defense Council and the relevant ministries", she noted.

According to Gerashchenko, separatist websites “paint a hostile image of Ukraine,” which means they should not be a source of information for Ukrainians.

With the beginning of the war in Donbass and the occupation of Crimea, many resources actually appeared in the domestic information space that present an “alternative” point of view, “helping” simple-minded citizens understand the situation in Ukraine. These resources actively use the terminology of hybrid war, developed behind the curb: “junta”, “punitive forces”, “territory temporarily occupied by Ukraine” and so on. For example, “Donetsk News Agency” or “Lugansk Information Center”.

Anti-Ukrainian websites operate not only in the occupied territories. For example, in Odessa, the local online publication Timer repeatedly came to the attention of the Ukrainian special services. The site is associated with ex-People's Deputy Igor Markov, who is wanted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but is actively giving interviews on Russian television. Journalists of the resource call the militants “militia” and do not hesitate to replicate interviews with the leaders of the LPR/DPR.

Obviously, if we were to block, then such resources should have been blocked even earlier than Russian social networks. But, apparently, the National Security and Defense Council decided to take an easier path to begin with, because in the case of the same Odnoklassniki, everything is very clear: the Russian social network is out of Ukraine.

According to the head of the Internet Association of Ukraine, Alexander Fedienko, it is necessary to develop a methodology to calculate separatist resources on the network.
"What is an integrated approach? First of all, this is a systematic analysis of the information space, structuring this data and its further use on the blocking platform. Then we can get an answer to the question of the effectiveness of blocking. But this requires not only technical actions. We need rules and methods - what, how and on what basis to block".

Deputy Minister of Information Policy Dmitry Zolotukhin claims that such a technique already exists and has been tested.
"We have identified norms of Ukrainian legislation that contain prohibitions on the dissemination of certain information. For example, calls to incite ethnic hatred. Then the resources supported by the Russian side and entities associated with terrorist organizations in the occupied territories were analyzed.
One of the tasks of the expert council was to establish that the ministry’s initiative does not contain any intentions to censor the information space, but only to respond to violations of the law. Those resources that contained signs of calls described in the legislation (in particular, in the Criminal Code) were sent to the SBU for legal assessment and response

One of the members of the expert council under the Ministry of Information Policy, head of the National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine, Zurab Alasania, noted that a list of 20 dubious sites was submitted to the SBU for consideration. " Of the sites I know of, there is only one - “2000”. I don’t really know all the other sites, for example, “Militia”... Well, that is, they are completely finished: small, terrible, they look bad and strange. Of course, they didn’t choose at random, but used databases, including the “Peacemaker” website., - Alasania told Apostrophe.

True, SBU speaker Elena Gitlyanskaya found it difficult to tell Apostrophe about the results of the legal assessment of suspicious sites by the Ukrainian intelligence service.

Information drug

But even if the SBU decides to block separatist sites and stop their work on the territory of Ukraine, the question of the effectiveness of such a ban will be even more acute than in the case of Russian social networks. And the point here is not the ingenuity of users hungry for pro-Russian content, or the agony of choosing between ways to bypass the blocking. The fact is that large Russian resources, for example, Yandex, VKontakte, have long become brands, and their addresses on the network are known to almost any user, so changing the name, interface, and address for legalization in Ukraine is not an option for them. At the same time, small separatist resources, once on the prohibited list, will simply change their names and addresses the next day - and the “Opolchenets” website will be available to users, for example, under the name “Rising Donbass.” As a result, the story with smoking mixtures will repeat itself (when the Ministry of Health constantly updated the list of prohibited drugs, and cunning drug dealers simply changed the formula of the psychotropic substance) - only this time in the information space.

“Well, this does not mean that there is no need to fight,” assures Zurab Alasania. “This is painstaking, bad work, most of the time no one sees it. Of course, if someone wants to find it, the sites will change the name and will work, but most users - they’re just lazy. If the site doesn’t exist for a couple of days, then people simply won’t look for it. The propaganda effect is precisely focused on the audience of people who don’t want to put in any work: they press the button and it works, and then no one will look for anything. won’t struggle with it. That’s the whole game.”

Alexander Fedienko adds that intelligence services and relevant ministries have no choice but to monitor network mimicry. “Yes, they can change the address, and this already needs to be monitored. But this is a matter of national security, which should be dealt with not only by operators, but also by the state. These will be issues not only of blocking, but also of analysis,” Fedienko concluded.

However, experts fear that hunting separatists online could turn into a tool of political reprisal.
Says analyst of the Donetsk Institute of Information Vitaly Sizov.
"After blocking “harmful sites,” the temptation is always strong to start blocking others for real, and sometimes far-fetched, reasons. This is a matter of conflict between civil liberties and security. Threats and possible risks to civil liberties must be weighed. Do these sites have any real influence on the Ukrainian audience? Hardly. However, politically, such a decision could bring temporary profits for the authorities on the wave of patriotism and against the backdrop of low levels of trust and ratings".

Well, the guys are getting the hang of it.
The unlimited use of power, especially the power of prohibitions, is a kind of drug.
Here, as the unforgettable Mikhail Sergeevich said, “The main thing is to start, to start this main thing.”

And our government got off to a successful start, and now it’s getting the hang of it. Moreover, the presidential elections are coming soon, and how many harmful files can be banned from them - I’m already salivating. But salivation must be stopped.
Yes, the 2000 site is pro-Russian and propaganda, information content and objectivity are not even close to it, and sometimes it lies like two gray geldings at once. But if there is a serious rally against it being banned, I am ready to attend it.

If these petty eagles are allowed to swing and itch the shoulder, we won’t collect any bones here. And we will become so much like Russia that it will become difficult to understand why we are fighting with them when we differ so little


Timur Rodriguez, showman:

“Back in our student years, my friends and I played a prank on our mutual friend on his wedding day. At the height of the celebration, we, dressed in military uniform and thoroughly made up, came to the restaurant where the celebration was taking place. Having entered the hall, they declared that it was time for the guy to serve his Motherland! And until this moment, the groom really did not serve and successfully avoided meetings with the military registration and enlistment office... The sympathetic guests immediately decided to bribe us and began to collect money for this in a family-like manner. The bride's father tried to organize the conscript's escape, the beautiful wife begged us to postpone the service until tomorrow, so as not to take away their wedding night! When the joke was revealed, everyone was so amazed that it seemed that we could not avoid retribution for our joke, but still the guests could not help but laugh. And to this day, our former newlyweds thank us for making their wedding unforgettable!”


Victor Loginov, actor:

“A few years ago they gave me a prank at the theater. During the performance I had to drink a glass of water. But instead of water they poured me... vodka!

I drink the entire contents of the glass on stage and understand that the main thing is not to give away my reaction. Don't show that I just slammed a glass of vodka. Everything is spinning before your eyes, and then improvisation begins. Funny! This is a very popular joke among actors, but it never loses its desired effect!”


Gia Gagua, parodist:

“One day on April 1, my friends and I were returning from Israel. When we arrived at the airport, my friend went somewhere, and then came and said: “Listen, two pretty girls are about to come up to you. Whatever they ask, say yes! We’re going to have coffee with them and all that...” Well, I agreed. I think I still didn’t have time to learn anything in Yiddish, except for “yes”, “no”, “of course”.

Charming ladies come up and start talking to me. No matter what they ask me, I answer “yes, yes.” Suddenly two big guys come up, twist my arms and take me into the room. And only there I find out that the girls were security service workers and asked if I was carrying drugs, explosives, weapons. And I kept answering: “Yes! Of course yes!"

A very dangerous prank indeed. It could have ended badly. So I always joke in a kind way. When I played in the orchestra, I slipped rags into the wind instruments of my colleagues. When the guys started playing, the sounds reminded me of a toilet..."


Stas Piekha, singer:

“Once I had a concert in Belarus on April 1st. And I decided to prank my administrator.

I arrive at the airport 40 minutes before departure, call her and say in a sleepy voice: “Hello! I just woke up... It seems we had something on schedule today, can you remind us?” She is shocked: “How did you just wake up?! We have a concert in Belarus, the plane is already leaving! Can you imagine what will happen?!” She got so nervous that she threw down the phone. And at this time I had already approached the reception desk, I pat her on the back: “Hello!” Well, of course, I had to run out and buy Valocordin...”


Alexander Revva, comedian:

“With this type of work, I work 365 days a year—April 1st. About four years ago, on the initiative of Garik Kharlamov, a whole audience pranked me in Rostov!

There was a tour going on, Rostov was the sixth or seventh city where we arrived, so I was already performing fully automatic. Every evening he said: “Shall I show you the grandmother of a provincial actor?” - and everyone shouted: “Yes!” And they started laughing in advance: then the audience simply adored the grandmother who was talking to Spielberg.

And the presenter (he was Tash Sargsyan) persuaded the audience to, after my phrase: “Show you the grandmother of a provincial actor?” - everyone started whistling, hooting and shouting: “Ugh, this sucks!” When, instead of the usual delight, I heard this whistle and heart-rending screams: “Don’t!” — It was like a bucket of cold water had been poured on me. Why?! As the grandmother of a provincial actor says in such cases, “I don’t understand”...

A little more and I would have gone crazy. I was so stunned that nothing came to mind at all. Then Tash ran onto the stage and saved me. This prank was even filmed. Well, I look stunned there!”

The minor members of the sentence explain the main or other minor members. They are divided according to their grammatical meanings into wolves carefully lying down in the thicket– circumstance.


Addition - this is a minor member of the sentence that denotes the subject and depends on the predicate or another member of the sentence. Objects are expressed by nouns or pronouns, answering questions of indirect cases, for example: 1. The old man was catching(how?) seine (What?) fish. (P.) 2. Said(to whom?) to him fish...(P.)

Old Taras thought(about what?) about a long time ago. (G.) 2. Tomorrow won't be the same(for what?) for today. 3.Nine is divided(for what?) on three .

Everyone asked for her(about what?) sing (L.)


An addition can also be expressed as a syntactically indivisible phrase, for example: 1. The girl admired(how?) pansies . 2. I wrote out(What?) "Around the world" . 3. (to whom?) Petya and I 4. Over the summer I read(What?) a lot of interesting books The old woman was spinning her yarn. (P.) 2. I found it at the commandant's Shvabrina. (P.) Direct objects are expressed in the accusative case without a preposition. All other additions are called indirect.

Types of add-ons" width="98" height="26"> with and without prepositions

wine case gender case

without an excuse without an excuse

only for part of it" width="39"> that bank of the river. milk) about me." width="44" height="44"> Types of definitions" width="612" height="48 src=">

in agreement with the defined word according to the degree of distribution

dezhe; and case; same;



ordinal number

expressed noun

And pronounce it. indirectly

case; adverb; compare

adjectival form-

body; infinitive." width="68" height="17">" width="47" height="14">.gif" width="58" height="17">" width="68" height="16"> grumbling." width="34" height="15">



Application- this is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case, for example: A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a cliff - giant. (L.)

Applications can denote various qualities of an object, indicate age, nationality, profession and other characteristics, give proper names for inanimate objects, for example: 1. Grandmother- old lady looks out the window.(A.B.) 2. Driver- Kyrgyz sits motionless on the beam.(Form.) 3. Doctor Sergeeva left. 4. River Don spilled.

A special type of application is proper names, indicating the name of newspapers, magazines, enterprises, works of art, etc., for example: 1. Father subscribes to a newspaper "News", and the older brother is a magazine "Behind the wheel". 2. Factory "Red Hero"- a modern industrial enterprise. These are inconsistent applications.

If the single application and the defined noun are common nouns, then a hyphen is placed between them, for example: 1. The people will not forget - winner their selfless heroes.(L.-K.) 2. From the regiment we thank you for your son - brave man . (Tward.)

A hyphen is also placed when a common noun comes after a proper name and closely merges with it in meaning, for example: The Kremlin stands on the shore Moscow- rivers. Compare: River Moscow encased in granite.(OK.)


A hyphen is not placed after words that are generally accepted addresses: citizen, comrade and etc.; For example: Citizen financial inspector! I'm sorry to trouble you.(Lighthouse.)


Main types of circumstances.

Circumstance- This is a minor member of a sentence, denoting a sign of an action or other sign. The circumstances explain the predicate or other members of the sentence.

According to their meanings, circumstances are divided into the following main groups:


What do they mean?

What questions are answered?


Mode of action


1. (How?) loudly a cuckoo was crowing in the distance.

in full sail.

1. (when?) Yesterday I arrived in Pyatigorsk.

2. Grandmother (since when?) from sunrise(How long?) until late at night

about an hour

Measures and degrees

in what degree? how much?

Very tired.

tenfold increased.

beyond recognition.

1. (where?) All around the corncrakes screamed.

2. We moved in (where?) into the bushes.

3. The hare jumped out (from where?) from the forest and ran (where?) field.

on what basis?

1. He (why?) due to illness

2. (why? why?) In the heat of the moment he felt no pain.

purpose of the action

for what purpose?

For what?

for a cure.

condition for performing an action

under what condition?

1. (under what condition?) With effort

in spite of what?

despite being unwell.


for example: 1. (In spite of what?) Contrary to expectations, the night was warm.(Ars.) 2. City(despite what?), despite the late hour, was all on his feet.(Paust.)

In addition, the circumstances of the manner of action, time, reason, purpose and conditions can be expressed by participial phrases, for example: 1. (when?) Climbing up a large pine tree, hits the branches with a club.(N.) 2. Vasilisa Egorovna(Why?), seeing my stubbornness, left me alone.(P.) 3. (under what condition?) Without knowing the ford, don't stick your nose in the water.(Last) 4. They're running(How?), playing in the sun noisy streams.(Seraph.) 5. We pitched our tents(for what purpose?), wanting shelter from the rain.

I came(For what?) see you; For example: Pond in places(How?), like steel , sparkled in the sun.(T.)


We flew(Where?) above the taiga . Besides the question Where? the question of addition is also possible above what?

I'm standing by the road leaning against the willow tree. (Es.) 2. At the bottom, like a steel mirror, The lake streams turn blue.(Tyutch.)

Practical tasks.

Exercise 1(147)

Exercise 2(158)


The minor members of the sentence explain the main or other minor members. They are divided according to their grammatical meanings into additions, definitions, circumstances. These meanings are recognized by the questions. For example, in the sentence Hunters carefully walk around wolves lying in the thicket(S.-M.) the following minor members are distinguished: (bypass whom?) wolves- addition; (bypass how?) carefully– circumstance; (what wolves?) lying down- definition; (lying where?) in the thicket– circumstance.


Addition - this is a minor member of the sentence that denotes the subject and depends on the predicate or another member of the sentence. Objects are expressed by nouns or pronouns that answer questions of indirect cases, for example: 1. The old man was catching(how?) seine (What?) fish. (P.) 2. Said(to whom?) to him fish...(P.)

Additions can also be expressed by words of other parts of speech in the meaning of a noun in the indirect case, for example: 1. Old Taras thought(about what?) about a long time ago. (G.) 2. Tomorrow won't be the same(for what?) for today. 3.Nine is divided(for what?) on three .

The indefinite form of the verb can also act as an object, for example: Everyone asked for her(about what?) sing (L.)


An addition can also be expressed as a syntactically indivisible phrase, for example: 1. The girl admired(how?) pansies . 2. I wrote out(What?) "Around the world" . 3. (to whom?) Petya and I will soon be fourteen years old. 4. Over the summer I read(What?) a lot of interesting books . Additions can be direct or indirect. Direct objects belong to transitive verbs and denote the object to which the action is directed, for example: 1. The old woman was spinning her yarn. (P.) 2. I found it at the commandant's Shvabrina. (P.) Direct objects are expressed in the accusative case without a preposition. All other additions are called indirect.

Types of add-ons" width="98" height="26"> with and without prepositions

wine case gender case

without an excuse without an excuse

if you need to show, in some cases

that the action is directed when negative

not for the whole subject, but for the predicate

only for part of it

Catch a fish in the pond. I drank milk. I haven't read this book. So don't forget about yours" width="39"> that bank of the river. milk) about me.


Definition - this is a minor member of the sentence, which denotes the attribute of the subject and explains the subject, object and other members of the sentence expressed by nouns. Definition answers questions Which? whose?

Relating to nouns, definitions, like dependent words, are associated with them or by the method of agreement - agreed definitions, or using other methods (control, connection) – inconsistent definitions.

Compare for example:

1. (which one?) attic the stairs were very steep Ladder(which?) to the attic was very cool(inconsistent definition); 2. The first one was filed(Which?) naval borsch(agreed definition). – The first course was borscht(Which?) naval style (inconsistent definition). 3. (whose?) Our (agreed definition). - (whose?) His the story lasted for an hour(inconsistent definition). 4. Let me(which one?) interesting book(agreed definition). – Give me the book(which one?) more interesting (inconsistent definition).


Compared to agreed-upon definitions, controlled definitions express a more specific attribute; they often have additional meanings of additions or circumstances, for example: Nastya loved the highway(which?) above the sea . Besides the question which?, to the definition above the sea you can also ask a question Where? and question above what?. An inconsistent definition can be expressed by a syntactically indivisible phrase of a noun and an adjective, for example: 1. There was a girl sitting on the first desk(which?) with blue eyes . 2. Our hockey players are players(which?) high class ." width="612" height="50 src="> .gif" width="612" height="37">

consistent application inconsistent undistributed widespread

agrees with the definition agrees with does not agree with the definition - there are no dependent words there are dependent words

divisible word defined divisible word at definition at definition

in gender, number, pas - in a word in number in gender, number and case-

dezhe; and case; same;

expressed gender - expressed associated with the essence

nom adjective - noun - noun by way

nom, participle, telial control and adjacency



ordinal number

expressed noun

And pronounce it. indirectly

case; adverb; compare

adjectival form-

body; infinitive." width="68" height="17"> Siskin slammed wiped dry" width="47" height="14">.gif" width="58" height="17"> Good silence Celebration day The forester's hut the chair was pulled up" width="68" height="16"> grumbling." width="34" height="15"> good in spring. Klyazma river. dumped snow. and there is no price. dotted with millions



0 " style="border-collapse:collapse;border:none">


What do they mean?

What questions are answered?


Mode of action

qualitative characteristics of the action, the method of its implementation


1. (How?) loudly a cuckoo was crowing in the distance.

2. A lonely ship rushes, rushes (how?) in full sail.

When? how long? since when? How long?

1. (when?) Yesterday I arrived in Pyatigorsk.

2. Grandmother (since when?) from sunrise(How long?) until late at night was busy with housework.

3. We stood on the pull (how long?) about an hour

Measures and degrees

degree of manifestation of a sign or action

in what degree? how much?

1. We (how? to what extent?) Very tired.

2. Number of attackers (to what extent?) tenfold increased.

3. She has changed (to what extent?) beyond recognition.

scene, direction or path of movement

1. (where?) All around the corncrakes screamed.

2. We moved in (where?) into the bushes.

3. The hare jumped out (from where?) from the forest and ran (where?) field.

reason, reason, basis for an action

on what basis?

1. He (why?) due to illness exempted from physical education for a month.

2. (why? why?) In the heat of the moment he felt no pain.

purpose of the action

for what purpose?

For what?

1. Alexey Meresyev was sent to Moscow (why? for what?) for a cure.

condition for performing an action

under what condition?

1. (under what condition?) With effort you will be able to achieve great success.

condition against which an action is performed

in spite of what?

1. I will do everything (in spite of what?) despite being unwell.


Some circumstances may have a concessional meaning, indicating the reason against which the action is performed. Such circumstances answer the questions in spite of what? despite what?, for example: 1. (In spite of what?) Contrary to expectations, the night was warm.(Ars.) 2. City(despite what?), despite the late hour, was all on his feet.(Paust.)

As can be seen from the above examples, circumstances are usually expressed by adverbs or nouns in the forms of indirect cases with or without prepositions.

In addition, the circumstances of the manner of action, time, reason, purpose and conditions can be expressed by participial phrases, for example: 1. (when?) Climbing up a large pine tree, hits the branches with a club.(N.) 2. Vasilisa Egorovna(Why?), seeing my stubbornness, left me alone.(P.) 3. (under what condition?) Without knowing the ford, don't stick your nose in the water.(Last) 4. They're running(How?), playing in the sun noisy streams.(Seraph.) 5. We pitched our tents(for what purpose?), wanting shelter from the rain.

The circumstance of the goal can be expressed by the indefinite form of the verb, for example: I came(For what?) see you; and the circumstances of the course of action - comparative phrases with conjunctions as if, as if, as if, For example: Pond in places(How?), like steel , sparkled in the sun.(T.)


The circumstance, as a dependent word, is connected to the main one through adjunction or control. If the circumstance is associated with the main word control, then it may have the additional meaning of a complement, for example: We flew(Where?) above the taiga . Besides the question Where? the question of addition is also possible above what?

Circumstances expressed by comparative phrases, as well as circumstances expressed by gerunds and participial phrases, are separated by commas, for example: 1. I'm standing by the road leaning against the willow tree. (Es.) 2. At the bottom, like a steel mirror, The lake streams turn blue.(Tyutch.)

5.3. Practical tasks.

Exercise 1(147) Read it. Find extras. Rewrite to indicate additions.

1) The steamer wakes up the city with a crying whistle. (Paust.) 2) We were met by a friendly, shaven old man. (Paust.) 3) And the infantry carried their dear cheers before them. (Tward.) 4) Mother, in tears, ordered me to take care of my health. (P.) 5) Chuk kept three colored badges in a cardboard box. (A.G.) 6) I live and am proud of my sons. (Tward.) 7) They look into the joker’s mouth, they catch the word greedily. (Tward.)

Exercise 2(158) Rewrite, replacing the highlighted agreed definitions with common inconsistent ones.

Sample. There was a crystal vase on the display case. – There was a rock crystal vase on the display case.

1) The driver is dressed in leather jacket 2) The kiosk had a large selection illustrated magazines. 3) Automotive The parking lot was located near the station. 4) Three hours later they showed up mountain tops. 5) Books in the library were given out by high black-eyed young woman.

Exercise 3(166) Match the highlighted nouns with applications or defined words with the meanings given in brackets. Rewrite using punctuation marks.

1) They performed at the festival students... (nationality). They recited a poem by the poet ... (last name) in Russian. 2) Excerpt from novel... (name) o smitten... under (place) read teacher …(speciality). 3) An artist from the city theater sang an aria from operas... (name) of the composer ... (last name). 4) The ensemble of folk instruments performed Russian song… (Name).

Exercise 4(172) Read it. Find the circumstances, indicate how they are expressed, what their meaning is. In what way are they connected with the words on which they depend? Rewrite, indicating the circumstances.

1) The sea played (not) (as) a joke. All night the waves, (not) ceasing, crashed onto the shore with a roar. 2) The ship was supposed to arrive in Saratov in the evening, but for some reason it was late... We inevitably spent the night on the pier... 3) (In) the course of... days, hot water (did not) flow (due to) an accident in the boiler room. 4) The accident was prevented thanks to the resourcefulness of the duty officer. 5) In case of rain, the excursion is cancelled. 6) The tourists settled down near the lake for the night. 7) They talked for a long time, (despite) being tired.

Exercise 5(176) Read it. Indicate the circumstances of the course of action and degree. How are they expressed? Rewrite using commas. Explain the meaning and spelling of particles Not And neither.

1) The sea is threatening... roaring. Formidable oxen roll with noise. 2) A very cold wind is blowing. 3) In a sky as black as mascara (n...) one star flashes (n...). 4) (N...) falling silent (n...) (for) a moment the waves splash. 5) (B) in the distance the lights of the lanterns glow like pale spots. 6) Coming out of the gate, we turned (to) the right and walked (not) in a hurry along the soft, dusty roads…. (Ch.)

Exercise 6 Rewrite. Emphasize grammatical basics. Find extras. Determine how they are expressed.

1) The early morning chill is already blowing on your face. 2) The cover of the night fog is thinning. 3) A few days later the doctor listened to me. 4) The depth of the depression is eleven kilometers. 5) We postponed the debate until tomorrow. 6) I warmed up Bezrodny and brought him into my family. 7) We asked the girl to sing. 8) The doctor advised my father to go south.

Exercise 7 Specify the type of definition.

1)Where does a rose without thorns grow? 2) Bunnies from the sun played in the rusty chimneys of the steamships. 3) A little further, a thicker bird cherry tree grew.

1) I have completely lost the ability to write. 2) Near the road there were wildflowers of various sizes, shapes, and colors. 3) It was an ordinary doll with wide open blue eyes, with slightly spread arms, and flaxen curls. The tulle dress showed through on her pink body. (Yu. Olesha.)

Exercise 8 Write down the sentences, highlight the grammatical basics; find the circumstances, determine how they are expressed.

1) Huge clouds hung widely over the sea and hid the brilliant day. 2) Like a shield, bloodied in battle, the full moon rises. 3) A crowd of guests gathered to admire the view of the sea. 4) Here the mountains on both sides stand like two walls. 5) And the sounds will fly, showing off and playing. (N. Yazykov.)

1) She walked aimlessly along the embankment, hiding her face from the wind. (K. Paust.) 2) Far out into the sea, the light of a lighthouse came on at regular intervals. (Yu. Olesha.) 3) The rustling of gravel never stopped here under the wall. (Yu. Olesha.) 4) My grandmother and I came to the gymnasium to take an exam for the preparatory class. (Yu. Olesha.)

Will meet their feathered owners. 7) My hobby - gather brands.

Exercise 11 Write down the sentences, emphasizing the grammatical basis and circumstances expressed by comparative phrases.

1) Smoke pours out of the chimney into the dark blue sky in black clouds, and above it, clear stars blink like living eyes. (S.-M.) 2) The rain outside the window crackled like logs in a fire. (A. Yakhontov.) 3) The ship was tossed about like a piece of wood on the waves. 4) It rained like buckets all day. 5) He flew like an arrow the entire distance. 6) The boy turned red like a lobster.

Many people prefer to watch the news live, because the most interesting, funny, amazing events can be seen in this mode of filming, without editing or trimming. The pranksters played the heroes of this video in the best possible way.


During one video shoot, journalist Emma Vardy was talking about Brexit when suddenly her voice began to be interrupted by incomprehensible sounds from the outside.

These were female moans. The correspondent still didn’t understand where these strange sounds were coming from, she winced and continued to broadcast.
The studio workers, confused, looked at each other and continued their work.

As the company later found out, this was the work of some pranksters. The guys saw a film crew not far from Westminster and left the car there, having previously turned on a disc with women's moans.

For a long time, Air Force employees will remember this tricky incident and laugh. You've definitely never seen anything like this before! That's how the guys joked! It was my imagination and sense of humor that worked.

It remains unknown how much responsibility the pranksters bore for this incident. We hope it’s insignificant, because sometimes you need to laugh. Laughter prolongs life.

Watch a video about pranksters and a tricky incident live on the BBC! Laugh more and enjoy life!