Amur grapes wild, planting and care. Amur grapes - winter-hardy and hardy

Amur grapes wild, planting and care.  Amur grapes - winter-hardy and hardy
Amur grapes wild, planting and care. Amur grapes - winter-hardy and hardy

Grapes are the favorite of most gardeners. At the same time, many avoid planting it on their property, fearing the whimsical nature of this plant. Everyone knows that vine susceptible to many diseases, afraid of frost and requires constant care. The grape is traditionally considered southern, heat-loving plant. However, not all varieties are so whimsical; for example, the Amur grape variety is resistant to low temperatures, he needs minimal care, and it brings a rich harvest.

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The amazing qualities of Vitis amurensis or Amur grapes are associated with the fact that this variety was bred by A.I. Potapenko from wild Amur liana. In a natural, wild environment, these grapes grow in forests Far East Russia and northeast China. Compared to cultivated grapes, especially white ones, wild Amur grapes have small berries, as in the photo below.

After many years of work, Russian breeder A.I. Potapenko developed a unique cultivated variety. At the same time, the taste of the Amur is practically not inferior to its southern, heat-loving relatives.

Crossing wild Amur vine with cultural species, made it possible to develop hybrids with high frost resistance.

All bred hybrids of Amur grapes are distinguished by their extraordinary growth vigor. The Amur vine tolerates the load of heavy clusters well.

Amur grapes are resistant to mildew and less susceptible to oidium than other types. Some hybrids (Pamyat Potapenko, Amur breakthrough - One, Pamyat Starinova, Cabernet Smolensky, Belamur, etc.) have high immunity to this disease. Moreover, some hybrids are not affected by wasps.

Generally main characteristic Amur grapes - amazing vitality. It has amazing self-healing powers.

All this makes it suitable for growing in areas that are risky for viticulture. northern regions.

In addition to its taste, Amur grapes are actively used as decorative ivy. Amur grapes begin to leaf out relatively late, in the middle - second half of May. Amur shows all its beauty in the fall, when its leaves acquire rich red, pinkish, orange and scarlet colors (as in the photo above). Only wild grapes can compare with it in autumn beauty.

Amur grape varieties

Since the moment wild Amur grapes were cultivated, dozens of different hybrids have been bred. The most famous of them:

Amur breakthrough (Odin) - the first domesticated A.I. Potapenko hybrid of Amur grapes.

  1. Amur breakthrough has large, black berries (as in the photo below) weighing up to 4 grams.
  2. Individual berries may have weaker pigmentation and be dark pink. The bunches weigh from 400 g to 1 kg.
  3. The variety is quite sugary, which is why Odin is actively used for making juices and wine.
  4. Amur breakthrough is especially resistant to various diseases and tolerates even forty-degree frosts.

Amur grape Triumph is a powerful-growing variety that ripens at the end of August.

  1. The berries are quite large, dark pink in color.
  2. Individual clusters reach a mass of 1 kg. It is interesting that over the years the size of the bunches and the overall fertility of the Triumph variety only increase.
  3. Triumph tolerates frosts down to –40°C well and has good immunity to common grape diseases.

You can see what Triumph looks like in a photo from the Internet.

The Amur grape Voldemar resembles wild grapes more than others.

  1. It has a tall, powerful vine, large dark green leaves and fragrant, small, greenish flowers.
  2. The berries of this variety are small, no more than 1 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in May and continues until the end of June. The fruits ripen by September.
  3. This variety does not need special care; periodic watering, fertilizing and removing thickening shoots are sufficient.

Golden Potapenko is one of the most successful species obtained from the seeds of the Amur breakthrough variety.

  1. Golden Potapenko has yellow berries, weighing from 2.5 to 3.5 g, cluster weight from 300 to 500 g.
  2. Golden Potapenko tolerates frost well and is resistant to most diseases. The harvest ripens in mid-August.
  3. Thanks to its sugar content of 20-22%, Zoltoy Potapenko is one of the most successful varieties of Amur.

Due to its taste characteristics, it is actively used for making wine.

New (early) Russian is one of the fastest ripening varieties.

  1. It ripens in late July - early August.
  2. Like most Amur hybrids, this variety is not afraid of cold and disease.
  3. The bunches are heavy, from 500 gr. up to 1 kg.
  4. Peculiarity different varieties Amurets is that all hybrids are intraspecific.
  5. Thanks to this, they retained unique beneficial features, which wild grapes possess.

Amur hybrids contain the most valuable antioxidant – resveratrol. Amur contains many times more of this antioxidant than its white southern relative.

Amur grape variety “Golden Potapenko”

Growing and care

Amur is grown different ways: by seeds, through cuttings and seedlings.

Amurets are successfully planted as seeds.

  1. The shelf life of seeds in sealed packaging is up to 5 years.
  2. When sowing in autumn, after cold stratification, the first shoots can be expected within a month.
  3. Sowing is done to a depth of 1.5 cm.

Amur grapes, unlike most cultivated varieties, can propagate through green cuttings.

  1. Cuttings are planted in open ground without pre-treatment stimulants.
  2. For rooting, the cuttings are covered with non-woven material.
  3. The rooting rate of cuttings is about 30-40%. Unlike other grape varieties, rooted green cuttings of Amur grapes easily overwinter (pictured).

Amur grape seedlings also have high germination rates. Planting them is no different from planting ordinary grapes. Growing Amur is more successful when planted in loose, acidic soils. It is worth considering that all Amur hybrids love moisture.

Care. Hybrids of Amur grapes are extremely unpretentious. By crossing wild Amur with cultivated species, breeders obtained hybrids with high frost resistance that do not require special shelter for the winter. Due to the fact that a third of the vine freezes in winter, the bush does not require shaping or pruning, it is always in optimal shape.

Grapes are a crop that has many varieties. Grapes grow not only for fruit production, but also for decorative purposes. However, in most cases both functions are combined. The Amur variety is the most the best option. This grape is popular among many gardeners.

It is worth noting that the Amur variety was developed by breeders. The grapes come from China, from the Far East. Appearance resembles vines. The bunches are loose. If there is some kind of building near where the grapes are growing, the grapes immediately climb onto it. There are situations when the plant rises up to thirty meters up. The trunk can reach 20 centimeters in diameter. High speed formation of shoots - characteristic Amur variety. In one year, the grapes grow up to 250 centimeters. If other varieties do not tolerate transplantation and pruning well, then the Amur variety is not afraid of such procedures.

It is noteworthy that this variety tolerates frosts up to 40 degrees. That's why Amur grapes receive a lot of positive feedback from gardeners.

Quite a few are formed on the vines large leaves. In span they reach 30 centimeters. At the beginning of May, the Amur variety begins to bloom. The flowers have small yellow inflorescences.

At first, their appearance is inconspicuous, but the smell is amazing. The berries of the variety reach a diameter of 15 millimeters. The skin is thick, the flesh is quite sweet. In some types of Amur grapes, the sugar content reaches 24 percent. The bunches are quite large. You can make compotes, juices and jams from the fruits.

Amur grapes are propagated in three ways: seeds, cuttings or offsets. Reproduction begins in autumn. As soon as the grapes are harvested, the seeds can be planted immediately. However, only after five years will grapes grown from seeds begin to bloom.

In order for grapes to develop well and bear fruit, they need up to 70 centimeters of precipitation per year. If there is little rainfall, then the grapes need to be watered additionally. All varieties of Amur grapes have high yield. The vine ripens in parallel with the fruits.

The use of Amur grapes is quite diverse. First of all, the berries are consumed raw. Juices, wines and compotes, as well as jams are excellent. In some situations, you can observe how this variety is planted as an ornamental plant.

Amur grapes: variety description and photo

There are many varieties of Amur grapes. So, let's look at some of them:

Amur breakthrough is a variety that grows very quickly. The fruits ripen in mid-August. Berries have pink color, the taste is very sweet. Delicious juices and wines are prepared from this variety.

Photo variety: Amur breakthrough

Agat Donskoy is a variety that produces the most delicious and nutritious berries. The berries are oval in shape. It is noteworthy that Agat Donskoy is resistant to various diseases and frosts.

Let’s say right away that these are not all varieties of the Amur species. We described only the most delicious and largest species. In order for the grapes to develop well and produce a lot of fruit, you need to properly care for them.

The plant needs to be planted sunny side. It is best to plant grapes in acidic and loose soils. Be sure to water the plant.

Avid gardeners are well aware of the Amur grape, which is not afraid of low temperatures, adapts well to the proposed conditions, and can be grown in both the southern and northern regions of the country. Next we will talk about the varieties and characteristics of this culture.


The grapes have average term ripened, used as food in its natural form and for making wine. The liana looks like a strong stem with foliage and loose clusters, quickly entwines a fence, can grow up to 30 m in height, and the trunk diameter reaches 20 cm. The crop quickly forms shoots, growth can be up to 2.5 m per year, easily tolerates pruning and needs in such a procedure.

Fruits from the vineyard can be collected in late August - early September. From 1 hectare in a good year they get from 60 to 80 centners of berries. The clusters have the shape of a cone, the weight of each reaches 1 kg, and up to 3 pieces are formed on the shoot. The description of the berries is also interesting: they are oval or nipple-shaped in shape, each weighs between 2.5-4 g. The color of the fruits can be yellow, like the Golden Potapenko variety, or dark pink. The taste of the berries is sweet, sugar content is up to 22%.

Video “Grape Care”

From this video you will learn how to properly care for Amur grapes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of culture include high degree frost resistance, which makes it possible to obtain good harvests even when landing in the northern region of the country. Also impressive is the plant's vitality and its ability to quickly recover from damage due to bad weather. Persistent immunity to disease, ease of care and excellent taste of the fruit are valued.

Among the disadvantages is the inability to get very high yield, since the crop is tall, as well as the need for proper and constant pruning, otherwise the vineyard will become simply decorative.

Variety varieties

Before purchasing seedlings, you need to have information about Amur varieties.

One of them is called Proryv, the berries are colored dark color, pigmentation is possible on the surface. The fruits are sugary and are used to make wine and juices. The culture is characterized by resistance to low temperatures and infections.

Triumph only needs regular feeding and fertilizing, has good immunity and resistance to insect attacks. The fruits ripen at the end of April, they are large with a light-colored peel.

Voldemar is a tall and strong vine with dark green foliage that looks like a wild vineyard. Medium-sized fruits are harvested closer to September.

Among the popular Amur varieties of frost-resistant grapes is Zolotoy Potapenko. The sugar content of its berries is about 25%, and delicious wines are made from them.

To obtain white, the seed of the first of the species described above was used; it combines best qualities wild culture and European table varieties.

Features of cultivation

Seedlings take root best in areas with loose and acidic soil. The plant is moisture-loving, watering is important for young shoots. Mature vineyards do not suffer from drought, although they can be watered in moderation, otherwise the inflorescences may fall off and the fruits will ripen slowly.

The soil near the vineyard is mulched with straw, sawdust, dry grass or moss. To maintain moisture for a long time, watering stops a week before flowering.

Amur wild grapes have been growing in our dacha for almost 10 years. Wrapping around a powerful pergola specially built for it, wild grapes add uniqueness landscape design plot, provides amazing landscaping. Almost completely unpretentious to our harsh winter conditions(minus 45 without wind, or minus 30 with wind), it still requires a little protection, but only from direct cold wind.

Experience in the establishment of wild grape cuttings and their winter survival

We grew these grapes in our summer cottage quite simply. In order not to risk planting in the ground, whether the cuttings will take root or not, in the spring they took 10 grape cuttings from a neighbor, put them in water, and after 25 days each cutting developed a powerful root system. Planted in mid-summer. Everyone got accustomed.

Only in the first snowy winter, the Amur grape seedlings survived; in the second, snowless winter, the three outermost shoots, located in a completely ventilated area that peeks out from behind the house, died. It looks out - this is said loudly, because the wild grapes themselves are located at a distance of about five meters from the house. The remaining seven plants live and do not blow.

That is, considering that grapes grow in a forest without wind, a little protection is enough for them to flourish. And some “experts” are wrong when they write about the mandatory sheltering of wild vines in middle lane Russia and further north. It’s like removing the same five-meter vine from its support and covering it. Wild grapes are growing by leaps and bounds. During the season you only manage to cut off the growth, which overwhelms the middle of the pergola and tries to fall to the ground from the sides. Worth the most powerful green wall.

On the other side of the garden pergola there was Far Eastern lemongrass for about eight years, but powdery mildew turned out to be stronger than any chemicals. Now in its place the clematis nestles comfortably and sparkles with stars of flowers, at the base of which is nestled.

Soil for planting Amur grapes

Any soil is suitable for grapes. At the beginning of development summer cottage we had almost solid clay, diluted with peat. But how kind word and the cat is pleased, any plant is happy with good soil, which is what we tried to do. Root system very powerful, grows up to 3 meters, tolerates drought calmly.


We water only occasionally, about once a week at most (we look at the weather, of course), but powerfully.

Fighting powdery mildew

Spraying Amur grapes in early spring 1% Bordeaux mixture. During the growing season there is a fierce struggle with powdery mildew Baikal EM-1 solution, and Topaz, twice, as with currants. But we have this problem because of too much humidity in the summer and an empty abandoned area on one side, where all kinds of infection are piled up.

What do grapes taste like?

The berries of Amur wild grapes are small and there are few in number. They taste sour, but you can chew a little. But what you can’t take away from them is the finger-licking liqueur they make! There were no cultivated grapes here. Heaven and earth.

Amur wild grape liqueur is the best!

From my extensive experience, I can say that the “wilder” the fruits are, the better, tastier, and more aromatic liqueurs they make. This also applies to liqueurs from felt cherry and cherry plums that grow here. But it stands out in particular, with a powerful aroma and amazing taste. The girls are screaming!