Adaptive ability of the Jonagold apple tree in the Crimea. Jonagold (apple tree): description of the variety, photo. Planting and care

Adaptive ability of the Jonagold apple tree in the Crimea.  Jonagold (apple tree): description of the variety, photo.  Planting and care
Adaptive ability of the Jonagold apple tree in the Crimea. Jonagold (apple tree): description of the variety, photo. Planting and care

Jonagold apples appeared due to the crossing of fairly popular varieties, such as and. This fruit was created by American breeders. Due to their high frost resistance, apples can also be grown in countries with cold climates.

Quite large round fruits weigh on average up to 220 g. The fruit is both yellow and green color, but at the same time it has a bright orange or red blush (see photo). Variety Jonagold apples covered with a thin, smooth and fairly elastic peel, under which there is dense but quite juicy pulp.

Storage and transportation

Jonagold apples are harvested in early September, but are recommended to be consumed only over time. In storage facilities, for example, or in basements, the fruits retain their freshness and presentation until January, and if they are placed in a refrigerated room, the apples can be stored until April. Besides, the fruits stand out for their high transportability.

Beneficial features

Many people, especially women, are interested in what is the calorie content of a Jonagold apple? You can rest easy with this variety low calorie content, which allows you to consume the fruit without fear of harming your figure. In addition, such apples are very good for health. So they can significantly strengthen the immune system due to the vitamin C they contain.

Use in cooking

Jonagold apples most often used for making juices, as well as purees and dry powders for baby food . The fruits are suitable for use as a filling for a variety of baked goods. In addition, this fruit is suitable for making different desserts, and also make jam and jam from it. Judging by the reviews of culinary experts, you can make a very tasty compote from Jonagold apples.

Harm of Jonagold apples and contraindications

Jonagold apples can be harmful if you have an individual intolerance to the product, although these are truly isolated cases. No other contraindications were identified.

Need 2 pollinators different varieties

Grade: 5

The apple trees of this variety are vigorous and grew very quickly after planting. The crown is not prone to excessive thickening, there is not much hassle with it. Fruiting is mixed, apples are formed on different branches. main feature variety is that it belongs to triploid, it needs 2 pollinators at once. Idared, Orange Pepin and Jonathan are the best. The fruits on the tree are formed large and ripen simultaneously; smaller than 180 grams are not obtained. With good weather conditions and proper care, it was possible to get giants weighing 250 grams. The skin of apples is very smooth, dense and elastic, covered with a waxy coating. Therefore, there are no problems with transportation and storage. The fruits are very tasty, and the pulp is juicy and quite dense. The variety is universal, apples are well suited for consumption in fresh, and for canning, baking, drying. I usually harvest at the end of September, but full ripening occurs only in January. The keeping quality of the variety is excellent; apples can be stored in the cellar until April without any special tricks. Fruiting began in the third year after planting, on maximum power The apple trees emerged at the age of 10. One tree produces a minimum of 55 kg annually.

Long shelf life

Grade: 5

An apple tree requires at least 2 pollinators. When I took the seedlings, there was already a Jonathan tree growing on the site, and the neighbors have apple trees, which is quite enough. planted in the usual way: I poured ash and fertilizer into the hole, our land in the south is fertile, you don’t have to bother. At first, I watered it abundantly and dug holes around the roots so that oxygen could flow. The trees grew well, leaves and new branches quickly appeared. I did some form pruning, but the crown is still spherical, the branches grow almost at right angles than older tree, the more difficult it is to harvest. A year later, the first fruits appeared, large, 200 grams each, greenish, but with a blush, the skin was hard, shiny, the flesh was juicy. The first year the apples were a little sour, but then they became sweeter. The apple trees are 5 years old, I harvest almost 30 kilos from them. I collect them in September, while the fruits are still green, then I store them in a dry, ventilated area, and by winter they will ripen and become rosy and juicy. They last until spring and do not lose their taste. Usually everything goes into use, the wife makes jam, some of it goes into cooking, and most of it is eaten. Nice apple trees, excellent yield, delicious variety, they just get sick often, no matter how you spray them.

Variety for everyone

Grade: 5

The Jonagold apple tree has been bearing fruit for me for the fourth year in a row. The tree grows quickly and tolerates pruning well. It loves the sun, so it should not be planted next to tall, branchy trees, such as walnuts. The tree is particularly unpretentious and productive.
An important point is that this variety does not pollinate itself; at least two pollinators are needed. I have Champion and Idared, they are already old, but as pollinators they perform their function perfectly.
Apples are very good for winter storage. The tree is still young, and the yield is quite low - up to 15 kg. The fruits are medium in size, round in shape, sometimes with a red-orange side. Juicy, sweet, slightly sour, the peel is hard, due to this they tolerate transportation well.
I store the fruits in the cellar until February-March. Three trees provide my family with apples until spring.
Some kind of special care Jonagold does not require, I treat it against codling moths and leaf rollers, as well as against scab (required).
Winter hardiness is below average. Trees do not tolerate sudden temperature changes very well. Here in the Kuban, as well as in the Crimea, in the Steppe and Western forest-steppe, trees survive winters well.

Delicious and juicy apples

Grade: 5

I have known this variety of apples for a long time. On our summer cottage V Voronezh region The trees were planted 5 years ago and have now begun to produce a full harvest. They tolerate winter well, but we never experience frosts greater than 28-30 degrees. I read that at lower temperatures trees can die. We don’t wrap tree trunks; they overwinter without problems. They began to actively bear fruit in the 3rd year. We collected about 5 kilograms of apples from one tree. Apples ripen in mid-late September. In the summer, be sure to thoroughly water the trees several times, especially if the summer is dry. The fruits of these apple trees are large. Often there are 4-5 pieces per kilogram, no more. In the cut - slightly yellowish flesh, hard. They fully acquire their taste by mid-winter. They can be stored in the refrigerator until April. Good for juice - it turns out sweet and sour, rich.

Only for southern regions

Grade: 4

The fruits of Starkrimson apple trees are some of the most beautiful. They are a rich carmine color (sometimes they become purple shade), with a shiny skin, with bright white subcutaneous specks. Cone shape with 4 legs. All fruits are large, form the same size and ripen at the same time. The taste is excellent. The taste is rich, sweet and sour, the flesh is dense, juicy and very aromatic. Unripe fruits have greenish flesh; when fully ripe, it turns light yellow. The keeping quality of apples is amazing. This is facilitated by a thick waxy coating on the dense skin. During storage, the taste improves rather than deteriorates. Productivity is abundant and stable, there are no obvious fluctuations. The trees do not grow particularly large and have a sparse crown. There are few branches, but they are thick and powerful. Fruiting began in the 3rd year after planting with a gradual increase in volume. Main disadvantage varieties have low resistance to frost. With a slight drop in temperature, the shoots freeze. Therefore, the variety is suitable only for cultivation in southern regions countries. Apple trees also do not like excessively dry soil; in unfavorable weather conditions, regular watering is required.

Kira Stoletova

Jonagold apples are popular around the world and are characterized by high yield. The hybrid was bred in New York from the Jonathan and Golden Delicious varieties. The fruits are large and retain freshness and taste for a long time.

  • Characteristics of the variety

    There are more than 100 species that have General characteristics with this apple tree. Similar varieties may differ external features and taste.

    Description of the tree and fruits

    The crown of the apple tree has an oval shape initial stages development of the tree, but over the years it begins to press against the edges, forming round shape. The branches grow wide, occupying a large space.

    Although the buds open quite quickly, young shoots appear slowly. Fruits that appear no earlier than 1 year after planting usually form ovaries on twigs and growths.

    If trees are planted on frost-resistant seedlings, they can live up to 35 years, and if they are planted on stilts of medium height, they can live up to 25 years.

    The apples of this variety are quite large and weigh from 150 to 250 g. The description says that their shape is round, but sometimes there are fruits that are slightly flattened on both sides, with roughness in the calyx area. The peel of the fruit is of medium thickness and has a sweetish taste.

    The calorie content of an apple is 45 kcal per 100 g. the nutritional value has the following characteristics:

    • carbohydrates – 12 g;
    • fats – 0.5 g;
    • proteins – 0.5 g.

    Sometimes the fruit is covered with a kind of rusty mesh. The pulp of the fruit has a light yellow tint and a dense structure, and its aroma attracts with its sweetness. Often the color of the apple is yellow-green with a red blush on the sides and closer to the stem. The pulp has a sweet and sour aftertaste with varying degrees of astringency.


    The first harvest can be carried out already 2-3 years after planting the tree. On average, during the first 10 years it can produce 15 kg of apples per year of fruiting. Subsequently, about 60 kg of crops are harvested from one tree each season. The apples ripen in mid-September, when a purple tint appears on their sides.

    Pollinators and clones

    Breeders have bred a huge number of clones of this variety. These varieties stand out among them:

    • fruits with a smoothly stretched red crimson over the entire surface - Rubin-Star, Jomured;
    • apples with a bright red, slightly blurred color - King Jonagold, Jonica;
    • varieties with dark crimson colors, on which stripes are sometimes visible - Jonagold Decosta, Jonagored;
    • fruits whose color varies from the most light colors to the darkest, - Novayo;
    • fruit bright colors with clear lines - Wilmut.

    Frost resistance

    The apple tree variety is often classified as an early winter variety, because Harvest at the end of September. At proper storage the fruits may not lose their taste until mid-spring. It is recommended to grow the tree in regions with moderately cold winters, because... Low temperature changes are dangerous for him.

    Resistance to diseases and pests

    The Jonagold apple tree may well tolerate diseases and pests when applied special means and solutions. The description suggests that most often the crop is affected by scab, but this variety is resistant to it.

    Frequent pests of trees such as apple trees are codling moths, apple moths, silkworms, etc. Powdery mildew is one of the main enemies of the crop, because signs of this disease can appear at any time of the year. This disease is known for causing white spots on foliage (fungal spores).

    If no action is taken, the spots darken and spread throughout the tree: to the shoots and fruits. In the spring, the shoots must be treated with Bordeaux solution. During the period when the buds begin to bloom, it is recommended to spray the tree with products containing a high copper content.

    Growing regions

    The regions for cultivating this apple variety are quite diverse and occupy large areas with moderately cold winters. Such places have a predominantly temperate and warm climate. You can grow apple trees in Ukraine, Belarus, America, and in the central and southern parts of Russia.


    The Jonagold apple tree variety loves well-lit places, so it is better for it to allocate an area that will not be darkened.

    The landing site should have the following parameters: diameter – 1 m and depth – 70 cm. The bottom of this pit should have a loose consistency. It is recommended to fill half of the recess fertile soil with admixtures of fertilizers.

    Place the seedling in the hole. Please note that the grafting site should be 10 centimeters above ground level. Fluff the roots over the entire area and sprinkle with soil.

    Water the tree with up to 40 liters of water. During the development of the apple tree, it is necessary to provide it with abundant watering and fertilizing.

    Also, the distance at which trees should be planted depends on the type of rootstock: dwarf (2 m), semi-dwarf (3 m) and vigorous (3.5 m).


    For getting good harvest in the fall, a set of agricultural technology measures should be carried out, which includes these basic procedures:

    • watering. The Jonagold apple tree is a dry-resistant variety, but still requires abundant watering. This is necessary to get big juicy fruits regardless weather conditions. Seedlings especially require watering, as water helps them better absorb minerals from the soil;
    • fertilizing is useful during all periods of tree formation; it is applied to the very root and the space around it. In the area near the trunk, it is recommended to periodically plow the soil so that the air well permeates all layers of soil and saturates root system. For the winter, it is necessary to mulch the apple tree with humus, hay or humus;
    • Crown pruning plays an important role in the formation of a healthy tree. It is not recommended to prune seedlings until the main part of the tree has formed. The crown is formed 2-3 years after planting. IN spring period It is necessary to carry out sanitary, formative and rejuvenating pruning, with the help of which the majority of nutrients can be transferred to the fruits by removing unnecessary branches. There are several suitable crown shapes: cup-shaped, bush-shaped and spindle-shaped. If on early stages carry out pruning of branches growing upwards, more later During the development of the tree, it is recommended to trim the side crown.

    Ripening, collecting and storing fruits

    Get the first harvest at correct landing and care is possible within 2-3 years after planting the apple tree. In the future, the number of fruits will only increase. Apples begin to ripen in mid-September, and picking can begin in early October.

    During this period, the fruits will have a yellowish color with pinkish splashes. Sometimes you may even find green fruits, but don’t worry about it. Over the course of a couple of months, the apple will ripen and acquire a reddish tint.

    Full ripeness is observed already in January, when the fruit acquires its best taste and aroma.

    The harvest volume depends on the age of the tree:

    • 7-8 years – up to 15 kg of apples;
    • 9-13 years – you can get up to 50 kg of fruit;
    • Apple trees over 13 years old bring up to 80 kg per tree.

    Apples can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-3 °C. With this approach, this variety can last until April. The higher the temperature at which the crop is stored, the less time the apples will remain edible.

    Species diversity

    With various crossings of trees, enough popular varieties Jonagold apple trees:

    • King. Fruit yellow color with red splashes. It has high resistance to diseases and frost. In terms of their structure, these are low-growing trees with apples weighing 150 g;
    • Morens is the most popular variety of the variety, with high tasting scores - up to 5 points. The fruits weigh up to 230 g and are stored for up to 7 months from October. Fruits are resistant to low temperatures and good immunity.
  • Jonagold is an American apple tree with late-winter ripening fruits. Obtained in 1943 at the Geneva breeding station (New York, USA) by crossing 2 varieties - x. In the early 1970s, the variety was sent to undergo initial testing, and from the mid-1980s in plantings owned by scientific institutions Forest-steppe and Steppe of Ukraine, underwent extensive production testing. In the territory of southern Polesie, this apple tree was tested mainly on frost-resistant skeleton-forming plants. It is worth noting that initially new variety did not arouse much interest among American breeders and its tests were completed in the United States back in 1953. In the 1960s, Jonagold was brought to European countries (Belgium, the Netherlands), where its first large plantings appeared. And only after the active spread of the apple tree throughout Europe in their homeland they remembered it. In the territory Soviet Union the variety began to be distributed in the 1970s, and in the 1980s it was grown in all republics of the USSR. The popularity of this apple tree throughout the world has not faded to this day; its share in the world market accounts for a significant volume of apple sales.

    The trees are vigorous and fast growing. The crown at a young age is broadly oval in shape, in mature trees it is spherical and medium dense. When extending from the trunk, the skeletal branches form a wide angle (closer to a straight line). The excitability of the buds is above average, the ability to form shoots is average. Fruiting is concentrated on ringlets, fruit twigs and annual growths.

    The flowering period falls in the middle period. The variety is triploid (requires at least 2 pollinators). From 9 to 21% of fruits are set through open pollination. Among the best pollinators for Jonagold are the following varieties: Jonathan, Cox Orange Pipin, Elstar.

    The fruits are of above-average and large size (the weight of an apple usually varies from 170 to 220 g, the largest specimens can reach 250 g), one-dimensional, round or rounded-elongated, slightly conical, with ribbing at the calyx (better expressed in large fruits). The skin is of medium thickness, smooth, elastic, dense, shiny, with a waxy coating. The main color of the fruit is greenish-yellow; the outer color occupies no more than 2/3 of the surface of the apple and is expressed through a fairly bright, blurry-striped orange-red blush.

    The pulp is yellow in color, dense in consistency, juicy, crispy, with an excellent, very unique, but harmonious sweet and sour taste, with astringency. Tasting assessment of the taste of Jonagold apples is 4.6 - 4.8 points. A variety for universal use: fresh, canned, juices, compotes, purees, dry powders for baby food, preserves, jams, desserts.

    The period of removable fruit ripeness falls in September (often towards the end of the month, depending on the area of ​​growth). It is customary to harvest when the main color of the fruit becomes yellow-orange (without “greenishness”) with the addition of a pink blush. The fruits reach full maturity in January. The fruits are stored for quite a long time: in the refrigerator until April. The transportability of the variety is very high.

    The apple tree bears fruit quickly: the trees bear fruit from the 3rd year after planting. Productivity is also high: from 5 - 7 year old trees up to 10 - 15 kg of fruit is collected, at the age of 10 - 12 years old apple trees produce up to 40 - 55 kg of fruit.

    Winter hardiness is low (below average): trees very unfavorably tolerate the change from normal winter to extreme winter for a particular region. In the conditions of the Crimea, the Steppe and the western Forest-Steppe, the trees withstand the winters usual for these regions well with decent agrotechnical care on rootstocks M.9 and MM.106, while forming quite high yields. In extreme winters, trees suffer significant damage, take a long time and are not fully restored, and yields are noticeably reduced. So, for example, in the conditions of southern Polesie Ukraine, in the harsh winter of 1986 - 1987. Trees aged 6 years on M.3 froze by 3.0 - 4.0 points when the air temperature dropped to minus 35.9 °C. In the spring, the condition of the trees was assessed at 2.0 - 3.0 points: the wood of the skeletal and semi-skeletal branches was brown, the proportion of damaged bark on the trunk reached 50 - 70% of the total surface, up to 65% of the fruit formations were frozen, loss of some semi-skeletal branches and shoots was observed grew very weakly. Subsequently (from 1987 to 1992), the frozen trees never fully recovered, bringing low yields (from 7 to 18 kg/tree). In 1993, these trees were uprooted.

    The resistance of the Jonagold apple tree to scab is average, and to powdery mildew - low.

    The obvious advantages of the variety are: large, very beautiful fruits with excellent taste; high rates of productivity, early fruiting and keeping quality; the possibility of various uses of fruits for culinary and industrial purposes.

    TO significant shortcomings include: not enough high level winter hardiness and resistance to major diseases.

    Since the Jonagold apple tree is very popular all over the world, it has developed numerous clones (there are more than 100 species in total), usually distinguished by a more intense color. They are conventionally divided into 5 groups:

    1. Mutants with a bright red striped (hatched)-spotted-blurred blush: Vilmuta ( Wilmuta), New Jonagold ( New Jonagold) etc.
    2. Mutants with a bright red blurred cover color: Jonica ( Jonica), Jonagold King ( Jonagold King), Nicobel ( Nicobel), Goldpurple ( Goldpurpur) etc.

    3. Mutants with average fruit color between bright red and dark red: Novayo ( Navajo).
    4. Mutants with a dark red blush blurred over the entire surface of the fruit, against which strokes may appear: Jonagored (Jonagored), Jonagold Decosta (Jonagold Decosta), Romagold ( Romagold).
    5. Mutants with a uniform dark red blush blurred over the entire surface of the fruit: Jomured (Jomured), Marnika ( Marnica), Rubinstar ( Rubinstar).

    Variety name: Jonagold

    Synonyms: No

    Parents: Golden Delicious x Jonathan

    Homeland of the variety: USA, 1943

    Ripening period: autumn, mid-September

    General description and facts from history.

    Triploid. The variety begins to bear fruit in 2-3 years.

    The fruits are stored for about 7 months and are well transported.
    The fruits are highly marketable and attractive. The variety took good color from Jonathan and good taste from Golden Delicious.

    Clones with more intense fruit coloring are spreading: Jonagored, Jonika, Wilmuta and others:

    Jonagold Decosta, larger and richer bright scarlet color (Belgium);

    Jonagold king- low-growing, spur-colored, fruits of light red solid color, highly winter-hardy, highly resistant to disease and drought (Belgium).

    Tree size: large, rounded crown

    Best location:
    Full sun, promotes bright coloring of fruits

    Rootstock: low-growing according to the scheme 4 x 1.5 m, or 5 x 2 m medium-growing.

    Soil: depending on the rootstock

    Flowering time: late

    Fruiting type: mixed.

    simultaneously flowering, except for Golden Delicious - Idared, Alkmene, Melrose, Spartan. Self-sterile. Poor pollinator.

    Fruit color: the main color is yellow, the cover color is bright orange-red, densely striped, blurred blush along the illuminated part of the fruit

    Fruit shape and size: The fruits are medium and large from 150 g and above. The shape is round, slightly beveled at the top. The fruits are one-dimensional, smooth.

    Fruit taste: The pulp is light cream, very juicy, dense, pleasantly sweet, with a harmonious and strong varietal aroma, reminiscent of the taste of the Jonathan variety.

    Productivity: high, produces low-cost products

    Damage by pests: scab, cancer, moderate monilial burn, against powdery mildew almost completely resistant, moderately damaged by codling moths, and weakly damaged by rot.

    Formation: spindle, bush, fruit wall, ............................ tiered

    Winter hardiness: below average, short-term tolerance winter frosts; for temperate and warm climates

    Drought resistance: average

    Purpose of the variety: for fresh food;
    .................................... ... in cooking;
    for making juice;
    ........................................ for making hard cider;

    Difficulty growing: average